Shipwrecks Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shipwrecks" Showing 1-2 of 2
Yann Martel
“The men nodded vigorously at me. When they took hold of me and lifted me in their strong arms, I thought nothing of it. I thought they were helping me. I was so full of trust in them that I felt grateful as they carried me in the air. Only when they threw me overboard did I begin to have doubts.”
Yann Martel, Life of Pi

Stewart Stafford
“The Lighthouse by Stewart Stafford

Apart and alone,
From where the ships dock,
Stands the white sentinel edifice on a promontory rock.

Like the land's index finger,
At the extent of the sea,
Warning passing vessels where it's safe to be.

It's one luminous eye,
Swivels around its clear head,
To keep lucky sailors off the seabed.

It seeks no credit,
And needs no thanks,
Saluting proudly from above the fog banks.

© Stewart Stafford, 2021. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford