Homelessness Quotes
Quotes tagged as "homelessness"
Showing 1-30 of 436
“I have learned that if you must leave a place that you have lived in and loved and where all your yesteryears are buried deep, leave it any way except a slow way, leave it the fastest way you can. Never turn back and never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour because it is dead. Passed years seem safe ones, vanquished ones, while the future lives in a cloud, formidable from a distance.”
― West with the Night
― West with the Night
“Maybe your country is only a place you make up in your own mind. Something you dream about and sing about. Maybe it's not a place on the map at all, but just a story full of people you meet and places you visit, full of books and films you've been to. I'm not afraid of being homesick and having no language to live in. I don't have to be like anyone else. I'm walking on the wall and nobody can stop me.”
― The Speckled People: A Memoir of a Half-Irish Childhood
― The Speckled People: A Memoir of a Half-Irish Childhood
“Home is a notion that only nations of the homeless fully appreciate and only the uprooted comprehend.”
― Angle of Repose
― Angle of Repose
“I am convinced that imprisonment is a way of pretending to solve the problem of crime. It does nothing for the victims of crime, but perpetuates the idea of retribution, thus maintaining the endless cycle of violence in our culture. It is a cruel and useless substitute for the elimination of those conditions--poverty, unemployment, homelessness, desperation, racism, greed--which are at the root of most punished crime. The crimes of the rich and powerful go mostly unpunished.
It must surely be a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit that even a small number of those men and women in the hell of the prison system survive it and hold on to their humanity.”
― You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times
It must surely be a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit that even a small number of those men and women in the hell of the prison system survive it and hold on to their humanity.”
― You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times
“She might be without country, without nation, but inside her there was still a being that could exist and be free, that could simply say I am without adding a this, or a that, without saying I am Indian, Guyanese, English, or anything else in the world.”
― Of Marriageable Age
― Of Marriageable Age
“Sometimes it's easy to walk by because we know we can't change someone's whole life in a single afternoon. But what we fail to realize it that simple kindness can go a long way toward encouraging someone who is stuck in a desolate place.”
“I wasn't going to have enough money to pay for a Good Lifestyle, which meant I'd feel ashamed, which meant I'd get depressed, and that was the big one because I knew what that did to me: it made it so I wouldn't get out of bed, which led to the ultimate thing—homelessness. If you can't get out of bed for long enough, people come and take your bed away.”
― It's Kind of a Funny Story
― It's Kind of a Funny Story
“Bleak, dark, and piercing cold, it was a night for the well-housed and fed to draw round the bright fire, and thank God they were at home; and for the homeless starving wretch to lay him down and die. Many hunger-worn outcasts close their eyes in our bare streets at such times, who, let their crimes have been what they may, can hardly open them in a more bitter world.”
― Oliver Twist
― Oliver Twist
“My life was a wandering; I never had a homeland. It was a matter of being constantly tossed about, without rest; nowhere and never did I find a home.”
― Labyrint světa a ráj srdce
― Labyrint světa a ráj srdce
“If ever you do go back, what is it you want of Evesham?"
"Do I know? [...] The silence, it might be ... or the stillness. To have no more running to do ... to have arrived, and have no more need to run. The appetite changes. Now I think it would be a beautiful thing to be still.”
― A Rare Benedictine
"Do I know? [...] The silence, it might be ... or the stillness. To have no more running to do ... to have arrived, and have no more need to run. The appetite changes. Now I think it would be a beautiful thing to be still.”
― A Rare Benedictine
“A castaway in the sea was going down for the third time when he caught sight of a passing ship. Gathering his last strength, he waved frantically and called for help. Someone on board peered at him scornfully and shouted back, "Get a boat!”
― Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure
― Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure
“Sometimes I'd see my father, walking past my building on his way to another nowhere. I could have given him a key, offered a piece of my floor. A futon. A bed. But I never did. If I let him inside I would become him, the line between us would blur, my own slow-motion car wreck would speed up. The slogan on the side of a moving company truck read TOGETHER WE ARE GOING PLACES--modified by a vandal or a disgruntled employee to read TOGETHER WE ARE GOING DOWN. If I went to the drowning man the drowning man would pull me under. I couldn't be his life raft.”
― Another Bullshit Night in Suck City
― Another Bullshit Night in Suck City
“The homeless people’s suffering belongs to amusement of our political order under a game over the right of marginalised group being transformed into citizens for merely punishment and humiliation. The Public Space Protection Orders is a penalty over one’s condition suffering – it is a fine over the disempowered for being disempowered. This act allows power to fragment the homeless into sub-humans punishable for the state of utter misery.”
“A new remote and unfamiliar place can make the prior remote and unfamiliar place seem like home.”
