Choice And Attitude Quotes

Quotes tagged as "choice-and-attitude" Showing 1-30 of 49
Lindsey Rietzsch
“Failure only happens when you lose your willpower to continue trying...If we let the obstacles get the best of us then it was our choice to fail, not fate.”
Lindsey Rietzsch, Successful Failures: Recognizing the Divine Role That Opposition Plays in Life's Quest for Success

Alaric Hutchinson
“Eventually, it boils down to two choices – do I wish to experience this physical reality primarily through joy or do I want to experience it through suffering? That’s all there is to it. And since each person eventually works their way toward the realization that conscious expansion can happen through joy rather than suffering – enlightenment is a natural byproduct.”
Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace: Essential Teachings For Enriching Life

Sanchit Gupta
“My mother used to say, Preeto, there is never a right or a wrong side to a problem, but there can be to people. Not everyone here is on the right side, not everyone there is. You need to ask yourself, which side do you want to be on?”
Sanchit Gupta, The Tree with a Thousand Apples

Mie Hansson
“All mothers breed dead children.
They shall, perhaps, live later.
When no longer dead, they are born
Not—by coincidence, by choice.”
Mie Hansson, Where Pain Thrives

Lindsey Rietzsch
“Satan wants you to believe that you don't have a choice in the matter. You can't be happy until things go the way that you want them to. Once you have the perfect marriage, your finances under control, a better job, or a nicer home - then you'll be happy. LIES, LIES, LIES. You will never be happy until you make the decision to do so.”
Lindsey Rietzsch, The Happy Lady

Ana Claudia Antunes
“Inequality and poverty, unhealth and no wealth are hand in hand.
And if we are all born equal that should be true in all lands.
We cannot divide the world between poor and rich countries.
It's like saying the ones are good, the others are junkies.
That can only increase more prejudice, miseries and sorrow.
Turning the wheel today it will lead to a better tomorrow.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, The Mysterious Murder of Marilyn Monroe

“Choosing the wrong way makes us feel different and ensured you to take right decision”
Nitesh Nishad

Connie Kerbs
“The most empowering, important belief is the belief in yourself, your capabilities, your strength, your choice, and your most infinite, most divine, most beautiful worth.”
Connie Kerbs, Paths of Fear: An Anthology of Overcoming Through Courage, Inspiration, and the Miracle of Love

Sheri Kaye Hoff
“Every choice has a purpose. Every move is deliberate. I am deliberating creating my business and life every day.”
Sheri Kaye Hoff, Relax Into Inspired Action: Connect the Pieces and Live Fulfilled

Andrzej Sapkowski
“- Toi et ta grande cause... (Ignorant le troubadour, le sorceleur avança en titubant.) Ta grande cause, Filippa, et ton choix, c'est un blessé, poignardé de sang-froid, quand il a eu fini d'avouer ce que tu voulais savoir et qu'il m'était interdit de connaître. Ta grande cause, ce sont tous ces cadavres qui n'auraient pas dû être... Pardon, je me suis mal exprimé... Ce ne sont pas des cadavres... mais des causes de moindre importance !
- Je savais que tu ne comprendrais pas.
- Non, en effet. Et je ne le comprendrai jamais. Mais je sais ce qu'il en est. Vos grandes affaires, vos guerres, votre combat pour sauver le monde... Votre fin qui justifie vos moyens... Tends l'oreille, Filippa. Tu entends ces voix, ces cris ? Ce sont de gros chats qui luttent pour une grande cause. Un règne absolu sur un tas d'ordures. Ce n'est pas rien, là-bas, on fait couler du sang et on s'étripe. Là-bas, c'est la guerre. Mais ces deux guerres, celle des chats et la tienne, m'importent incroyablement peu !”
Andrzej Sapkowski, Krew elfów

Ross Victory
“I saw portraits of pain and snapshots of hope—they appeared as complex energies, softly kaleidoscopic, levitating in air with no connotations to joy or pain.”
Ross Victory, Views from the Cockpit: The Journey of a Son

Alain Bremond-Torrent
“Some see it as selfishness or fussiness, nonetheless, it is less of a mess i guess.”
Alain Bremond-Torrent, "Darling, it's not only about sex"

Nanette L. Avery
“Rainbows are yesterday's storm...”
Nanette L. Avery

Leonide Martin
“Men cannot make good decisions about their lifelong mate when driven by the passions of youth. If Pakal is continuing to see this woman, I will immediately put this to an end." -- Sak K'uk, Queen Mother of Janaab Pakal, Ruler of Palenque.”
Leonide Martin, The Mayan Red Queen: Tz'aakb'u Ahau of Palenque

“Do not be careless with what is best for you. Your choices determine the quality of your life, and the quality of your life starts with you choosing what’s best for you, by choosing you first and foremost.”
Samantha Caroline Lavallée

Danielle Bernock
“When our past, or our circumstances, are our source, we'll come up short. But if we'll let God be our source, the possibilities are endless.”
Danielle Bernock, Because You Matter: How to Take Ownership of Your Life So You Can Really Live

Camisha Broussard
“Happiness is a choice, but getting to a happy place can be harder said than done.”
Camisha Broussard

“While your wants get you into conflicts, only your wants can get you out of them.”
Scott Shumway, The Invisible Four-letter Word: The Secret to Getting What You Really Want in Life.

“We can live by the things that just happen each day,
Or dream up a vision to show us the way.
For the greatest power, the biggest of all,
Is the spark of a thought that can rise and stand tall.
So let’s start to dream, let’s start to create,
A world full of hope, not sorrow or hate.
The power’s in us, let’s all join the fun,
And build the bright future for everyone!
A place full of wonder, full of what we hold dear,
Where what we believe in is what will appear

The choice is ours, it’s plain to see,
We’ll shape the world that’s meant to be!”
Emma's Mussings

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