John Quotes

Quotes tagged as "john" Showing 1-30 of 119
C.S. Lewis
“For you will certainly carry out God's purpose, however you act, but it makes a difference to you whether you serve like Judas or like John.”
C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

Nicholas Sparks
“I've been burdened by questions I've asked myself a thousand times since the last time we were together.
Why did I do it? And would I do it again?
It was I, you see, who ended it.”
Nicholas Sparks, Dear John

J.R. Ward
“You are in a prison with no bars. I worry about you.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Awakened

John D. Rockefeller
“Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”
John D. Rockefeller

John Green
“Right, well, he'd been sick for a while and his nurse said to him, 'You seem to be feeling better this morning,' and Isben looked at her and said, 'On the contrary,' and then he died.”
John Green, Looking for Alaska

J.M. Barrie
“You just think lovely wonderful thoughts," Peter explained, "and they lift you up in the air.”
J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

J.R. Ward
“Call me," she whispered to him with a confidence that would fade as the days passed.
Qhuinn smiled a little. "Take care."
At the sound of the two words, Blay relaxed, his big shoulders easing up. In Qhuinn-landia, "Take care" was synonymous with "I'm never going to see, call or fuck you again.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

John Green
“Her underwear, her jeans, the comforter, my corduroys and my boxers between us, I thought. Five layers, and yet I felt it, the nervous warmth of touching – a pale reflection of the fireworks of one mouth on another, but a reflection nonetheless. And in the almostness of the moment, I cared at least enough. I wasn’t sure whether I liked her, and doubted whether I could trust her, but I cared at least enough to try to find out. Her on my bed, wide green eyes staring down at me. The enduring mystery of her sly, almost smirking, smile. Five layers between us.”
John Green

Meg Cabot
“He let his mouth linger on mine, neither possessively nor sweetly... like his mouth just belonged there on mine. And he was right. It did. It always had.”
Meg Cabot, Abandon

“Carpe diem.Seize the day, boys.
Make your lives extraordinary”
Williams Robin Professor Keating

J.R. Ward
“As his ears rang and his heart broke for her, he stayed strong against the gale force she let loose. After all, there was a reason why here and hear were seperated by so little and sounded one like the other. Bearing witness to her, he heard her and was there for her because that was all you could do during a fall apart.

But God, it pained him to see how she suffered.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

Meg Cabot
“I didn't even think about suggesting he take the boots off. There'd probably be a apocalypse or something.”
Meg Cabot, Abandon

J.R. Ward
“He nodded and curled over his paper, writing quickly. As his words took form on the white page, she got to watch him...and realized she never wanted him to go. She wanted him here beside her forever.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Mine

John Green
“In my opinion, actual heroism, like actual love, is a messy, painful, vulnerable business—and I wanted to try to reflect that.”
John Green

John Fowles
“I must fight with my weapons. Not his. Not selfishness and brutality and shame and resentment.”
John Fowles, The Collector

“Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”
Anonymous, Holy Bible: New International Version

“Are you sure you want us to keep calling you 'Six'?"

"You can say it's short for something."

"For what? Sixty?”
Pittacus Lore

J.R. Ward
“Sometimes your whole life could hinge on a fraction of an inch. Or the beat of nanosecond. Or the knock on a door.
Kind of made a male believe in the divine. It really did.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Awakened

Laura Esquivel
“Como ve, todos tenemos en nuestro interior los elementos necesarios para producir fósforo. Es más, déjeme decirle algo que a nadie le he confiado. Mi abuela tenía una teoría muy interesante, decía que si bien todos nacemos con una caja de cerillos en nuestro interior, no los podemos encender solos, necesitamos como en el experimento, oxígeno y la ayuda de una vela. Sólo que en este caso el oxígeno tiene que provenir, por ejemplo, del aliento de la persona amada; la vela puede ser cualquier tipo de alimento, música, caricia, palabra o sonido que haga disparar el detonador y así encender uno de los cerillos. Por un momento nos sentiremos deslumbrados por una intensa emoción. Se producirá en nuestro interior un agradable calor que irá desapareciendo poco a poco conforme pase el tiempo, hasta que venga una nueva explosión a reavivarlo. Cada persona tiene que descubrir cuáles son sus detonadores para poder vivir, pues la combustión que se produce al encenderse uno de ellos es lo que nutre la energía al alma. En otras palabras, esta combustión es su alimento. Si uno no descubre a tiempo cuáles son sus propios detonadores, la caja de cerillos se humedece y ya nunca podremos encender un solo fósforo”
Laura Esquivel, Como agua para chocolate
tags: john, tita

J.R. Ward
“Word of advice. These have a kick, so don’t suck too hard—”
Holy hypoxia, Batman.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

Jennifer Echols
“Nothing says "I love you" like a dead body”
Jennifer Echols, Going Too Far

J.R. Ward
“And bottom line, without John by her side, everything seemed to be just a big, resounding meh.”
J.R. Ward, Lover Reborn

“How do we know that’s really John?’ she asks. ‘Setrákus Ra can change forms. This might be some kind of trap.’ In my excitement to hear John and Sam, I hadn’t even considered the possibility that this could be a ploy. Behind me, Nine shouts towards the communicator.
‘Hey, Johnny, remember back in Chicago? When you were claiming to be Pittacus Lore and we had a debate about whether to go to New Mexico?’
‘Yeah,’ John’s voice sounds like it’s coming through clenched teeth.
‘How’d we settle that?’
John sighs. ‘You dangled me off the edge of the roof.’
Nine grins like that’s the best thing ever. ‘It’s definitely him.”
Pittacus Lore, The Revenge of Seven

J.R. Ward
“He thinks I love him. As in… in love with him. Yeah. Go fig. Me in love with Qhuinn… a guy who, when he’s not moody, is a slut and smart-ass. Except you want to know what the most fucked-up thing is, though? He’s right.”
J.R. Ward

Laura Esquivel
“Lo que me dijiste no cambió mi manera de pensar y te repito que me encantaría ser el compañero de toda tu vida, pero quiero que pienses muy bien si ese hombre soy yo o no. Si tu respuesta es afirmativa, celebraremos la boda dentro de unos días. Si no, yo seré el primero en felicitar a Pedro y pedirle que te dé el lugar que te mereces”
Laura Esquivel, Como agua para chocolate

Dan Wells
“[...] Mom’s not keeping me out because it’s a dead friend, she’s keeping me out because it’s a dead sixteen-year-old girl with no clothes on’
‘And that’s officially the creepiest thing you’ve ever said,’ said Lauren. She stopped typing, and then grimaced and shivered, like she’d just eaten something disgusting. ‘Seriously – yuck.’
I smiled. ‘I’ve got a live girlfriend – what do I need a dead one for?’
Lauren folded her arms. ‘How do I know you’re not just trying to get her out of the house for your own nefarious purposes?’
I smiled. ‘What kind of trouble am I going to get into? The dead girl doesn’t get here until tomorrow.”
Dan Wells, I Don't Want to Kill You

“So did I mishear over the communicator, or did you send your girlfriend off on a super-sexy secret mission with her ex-boyfriend?’
‘We’re fighting a war here, Nine, it’s not a joke,’ John replies sternly. After a moment’s awkward pause, a begrudging smile breaks on his face. ‘Also, shut up. It’s not super sexy. What does that even mean?’
‘Wow, you really need my guidance,’ Nine says. He throws his arm around John’s shoulders and leads him towards the house. ‘Come on. I’ll explain what sexy is.’
‘I know what it – ugh, why am I even discussing this with you?’ John shoves Nine in frustration, but Nine just holds on tighter. ‘Get off me, idiot.’
‘Come on, Johnny, you need my affection now more than ever.”
Pittacus Lore, The Revenge of Seven

“This is starting to look less like a rescue mission and more like you going on a leisurely road trip with two hot chicks,” Nine grumbles.
Sarah rolls her eyes. I glare at Nine. “It’s not like that. You know we need you here, in case something happens.”
“Yeah, I’m backup,” he snorts. “Johnny, do I have to start dating you to get some action around here?”
Sarah winks at him. “It might help.”
Nine looks me over. “Ugh. Not worth it.”
Pittacus Lore, The Fall of Five

“Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”
tags: 18, john, love

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