Sexting Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sexting" Showing 1-12 of 12
Alexandra Iff
“Who are you, Mr. Knight? Are you my knight in shining armor? Or a dark prince, riding into obscurity? Whoever you are, you better reply to me. I need you. I need this.”
Alexandra I, Flash Burn Complete Series

Abhijit Naskar
“The only way to maintain privacy on the internet is to not be on the internet.”
Abhijit Naskar, Vatican Virus: The Forbidden Fiction

Abhijit Naskar
“Never post family pictures online,
There's no such thing as privacy settings.
It is a total jungle out there,
In every corner predators are lurking.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Alexandra Iff
“Miss Roberts, where should I send the check for the steam cleaning of your furniture and replacement of your ruined panties?”
Alexandra I, Flash Burn Complete Series

Val McDermid
“I've read the stories. Teenagers committing suicide because all they can see ahead of them is shame and disgrace. Kids running away from home because they feel like they've list their future. Well, I'm not having that happen to Torin.”
Val McDermid, Insidious Intent

Chandra Blumberg
“OMG, did he just sext you?"
Alisha clapped the phone to her chest, as good as clutching pearls. "No!"
"Yeah, right." Simone tilted her head sideways, gold hoops catching the light. "You're guilty as all get-out. What did he send you, a dick pic?"
The waitress sailed up to the table with a wide smile. Alisha slumped down in her seat, resisting the urge to continue the slide until she was hidden underneath the table. "What can I get for you ladies?"
How about two eggs with a side of mortification?
"I'll have an egg white spinach omelet," Simone said, holding loosely clasped hands by her cheek, her upturned face a ringer for a baroque saint. "But better bring my sister a smoothie, because she's so thirsty.”
Chandra Blumberg, Digging Up Love

Emma Törzs
“It was hard to imagine wearing lace underwear and 'sexting,' but easy to imagine wearing lots of complicated layers and rolling around in front of a fireplace.”
Emma Törzs, Ink Blood Sister Scribe

J.L. Langley
“What r u wearing? Huh? Matt blinked at the phone, sure he'd read it wrong. Wasn't that how phone sex started? He wasn't dating anyone.”
J.L. Langley, With Abandon

Ray Palla
“My hands are way too big to text. I’d need short hand for my hands. -Foot to Pad”
Ray Palla, H: Infidels of Oil

Martijn Benders
“De extreme afstandelijkheid van internet vereist een extreme lichamelijkheid ter compensatie, vandaar dat de moderne romantiek door een leek nauwelijks van pornografie te onderscheiden valt, maar die gesextingde werkelijkheid heeft dezelfde functie als vroeger een bosje bloemen. Om die reden alleen al is het makkelijk zowel de oningewijde als de verkrampte rationalist van de romantische massa te scheiden: het is de weigering de kilte te willen trotseren en het lichaam te willen aanbieden aan de protofascistische BLOB die de moderne conservatief kenmerkt en voor het systeem verdacht maakt.”
Martijn Benders

Abhijit Naskar
“If you strictly want something not to get on the internet, do not keep it on your phone.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Insan: When The World is Family

“How my fingers led me astray! Those who never sext —always stay out of trouble!”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua