Humo Quotes

Quotes tagged as "humo" Showing 1-5 of 5
Sarah MacLean
“Leave it to the English to fabricate a lake,” she tossed over her shoulder to Carla, who snickered.
“And leave it to the Italians to fall into it!”
“I was retrieving my hat!”
“Ah . . . that makes it all much more logical. Do you even know how to swim?”
“Do I know how to swim?” she asked, and he took more than a little pleasure in her offense.
“I was raised on the banks of the Adige! Which happens to be a real river.”
“Impressive,” he said, not at all impressed. “And tell me, did you ever swim in said river?”
“Of course! But I wasn’t wearing”—she waved a hand to indicate her dress—“sixteen layers of fabric!”
“Why not?”
“Because you don’t swim in sixteen layers of fabric!”
“Why not?” He had her now.
“Because you will drown!”
“Ah,” he said, rocking back on his heels. “Well, at least we’ve learned something today.”
Sarah MacLean, Eleven Scandals to Start to Win a Duke's Heart
tags: humo

Carmen Laforet
“Hablaba conmigo en cuclillas junto a la cafetera,
que estaba en el suelo, y entonces parecía en tensión, lleno de muelles bajo los músculos morenos. Luego, inopinadamente, se tumbaba en la cama, fumando, relajadas las facciones como si el tiempo no tuviera valor, como si nunca hubiera de levantarse de allí. Casi como si se hubiera echado para morir fumando.”
Carmen Laforet, Nada

Seweryna Szmaglewska
“Todo es una ilusión, todo lo que alguna vez te pareció real es ilusorio. Lo único seguro, indudable y real es el humo.”
Seweryna Szmaglewska

Ashley Lister
“Jim studied her without saying a word. He had a friend who said that arguing with conspiracy theorists was like playing chess with a pigeon, in that it knocks the pieces over, shits all over the board, and still struts around as though it was victorious. He groaned at the idea of his career going down the pan because of a conspiracy theory.

— The Smoking Gunners, short story”
Ashley Lister

Julio Llamazares
“Los años habian pasado borrándolo todo y lo que quedada era el humo de los recuerdos.”
Julio Llamazares, Vagalume