Quote Gallery Quotes

Quotes tagged as "quote-gallery" Showing 1-8 of 8
Nithin Purple
“Like every lively fresh morning rises above the earth,new hopes arrive with the lulling song
of birds,that fosters her gently maturing move;
and rosy blossomed flowers do deck her bedding.”
Nithin Purple, Venus and Crepuscule

Nithin Purple
“My heart pounded in high admiration,then,on beholding her prime,fairy face.Her golden face, glowed with a halo on its delight,smiled she in a small brook’s voice.”
Nithin Purple, Venus and Crepuscule

Nithin Purple
“A pen ahead the thought is a Beauty above the thorn.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“The winter smiling with foggy clouds,and the atmosphere is so damp and cold,dales are covered with rolling mist,white smokey air obscured my crystalline thoughts,yet stop not I writing,decked by giving another flavor to words.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“Every second from Life,is an experimental trip,that teaches the physics of our sadness or happiness, leaving a tempest blow.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“Many a Death in Life will make you a Phoenix to fight.”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“Being wed with contradiction,an Artist
no longer wants Other Opinions,because,its ye made him a MAN,an Independent Striver”
Nithin Purple

Nithin Purple
“Memories haunted me often and prevented my mind from settling soon. I had to choose a hard path for bread, while the dilemma began to overrule me. That was the cause of a journey to a new World to hide from the blame. No one was willing to encourage a penniless adventurer, my major disappointment!”
Nithin Purple