Disgusting Quotes
Quotes tagged as "disgusting"
Showing 1-30 of 41
“Wild!" Ron said, twiddling the replay knob on the side. "I can make that old bloke down there pick his nose again... and again... and again...”
― Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
― Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
“If we happened to be in rehearsal downstairs in my room and a neighbor padded across the lawn to rap gently on the window and ask us to please be more quiet, Natalie might simply lift up her skirt and mash her vagina against the window while extending her middle finger.”
― Running with Scissors
― Running with Scissors
“Herk threw up the mouse, the hamburger he'd eaten for lunch, and some pasty glop that looked like tomato soup. He was just starting to ask his mother what was going on when she threw up. And there, in all that puke, that old dead mouse didn't look bad at all. It sure looked better than the rest of the stuff.”
― Rage
― Rage
“It was mostly just the concept of eating a cock that Matthew found so challenging, irrespective of which animal it came from.”
― Steel Dogs
― Steel Dogs
“It tastes of the most bitter poison . . I've never tasted something so disgusting." - Mark Blackthorn”
― Lady Midnight
― Lady Midnight
“No, it’s because you’re fucking pathetic. You’re no better than a human and to top it off you’re nothing but a whore.”
― Without Regret
― Without Regret
“If someone calls you disgusting, they are lusting. It creates an energetic cord of control, which steals power, gifts, money, reputation, and free will choice from you. Drop the parasites.”
“...women's bodies are "inferiorised, stigmatized . . . within an overarching patriarchal ideology.
For example, biologically and physiologically, women's bodies are seen as both disgusting in their natural state and inferior to men's'' (2001, p. 141).”
― Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices in the West
For example, biologically and physiologically, women's bodies are seen as both disgusting in their natural state and inferior to men's'' (2001, p. 141).”
― Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices in the West
“You know how old people lose all shame about eating, and it makes you puke to watch them? Old junkies are the same about junk. They gibber and squeal at sight of it. The spit hangs off their chin, and their stomach rumbles and all their guts grind in peristalsis while they cook up, dissolving the body’s decent skin, you expect any moment a great blob of protoplasm will flop right out and surround the junk. Really disgust you to see it. 'Well, my boys will be like that one day,' I thought philosophically. 'Isn’t life peculiar?”
― Naked Lunch
― Naked Lunch
“Elizabeth Bachinsky, Darren Bifford, Jason Camelot, Rachel Cyr, Tara Flanagan, Lilly Fiorentino, John Goldbach, David McGimpsey, Evan Munday, Sachiko Murakami, Ian Orti, Marisa Grizenko, Christina Palassio, Mike Spry, Darren Wershler.”
― Indexical Elegies
― Indexical Elegies
“Your greatest accomplishments, no matter how impressive you think them to be, are some else's worst nightmare. Your most prized possession is another man's disgusting chunk of trash. Be careful what you brag about.”
― How to Be Interesting: In 10 Simple Steps
― How to Be Interesting: In 10 Simple Steps
“Exactly what it sounded like, Munchkin. You want to live here in a Sentinel compound then you’re going to act like a Sentinel. You’re going to train and do your duties without bitching. Since you’re mated that also means that you’ll keep house for me, cook, doctor my wounds and spread your legs when I have excess energy.”
― Without Regret
― Without Regret
“Disgust plays a role in sexuality analogous to its role in food selection by guiding people to the narrow class of culturally acceptable sexual partners and sexual acts. Once again, disgust turns off desire and motivates concerns about purification, separation, and cleansing. Disgust also gives us a queasy feeling when we see people with skin lesions, deformities, amputations, extreme obesity or thinness, and other violations of the culturally ideal outer envelope of the human body. It is the exterior that matters: Cancer in the lungs or a missing kidney is not disgusting; a tumor on the face or a missing finger is.”
― The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
― The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
“I used to think that size does not count, until I realized that most people either find other people’s faeces more disgusting than a bird’s droppings, or they do not find the latter disgusting at all.”
“No, it’s because you’re f**king pathetic. You’re no better than a human and to top it off you’re nothing but a whore.”
― Without Regret
― Without Regret
“Get this disgusting bloody meat sack off of me!”
― The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel
― The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel
“— Поверьте, я все прекрасно понимаю. Через мою постель прошло
много девушек, которые вначале тоже страдали из-за чести и глупых
предубеждений. Сейчас же они счастливы.
— Значит, честь для них была пустым звуком. Я же воспитана иначе!
— И это я слышал множество раз. Леди, ваша честь — это тоненькая
пленочка между ваших стройных ножек. Один толчок и никаких проблем.”
― Уроки обольщения от темного мага
много девушек, которые вначале тоже страдали из-за чести и глупых
предубеждений. Сейчас же они счастливы.
— Значит, честь для них была пустым звуком. Я же воспитана иначе!
— И это я слышал множество раз. Леди, ваша честь — это тоненькая
пленочка между ваших стройных ножек. Один толчок и никаких проблем.”
― Уроки обольщения от темного мага
“У меня уже был опыт распечатывания целки, но тогда все было по-другому, а девчонку ту я и вполовину так не хотел, как мою Кареглазку.”
― Лиза на мою голову
― Лиза на мою голову
“Before I could say anything the other gagged my mouth with a stone ball. I wanted to
say what fools they were, but not the first fool in Dolingo. How could I confess anything
with my mouth gagged? And the boy’s smell came to my nose again, so strong, almost as
if he was right outside this cell, but now moving away. The one-eyed scientist pulled a
knot at his neck and removed his hood.
Bad Ibeji. I heard of one found at the foot of the Hills of Enchantment, which the
Sangoma burned, even though it was already dead. Even in death it shook the
unshakable woman, for it was the one mingi she would kill on sight. Bad Ibeji was never
to be born but is not the unborn Douada, who roams the spirit world, wiggling on air
like a tadpole and sometimes slipping into this world through a newborn. Bad Ibeji was
the twin that the womb squeezed and crushed, tried to melt, but could not melt away.
Bad Ibeji grows on its malcontent like that devil of the body’s own flesh, that bursts
through the breasts of woman, killing her by poisoning her blood and bone. Bad Ibeji
knows it will never be the favored one, so it attacks the other twin in the womb. Bad
Ibeji sometimes dies at birth when the mind did not grow. When the mind did grow, all
it knows to do is survive. It burrows into the twin’s skin, sucking food and water from
his flesh. It leaves the womb with the twin, and sticks so tight to his skin that the mother
thinks this too is the baby’s flesh, unformed, ugly like a burn and not handsome, and
sometimes throws away them both to the open lands to die. It is wrinkled and puffy
flesh, and skin and hair, and one eye big and a mouth that drools without stop, and one
hand with claws and another stuck on the belly as if sewn, and useless legs that flap like
fins, a thin penis, stiff like a finger, and hole that bursts shit like lava. It hates the twin
for it will never be the twin, but it needs the twin for it cannot eat food, or drink water as
it has no throat, and teeth grow anywhere, even above the eye. Parasite. Fat, and lumpy,
like cow entrails tied together, and leaving slime where it crawls.”
― Black Leopard, Red Wolf
say what fools they were, but not the first fool in Dolingo. How could I confess anything
with my mouth gagged? And the boy’s smell came to my nose again, so strong, almost as
if he was right outside this cell, but now moving away. The one-eyed scientist pulled a
knot at his neck and removed his hood.
Bad Ibeji. I heard of one found at the foot of the Hills of Enchantment, which the
Sangoma burned, even though it was already dead. Even in death it shook the
unshakable woman, for it was the one mingi she would kill on sight. Bad Ibeji was never
to be born but is not the unborn Douada, who roams the spirit world, wiggling on air
like a tadpole and sometimes slipping into this world through a newborn. Bad Ibeji was
the twin that the womb squeezed and crushed, tried to melt, but could not melt away.
Bad Ibeji grows on its malcontent like that devil of the body’s own flesh, that bursts
through the breasts of woman, killing her by poisoning her blood and bone. Bad Ibeji
knows it will never be the favored one, so it attacks the other twin in the womb. Bad
Ibeji sometimes dies at birth when the mind did not grow. When the mind did grow, all
it knows to do is survive. It burrows into the twin’s skin, sucking food and water from
his flesh. It leaves the womb with the twin, and sticks so tight to his skin that the mother
thinks this too is the baby’s flesh, unformed, ugly like a burn and not handsome, and
sometimes throws away them both to the open lands to die. It is wrinkled and puffy
flesh, and skin and hair, and one eye big and a mouth that drools without stop, and one
hand with claws and another stuck on the belly as if sewn, and useless legs that flap like
fins, a thin penis, stiff like a finger, and hole that bursts shit like lava. It hates the twin
for it will never be the twin, but it needs the twin for it cannot eat food, or drink water as
it has no throat, and teeth grow anywhere, even above the eye. Parasite. Fat, and lumpy,
like cow entrails tied together, and leaving slime where it crawls.”
― Black Leopard, Red Wolf
“Before I could say anything the other gagged my mouth with a stone ball. I wanted to say what fools they were, but not the first fool in Dolingo. How could I confess anything with my mouth gagged? And the boy’s smell came to my nose again, so strong, almost as if he was right outside this cell, but now moving away. The one-eyed scientist pulled a knot at his neck and removed his hood.
Bad Ibeji. I heard of one found at the foot of the Hills of Enchantment, which the Sangoma burned, even though it was already dead. Even in death it shook the unshakable woman, for it was the one mingi she would kill on sight. Bad Ibeji was never to be born but is not the unborn Douada, who roams the spirit world, wiggling on air like a tadpole and sometimes slipping into this world through a newborn. Bad Ibeji was the twin that the womb squeezed and crushed, tried to melt, but could not melt away. Bad Ibeji grows on its malcontent like that devil of the body’s own flesh, that bursts through the breasts of woman, killing her by poisoning her blood and bone. Bad Ibeji knows it will never be the favored one, so it attacks the other twin in the womb. Bad Ibeji sometimes dies at birth when the mind did not grow. When the mind did grow, all it knows to do is survive. It burrows into the twin’s skin, sucking food and water from his flesh. It leaves the womb with the twin, and sticks so tight to his skin that the mother thinks this too is the baby’s flesh, unformed, ugly like a burn and not handsome, and sometimes throws away them both to the open lands to die. It is wrinkled and puffy flesh, and skin and hair, and one eye big and a mouth that drools without stop, and one hand with claws and another stuck on the belly as if sewn, and useless legs that flap like fins, a thin penis, stiff like a finger, and hole that bursts shit like lava. It hates the twin for it will never be the twin, but it needs the twin for it cannot eat food, or drink water as it has no throat, and teeth grow anywhere, even above the eye. Parasite. Fat, and lumpy, like cow entrails tied together, and leaving slime where it crawls.
