Ukrainians Quotes
Quotes tagged as "ukrainians"
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“Як у Польщі, в Аргентині, в Бразилії, в Канаді, в Австралії, так само є українці в Дагестані. Навіть у путівникові "Дагестан - страна здоров'я" указується певне число українців у кожному місті і в кожному кантоні Дагестану. Число, указане в путівникові, звичаєм буває невелике, бо поза межами України за українців вважається тільки людей у вишиваних сорочках, із довгими вусами і з тупими фізіономіями, що вживають у розмові головним чином слово "позаяк".”
― Подорожі філософа під кепом
― Подорожі філософа під кепом
“Ukraine will become a new Greece; the beautiful sky under which these people live, their happy disposition, their musical nature, the fruitfulness of their land, etc. will awake some day; from so many small, savage peoples - as the Greeks too once were - will develop a civilized nation, whose territory will extend to the Black Sea and thence throughout the world. Hungary, these peoples, and a portion of Poland and Russia will become participants in this new culture, and its spirit will go forth from the northwest over Europe, which now lies asleep, and make a spiritual conquest of it.”
― Journal meiner Reise im Jahre 1769: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe
― Journal meiner Reise im Jahre 1769: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe
“Ukraine was, therefore, born between two imperial projects, between the two versions of the old Rome: Roman Catholic and Third-Rome-Orthodox-Muscovite. It struggled against the former, it helped to create the latter, and then it struggled against the later.”
― Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian Intellectuals
― Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian Intellectuals
“In a country which has elections, there is always choice, intrigue and alliances that determine the future. In a country where "the tsar is given by God", there is no choice and potential intrigues and alliances are combated bloodily and brutally even before they emerge”
― Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian Intellectuals
― Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian Intellectuals
“На Україні є багато людей, що над усе полюбляють граматику й правопис. Без перебільшення можна сказати, що коли б у цих людей відібрали можливість сперечатися на граматичні і правописні теми, вони б зачахли й усохли, як зелене дерево на каменястій скелі Дагестану.”
― Подорожі філософа під кепом
― Подорожі філософа під кепом
“Тут можна було впиватися локальним гардкором, як впивалися ми — бідні п'яні дурні з калічної країни, які раділи, що їм вдалося знайти ще більшого каліку за себе.”
― Przyjdzie Mordor i nas zje, czyli tajna historia Słowian
― Przyjdzie Mordor i nas zje, czyli tajna historia Słowian
“As the Russian Empire was expanding, it integrated new territories not only through russification, but also through spreading its collective Russian mentality, ready to fight with the slogan "For faith, for tsar, for Motherland". Precisely in this way and in this order, Russian government identified the values, for which the Russian people had to die. Still today, Orthodox faith is openly put forward by the Russian government as a unifying foundation for Slavic people. The tsar comes second, and Motherland lags behind: it will inevitably collapse if the tsar dies. This means the tsar has to be protected with far greater courage than the Motherland: because the Motherland is the tsar.
For Ukrainians who has have never had their own tsar (we do not count princes and other local feudal lords), the Motherland, their homeland has always been more important than a foreign tsar and - which is the worse for Russia - more important than faith.”
― Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian Intellectuals
For Ukrainians who has have never had their own tsar (we do not count princes and other local feudal lords), the Motherland, their homeland has always been more important than a foreign tsar and - which is the worse for Russia - more important than faith.”
― Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian Intellectuals
“It blew with a rustling noise, as if all the demons had sprung from hell and decided to release a raspy long sigh together.”
― Lilacs in the Dust Bowl
― Lilacs in the Dust Bowl
“Volodymyr Zelensky appears to be losing the support of the Ukrainians as they are watching their people being displaced, their country being destroyed and their men being killed instead of negotiating a peace deal with the Russians.”
“There are many Ukrainians that are okay with Russia taking control of the country, as it used to be a Russian state.”
“I think the future of Ukraine is female Ukrainians mating with Western European and USA males, as they will be there in significant numbers in the future during the recovery phase of the war. It will likely become a predominantly mixed race country.”
“Хлопці питають, коли я опублікую цей матеріал. Відповідаю: мабуть, у травні. І один з Андріїв, перед тим як розвернутися в бік авто з іншими бійцями, на прощання каже:
- Думаю, мене вже не буде в травні.”
― Бахмут
- Думаю, мене вже не буде в травні.”
― Бахмут
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