Inner Intent Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inner-intent" Showing 1-30 of 80
Dada Bhagwan
“Good inner intent, higher inner intent, is one’s ‘positive’ effort with which one will go to higher life forms. And wrong inner intent is one’s negative effort, which will take one to the lower life forms. And the real self effort is that which one does after he becomes the Self (Pure Soul) which takes one to moksha.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“Money is not the only way to ‘oblige’ others with; that depends upon the capacity of the giver. You simply have to maintain in your mind the intent of ‘how can I oblige others’; that intent remains within is all you have to see.”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science of Money

Dada Bhagwan
“What is the sign of a true Disciple? There should be not be any svacchand (actions that are done as per own’s own understanding only), no abhinivesh (taking things for granted), no drashtirog (deluded vision), no conflicts. There will be no artadhyan (to be in pain within oneself for various reasons) and no raudradhyan (to have intent of giving pain to others).”
Dada Bhagwan, The Guru and The Disciple

Dada Bhagwan
“Fruit of good intent is sweet and fruit of bad intent is bitter, and if one becomes free from good and bad intents, he attains the state of the Absolute Supreme Self (Parmatma).”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“Bhaav (intent) created through agnan (knowledge with ignorance of the True Self) has to be filtered through Gnan (Knowledge of the True Self). Each word will have to be filtered, only then will the [spiritual] work be accomplished.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“Where there is wrong belief (mithyatva), there is intent of like and dislike (bhaav abhav), where there is a right belief (samyaktva); there is no such thing as like or dislike.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“To believe that happiness lies in temporary things and to not understand Your own permanent happiness, is a wrong belief, it is a wrong vision (mithya darshan). And the right belief is the right vision (samyak darshan).”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“One may not have Gnan (Self-realization), but if he decides that he does not want to allow any “leakage” (weakness; straying away from the goal), he will attain it. When a person does not lend himself to even a moment’s worth of “leakage”; it is called penance (tapa).”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“If there are vishayas (objects of sense pleasure) in the mind, they are all vishayas of the pudgal (Complex of intake and output; body complex). But when the inner intent does not spoil, it is called penance (tapa).”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“Hunger is a solution to alleviate suffering. All the vishayas (senses of pleasures) are a solution to alleviate suffering. But they have become passions for people. Stay within the limit there; do not become passionate about them. Discover normality in them.”
Dada Bhagwan, Brahmacharya: Celibacy

Dada Bhagwan
“Firm Decision (Nischaya) is the only self effort (purushartha).”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“It is called Purusharth (real spiritual effort) if it certainly becomes fruitful!”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“When all the circumstances come together and the work gets done, it is called prarabdha (ordained effect of previous lives causes). And when the circumstances come together through which the work is being done, the dhyan (spontaneous inner intents) that arises at that time, is called purushartha (self effort; new causes of next life).”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“There are two types of purushartha (self effort): those with wrong beliefs have self effort (purusharth) with illusory vision and the enlightened one’s have self effort (purusharth) with right knowledge.”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“You’ have to ‘see’ what ‘Chandubhai’ is doing; that is prurshartha (real independent Self effort). What is illusory effort? ‘What inner intent (bhaav) was there and what inner intent was not there’ in whatever is happening is illusory effort. In illusory effort, intent comes in the middle and in the exact, real effort, there is ‘knowing-seeing’.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“Giving a donation is an effect (prarabdha – effect of past lives deeds), and the (illusory) self effort (cause for next life) is the inner intent that prevailed while making the donation.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“Gross circumstances (that which can be seen) are illusory, subtle (sookshma) circumstances are mechanical, and circumstances of the speech are in the form of a ‘record’. ‘We’ are only trying to say to the world that all actions of the mind, speech and body are scientific circumstantial evidences, and ‘You” (the Self) are independent. ‘You’ are separate from the inner intent (bhaav). Therefore, just change your inner intent (bhaav). Do not get distressed over the actions of the mind, speech and body; just change your inner intent.”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“You have to see just one thing the “positive”. The world is on the path of the positive and the negative. Sooner or later, it will make the negative into positive. So why not make it positive right from the start?”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“Instead of wasting so much time trying to break the negative, why not automatically join the positive right away? Why waste time in trying to push away bad deeds (bad karmas)?”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“There are only two things, ‘positive’ and ‘negative’. If you remain negative, whom would nature help? We should not have ‘negative’ in our dictionary.”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“Negative’ does not become ‘positive’ and ‘positive’ does not become ‘negative’. Because both are dualities and ‘one’ is beyond duality.”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“There is tremendous energy in the word ‘yes’ and tremendous weakness in the word ‘no’.”
Dada Bhagwan, The Science Of Karma

Dada Bhagwan
“All actions conducted with the falsely projected belief (of ‘I am Chandubhai’) will all be fruitful. Meaning, the fruit will (invariably) come. Whether one gives donation or gives curses; both will bear fruit (without fail).”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“Honesty and an ‘obliging nature’ towards each other; that is all which is required.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“Obliging each other, that is the only enjoyment to be derived from having a human life.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“The absence of conflict creating intent is itself Moksh (liberation).”
Dada Bhagwan, Life Without Conflict

Dada Bhagwan
“Some kind of mistake is remaining (within us) due to which conflicts are being created (by us). It is not as if only the Gnan (right knowledge) can destroy conflicts; they can be removed even through the intellect (buddhi).”
Dada Bhagwan, Life Without Conflict

Dada Bhagwan
“When the intents of like and dislike arise in sensual pleasures (of 5 senses), keeping tolerance in it, (and) to not put blame on any one is dharmadhyan (auspicious contemplation; to not hurt anyone, to give happiness to others).”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“When 'parbhaav' (intent of being other than Pure Soul) ends, samadhi (enlightened bliss) will occur.”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

Dada Bhagwan
“Circumstances will continue to change. They will not adjust to you; you will have to adjust to them. Circumstances do not have bhaav (inner-intent) and you have bhaav. To make the circumstances favorable is our job. Unfavorable circumstances are indeed favorable. One begins to breathe hard while going up the stairs, and yet why does he climb them? There is the bhaav that he will be able to go up; he will be able to take advantage of what is up there!”
Dada Bhagwan, Simple & Effective Science for Self Realization

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