Scandals Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scandals" Showing 1-22 of 22
Claudia   Clark
“Let me make two remarks. First I concentrate on the task ahead for 2016. I’m quite busy with that—thank you very much. And I’m looking with great interest in the American election campaign.’ For the second time during their press conference, the clicking sounds of the cameras was deafening.”
Claudia Clark, Dear Barack: The Extraordinary Partnership of Barack Obama and Angela Merkel

Anna Godbersen
“THE LUXE IS . . .
Pretty girls in pretty dresses, partying until dawn.
Irresistible boys with mischievous smiles and dangerous intentions.
White lies, dark secrets, and scandalous hookups.
This is Manhattan in 1899.”
Anna Godbersen

Michael Tobert
“Séamus’s eyebrows, like the antennae of the potato beetle but with a greater sense of grievance, poke forward as he delivers his first utterance of the morning.”
Michael Tobert, Karna's Wheel

Gina Buonaguro
“A midwife knows too much . . .  But if she is truly a wise woman, she knows when to keep her mouth shut.”
Gina Buonaguro, The Virgins of Venice

Gina Buonaguro
“Knowing I should get into the habit of praying on my knees before bed, I shrugged and instead huddled under the bedcovers, the rose clasped in my hands close to my heart. The stem was very long, with all thorns removed, and an old Venetian saying came to mind: The longer the stem, the greater the love.”
Gina Buonaguro, The Virgins of Venice

“Only those who matter in this world are accused of something. Accusations are part and parcel of fame.”
Abhaidev, The Gods Are Not Dead

Gina Buonaguro
“The day was perfect. Hot, yes, but with a refreshing zephyr sidling in from the west. The lagoon was flecked with small islands, and beyond lay the more ominous mainland, the papal army camped somewhere on it. But here, on this beautiful islet far from our usual universe, a warrior pope seemed a figment.”
Gina Buonaguro, The Virgins of Venice

Gina Buonaguro
“We stood for a moment, the brackish canal water teething at the stone,the last of the stars fading as the sky transformed from black to indigo. A pair of swans like large white clouds floated on the water, their heads tucked under their wings, as a gondola pulled up, a lantern on the prow, the gondolier on the stern, rubbing his sleepy eyes.”
Gina Buonaguro

Gina Buonaguro
“Despite the convent walls, when I was writing, my mind was free.”
Gina Buonaguro, The Virgins of Venice

Oscar Wilde
“I love scandals about other people, but scandals about myself do not interest me. The have not got the charm of novelty.”
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Agatha Christie
“The trouble is, that this sort of things once it starts, grows.”
Agatha Christie, The Moving Finger

Majid Kazmi
“Don't be quick to believe the bad things you hear about good people. Everyone has a story left untold.”
Majid Kazmi, The First Dancer: How to be the first among equals and attract unlimited opportunities

Edward Abbey
“In any nation but the USA, it is taken for granted that a man of distinction, ability, wealth or power will keep a mistress and a few girlfriends on the side. Only in America, still suffering from its grotesque, hypocritical Puritan heritage, do we persist in attempting to deny and repeal a million years of basic primate biology.”
Edward Abbey, Postcards from Ed: Dispatches and Salvos from an American Iconoclast

أنيس منصور
“فضائح الناس تسعدنا لأنها تشغلهم عنا”
أنيس منصور, قالوا

“Washingtonians love the "So-and-so is spinning in his grave" cliché. Someone is always speculating about how some great dead American would be scandalized over some crime against How It Used to Be. The Founding Fathers are always spinning in their graves over something, as is Ronald Reagan, or FDR. Edward R. Murrow is a perennial grave spinner in the news business (though in fact, Murrow was cremated).”
Mark Leibovich, This Town: Two Parties and a Funeral — plus plenty of valet parking! — in America's Gilded Capital

Jayden Hunter
“When you are married to a powerful man, especially a handsome one, you expect indiscretion. It comes with the territory. What you don’t expect is to find out about it on the evening news. ~ Linda Boyd”
Jayden Hunter, Undressed To The Nines

“No global corruption scandal can be complete without mentioning Pakistani politicians.”
Arzak Khan

Matt Bai
“Americans became desensitized to scandalous revelation, whether it involved sex or drug use or cheating on a college exam. You could disappoint us, certainly, but we were now a very hard country to shock.”
Matt Bai, All the Truth Is Out: The Week Politics Went Tabloid

W.E.B. Du Bois
“Meantime, new thoughts came to the nation: the inevitable period of moral retrogression and political trickery that ever follows in the wake of war overtook us. So flagrant became the political scandals that reputable men began to leave politics alone, and politics consequently became disreputable. Men began to pride themselves on having nothing to do with their own government, and to agree tacitly with those who regarded public office as a private perquisite.”
W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk

Stewart Stafford
“Lady Shaded G by Stewart Stafford

This thorned rose is a perfumed pox,
Rumours dog her as contagion itself;
Breeding cherubs with batons sinister,
Her trail leads to noblest chambers.

Mothers warn sons not to mount,
This mare of the rampant night,
With dead eyes of a dark frontier,
Her black dress does smother all.

Fair Tiffany's skin flashes with iron,
Once seen, wantonness shadows,
Shady whispers inflame her temerity,
A rock for purple ships a-crashing.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Fulton J. Sheen
“But even though there be scandals from within and persecution from without, the members of His Kingdom need never fear that it will perish--for He has founded it upon a Rock against which the gates of hell cannot prevail, and He will be with it all days even to the consummation of the world.”
Fulton J. Sheen, The Mystical Body of Christ

“Mr. Boakye Antwi said the nature of Ghana's constitution made it almost impossible to hold the president and government accountable. He said MPs of the governing party must support the government in everything or get into trouble.
"If your party is in office, you cannot go against the government.
MPs are here like robots. You have to support the government, whether it is right or wrong. The party is weak when it comes to the government because nobody can tell the President what to do. It applies to both parties, not just the NPP. The Constitution has given the President far too much power, and we don't have powerful institutions to check the President. CHRAJ, Supreme Court and all those institutions are appointed by the President. And as an MP, once you disagree with the President, they will unseat you.”
Manasseh Azure Awuni, The President Ghana Never Got