Gaul Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gaul" Showing 1-5 of 5
Iain Pears
“The point of civilization is to be civilized; the purpose of action is to perpetuate society, for only in society can philosophy truly take place.”
Iain Pears, The Dream of Scipio

“Aristotle affirms that philosophy did not pass from Greece to Gaul, that is to the Druids, but was received from them.”
John Daniel, The Philosophy of Ancient Britain

Dian Nafi
“Ada kalanya remaja muslimah salah jalan. Bergaul dengan lingkgn yang kurang ghirohnya. tergoda berhubungan dekat dengan bukan muhrimnya”
Dian Nafi, Muslimah Kudu Happy

John Julius Norwich
“[The Gauls] were carnivores through and through and they loved fighting. Their horsemanship probably outclassed even that of the Romans and, though they lacked the more sophisticated Roman weaponry, their courage and determination combined with the sheer weight of their numbers made them formidable enemies. (...) Their ultimate defeat was probably due to the simple fact that their tribal society prevented them from achieving any degree of political unity.”
John Julius Norwich, France: A History: from Gaul to de Gaulle
tags: gaul

John Julius Norwich
“With the Roman Empire effectively gone (...) Gaul disintegrated into a mass of small barbarian states under so-called kings, dukes, and counts. As we know however, nature abhors a vacuum, sooner or later one state becomes stronger than the rest and ultimately achieves domination. This time, it was the Salian Franks.”
John Julius Norwich, France: A History: from Gaul to de Gaulle