Recovery Inspiration Quotes

Quotes tagged as "recovery-inspiration" Showing 1-30 of 59
“Someone once asked me how I hold my head up so high after all I have been through. I said it's because no matter what, I am a survivor NOT a victim.”
Patricia Buckley

Brittany Burgunder
“Recovery is full of ups and downs.
There is no such thing as a linear life.
But you can always turn your setbacks into setups to come back stronger.”
Brittany Burgunder

Brittany Burgunder
“There is a type of courage that cannot always be seen. It's a bravery that you have to choose for yourself. You use it in the little, seemingly insignificant choices and decisions you make each day. Keep making these tiny, good choices over and over until you realize your whole life is different and the hero who saved you is yourself.”
Brittany Burgunder

Kenny Weiss
“No matter what kind of trauma we experienced as a child, we replay that loop through our choices of friends, hobbies, careers, and relationships.”
Kenny Weiss, Your Journey To Success: How to Accept the Answers You Discover Along the Way

Kenny Weiss
“As noted, since we store our memories physically in our body, we are depositing our trauma physically in our body.”
Kenny Weiss, Your Journey To Success: How to Accept the Answers You Discover Along the Way

Brittany Burgunder
“If you hold on to any part of your eating disorder, you are always one step away from a relapse.”
Brittany Burgunder

Kenny Weiss
“When we become an expert in our trauma history and know how we self-victimize and drop into denial, we have an opportunity to create a new reality with a new neural pathway in our brain.”
Kenny Weiss, Your Journey To Success: How to Accept the Answers You Discover Along the Way

Brittany Burgunder
“Sometimes we need to be drawn to a place so dark that we have no choice but to trust our hearts to illuminate the way.”
Brittany Burgunder

Brittany Burgunder
“Don't be afraid to start over ... because it is in that leap to the unknown where you will find your wings.”
Brittany Burgunder

Brittany Burgunder
“You are the artist of your recovery, and you get to create and sculpt it any way you like.”
Brittany Burgunder

“Most people live a lie. And this is how BDSM has become one of the most prominent recovery tools of humankind!”
Silver Vixxxen, Miss. A and Johnny's European Escapade LONDON: Femme Fatale Rescue Diaries

Kenny Weiss
“For those of us who haven’t been taught how to deal with our trauma, we get stuck living in the worst day ever. The intense feelings of those moments replay themselves throughout our life because, in an effort to heal, we unintentionally and proactively seek them out and re-inflict them upon ourselves.”
Kenny Weiss, Your Journey To Success: How to Accept the Answers You Discover Along the Way

Kenny Weiss
“We deny, suppress, repress, and minimize our trauma to preserve our self-concept. By doing so, we set ourselves up for repeating the cycle again.”
Kenny Weiss, Your Journey To Success: How to Accept the Answers You Discover Along the Way

Kenny Weiss
“Our brain and body become addicted to the feelings associated with our trauma and our worst day because they have been firing more than any other feeling.”
Kenny Weiss, Your Journey To Success: How to Accept the Answers You Discover Along the Way

Brittany Burgunder
“Flowers bloom in valleys and the view from peaks are only as magnificent as the difficult trek to reach them.”
Brittany Burgunder

Brittany Burgunder
“Don't be afraid to start over. Because it is in that leap to the unknown where you will find your wings.”
Brittany Burgunder

Kenny Weiss
“Some people equate trauma to something big like war, death, extreme acts of violence, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or natural disasters. While those are all examples of trauma, trauma doesn’t have to be big like that.”
Kenny Weiss, Your Journey To Success: How to Accept the Answers You Discover Along the Way

Kenny Weiss
“Being controlling, being judgmental, or always having to be right are other ways that adults may inflict trauma on children.”
Kenny Weiss, Your Journey To Success: How to Accept the Answers You Discover Along the Way

“Open wounds attract open hearts.”
Kimberly Gunner

Brittany Burgunder
“You are allowed to let go of your past and the outdated stories that have become so familiar. It's okay, and even courageous, to close that chapter and move on.”
Brittany Burgunder

“The 3Ds of Going Cold Turkey are: Detox, Detach and Declare”
D.C. Hyden, The Sober Addict

Lynn Byk, The Fearless Moral Inventory of Elsie Finch

“We must note that self-help books can become an addiction in and of themselves, and that at some point we must get on with the painful business of actually living our lives differently, rather than just thinking or learning about how that might be.”
John C. Friel Ph.D. , Adult Children Secrets of Dysfunctional Families 1st (first) edition Text Only

“It will feel impossible until it is done, after that it will feel essential.”
Broms The Poet, FEAST: The Second Serving: Revised, Revitalized, and Re-Realized

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