The Bad Ibeji’s one hand splayed itself on the one-eyed scientist’s neck and chest. He unhooked each claw and a little blood ran out of each hole. The second hand unwrapped itself from the scientist’s waist, leaving a welt. I shook and screamed into the gag and kicked against the shackles but the only thing free was my nose to huff. The Bad Ibeji pulled his head off the twin’s shoulder and one eye popped open. The head, a lump upon a lump, upon a lump, with warts, and veins, and huge swellings on the right cheek with a little thing flapping like a finger. His mouth, squeezed at the corners, flopped open, and his body jerked and sagged like kneaded flour being slapped. From the mouth came a gurgle like from a baby. The Bad Ibeji left the scientist’s shoulder and slithered on my belly and up to my chest, smelling of arm funk and shit of the sick. The other scientist grabbed my head with both sides and held it stiff. I struggled and struggled, shaking, trying to nod, trying to kick, trying to scream, but all I could do was blink and breathe.”
Bad Ibeji. I heard of one found at the foot of the Hills of Enchantment, which the Sangoma burned, even though it was already dead. Even in death it shook the unshakable woman, for it was the one mingi she would kill on sight. Bad Ibeji was never to be born but is not the unborn Douada, who roams the spirit world, wiggling on air like a tadpole and sometimes slipping into this world through a newborn. Bad Ibeji was the twin that the womb squeezed and crushed, tried to melt, but could not melt away. Bad Ibeji grows on its malcontent like that devil of the body’s own flesh, that bursts through the breasts of woman, killing her by poisoning her blood and bone. Bad Ibeji knows it will never be the favored one, so it attacks the other twin in the womb. Bad Ibeji sometimes dies at birth when the mind did not grow. When the mind did grow, all it knows to do is survive. It burrows into the twin’s skin, sucking food and water from his flesh. It leaves the womb with the twin, and sticks so tight to his skin that the mother thinks this too is the baby’s flesh, unformed, ugly like a burn and not handsome, and sometimes throws away them both to the open lands to die. It is wrinkled and puffy flesh, and skin and hair, and one eye big and a mouth that drools without stop, and one hand with claws and another stuck on the belly as if sewn, and useless legs that flap like fins, a thin penis, stiff like a finger, and hole that bursts shit like lava. It hates the twin for it will never be the twin, but it needs the twin for it cannot eat food, or drink water as it has no throat, and teeth grow anywhere, even above the eye. Parasite. Fat, and lumpy, like cow entrails tied together, and leaving slime where it crawls.
The Bad Ibeji’s one hand splayed itself on the one-eyed scientist’s neck and chest. He unhooked each claw and a little blood ran out of each hole. The second hand unwrapped itself from the scientist’s waist, leaving a welt. I shook and screamed into the gag and kicked against the shackles but the only thing free was my nose to huff. The Bad Ibeji pulled his head off the twin’s shoulder and one eye popped open. The head, a lump upon a lump, upon a lump, with warts, and veins, and huge swellings on the right cheek with a little thing flapping like a finger. His mouth, squeezed at the corners, flopped open, and his body jerked and sagged like kneaded flour being slapped. From the mouth came a gurgle like from a baby. The Bad Ibeji left the scientist’s shoulder and slithered on my belly and up to my chest, smelling of arm funk and shit of the sick. The other scientist grabbed my head with both sides and held it stiff. I struggled and struggled, shaking, trying to nod, trying to kick, trying to scream, but all I could do was blink and breathe.”
“Cielo, tú no tienes necesidad alguna de libertad. Aunque ahora eres joven para comprenderlo, tu marido se encargará de ti cuando seas mayor.”
“Death happens in many ways. When life becomes disgusting, some people choose the path of suicide. Removes the ghost of suicide from the head, we have to go through life's examination; Will have to wait for normal death.”
“It is absolutely disgusting to see the same propaganda techniques being used in Florida in 2022 as they did in 2009 at the Desoto Solar Farm.”
“I thought I was going to be assaulted by the police in Denver International Airport (DIA) because of the disgusting way they were treating me!”
“[on Jeffrey Epstein]: I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”
“As I teased, I smelled the faintest waft of shit coming up from underneath her. It smelled like fertile heaven: peat moss, soil, sod, loam. It smelled good because it was her. She had a perfume, and this was her base note.”
― Milk Fed
― Milk Fed
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