― The Candy House
― The Candy House
“The image titled “The Homeless, Psalm 85:10,” featured on the cover of ELEMENTAL, can evoke multiple levels of response. They may include the spiritual in the form of a studied meditation upon the multidimensional qualities of the painting itself; or an extended contemplation of the scripture in the title, which in the King James Bible reads as follows: “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” The painting can also inspire a physical response in the form of tears as it calls to mind its more earth-bound aspects; namely, the very serious plight of those who truly are homeless in this world, whether born into such a condition, or forced into it by poverty or war.”
― Elemental: The Power of Illuminated Love
― Elemental: The Power of Illuminated Love
“Poverty is what you see in the eyes of a Black child living in the squatter camp.Matsime Simon Mohapi”
― Poverty in the Land of Riches - South Africa
― Poverty in the Land of Riches - South Africa
“Homelessness is illegal. In my city no one is homeless although there are an increasing number of criminals living on the street. It was smart to turn an abandoned class into a criminal class, sometimes people feel sorry for the down and outs, they never feel sorry for criminals, it has been a great stabilizer.”
― Art and Lies
― Art and Lies
“My grandfather was a railroad brakeman, sixty years with the D&H. I'd sit on his lap when I was little, I remember, at the upstairs apartment on Watkins Avenue in Oneonta overlooking the tracks, and we'd look out at the yard together and watch the trains hooking up, and he'd pull his gold watch out of his vest pocket and squint at the dial, a gold pocket watch, and the bulging surface of the watch case was all scritch-scratched, etched with tiny soft lines, hundreds of tiny scratches, interlaced. And then he'd check the yard, my Grandpa, to see if the trains were running on time. In those days there was a rhythm to everything, there was an order to things, but now we're riding a runaway train that's carrying us all away to that final night where nothing is remembered and nothing matters.”
― Night Train
― Night Train
“Home was not a place but a person. Home was not a place but an identity. Home was not where I was born, but where I began to live. And I always felt more at home in the places where no one knew my name yet.”
― Last words for the road
― Last words for the road
“I've never been without a place to sleep, but when I was eighteen my sister and I were couch hopping before we landed on our feet.
It was a horrid feeling not knowing where we were going to sleep. I would never wish that uncertainty on anyone.”
― Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Christmas: 101 Tales of Holiday Joy, Love, and Gratitude
It was a horrid feeling not knowing where we were going to sleep. I would never wish that uncertainty on anyone.”
― Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Christmas: 101 Tales of Holiday Joy, Love, and Gratitude
“Just as I had people who looked out for me when I had nowhere to live, there are others out there who can benefit from simple acts of kindness.”
― Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Christmas: 101 Tales of Holiday Joy, Love, and Gratitude
― Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Magic of Christmas: 101 Tales of Holiday Joy, Love, and Gratitude
“اس دنیا میں بڑی مشکل ہے لیکن خانہ بدوشوں کیلئے تو یہاں اور بھی مشکل ہے ۔ کھیتوں میں اُگے ہوئے پودوں کی طرح جو لوگ ایک ہی شہر یا گاؤں میں رہتے ہیں، وہ ایک دوسرے کو پہچانتے ہیں خوشی کی ہوا میں ایک ساتھ لہلہا کو سرسراتے ہیں گیت گاتے ہیں اور اونچے ہو جاتے ہیں ۔ بھوک کے پالے میں ایک ساتھ ٹھٹھرتے ہیں اور بیماری کی وبا میں ایک ساتھ گھر کر کٹ جاتے ہیں۔ لیکن خانہ بدوشوں کیلئے ہر جگہ مشکل ہے ۔ وہ ہر کھیت کے کنارے اجنبی ہیں اور سر گاؤں کی مد میں انجانے شہر کی گلی کا ہر سوڈان کیلئے ایک نیا خطرہ ہے اور ہر چوراہے کا ہر سنتری انھیں ہر وقت بے دخل کر سکتا ہے۔ وہ ہر جگہ اکیلے ہیں۔ یہ لوگ جو کسی قوم کسی مذہب کسی رنگ اور کسی ملک کے نہیں ہیں ۔ یا شاید یہ سب کے ہیں اس لئے کسی کے نہیں ہیں ان کے رنگ میں سب کا رنگ ہے۔ ان کے خون میں سب کا خون ہے اور ان کی زبان میں سب کچھ زبانیں ہیں۔ یہ لوگ جو اپنا خیمہ اپنی چٹائی، گھاس کے چند تنکے لئے گھومتے ہیں کسی آشیانے کی تلاش میں ہیں ؟ اپنی اس کاہش کا انجام انھیں خود معلوم نہیں”
“I believe in using my voice to stand up for what matters. (Texas HB 1925: Criminalizing Homelessness Is Not the Answer – blog)”
“Homelessness isn’t a reflection of individual failure; it’s a systemic issue rooted in decades of neglect in critical areas like affordable housing, mental health care, and education. (Texas HB 1925: Criminalizing Homelessness Is Not the Answer – blog)”
“We must stop treating homelessness as a crime and start addressing it for what it truly is: a solvable challenge that demands compassion, creativity, and commitment. (Texas HB 1925: Criminalizing Homelessness Is Not the Answer – blog)”
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