Works Quotes
Quotes tagged as "works"
Showing 1-30 of 154
“Good works is giving to the poor and the helpless, but divine works is showing them their worth to the One who matters.”
― Killosophy
― Killosophy
“To make it quite practical I have a very simple test. After I have explained the way of Christ to somebody I say “Now, are you ready to say that you are a Christian?” And they hesitate. And then I say, “What’s the matter? Why are you hesitating?” And so often people say, “I don’t feel like I’m good enough yet. I don’t think I’m ready to say I’m a Christian now.” And at once I know that I have been wasting my breath. They are still thinking in terms of themselves. They have to do it. It sounds very modest to say, “Well, I don’t think I’ good enough,” but it’s a very denial of the faith. The very essence of the Christian faith is to say that He is good enough and I am in Him. As long as you go on thinking about yourself like that and saying, “I’m not good enough; Oh, I’m not good enough,” you are denying God – you are denying the gospel – you are denying the very essence of the faith and you will never be happy. You think you’re better at times and then again you will find you are not as good at other times than you thought you were. You will be up and down forever. How can I put it plainly? It doesn’t matter if you have almost entered into the depths of hell. It does not matter if you are guilty of murder as well as every other vile sin. It does not matter from the standpoint of being justified before God at all. You are no more hopeless than the most moral and respectable person in the world.”
― Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure
― Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure
“God never asked us to meet life's pressures and demands on our own terms or by relying upon our own strength. Nor did He demands that we win His favor by assembling an impressive portfolio of good deeds. Instead, He invites us to enter His rest.”
“The Lord gave the wonderful promise of the free use of His Name with the Father in conjunction with doing His works. The disciple who lives only for Jesus' work and Kingdom, for His will and honor, will be given the power to appropriate the promise. Anyone grasping the promise only when he wants something very special for himself will be disappointed, because he is making Jesus the servant of his own comfort. But whoever wants to pray the effective prayer of faith because he needs it for the work of the Master will learn it, because he has made himself the servant of his Lord's interests.”
― With Christ in the School of Prayer
― With Christ in the School of Prayer
“We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery.”
“Our duty is found in the revealed will of God in the Scriptures. Our trust must be in the sovereign will of God as He works in the ordinary circumstances of our daily lives for our good and His glory.”
― Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts
― Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts
“To be "in Christ" is to place one's trust in Him for salvation from sin. To be "in Christ" is to trust His goodness, not our own; to trust that His sacrificial death on the cross paid the complete debt of death we owe for our sin; to trust that His resurrection gives us eternal life instead of relying upon our own ability to please God. To be "in Christ" is to claim, by faith, the free gift of salvation. To be "in Christ" is to enjoy a completely restored relationship with our Father in heaven by virtue of His Son's righteous standing.”
“Maybe we feel meaning only when we deal with something bigger. Perhaps we hope that someone else, especially someone important to us, will ascribe value to what we've produced? Maybe we need the illusion that our work might one day matter to many people. That it might be of some value in the big, broad world out there [...]? Most likely it is all of these. But fundamentally, I think that almost any aspect of meaning [...] can be sufficient to drive our behaviour. As long as we are doing something that is somewhat connected to our self image, it can fuel our motivation and get us to work much harder.”
― The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone - Especially Ourselves
― The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone - Especially Ourselves
“You were saved not by work, but for work. Do it till all is done. By your Inventions, Innovations, Initiatives, Improvements, Involvements, Imaginations, Information, Interventions and Inspirations... Go the extra mile and dare to do it.”
“Gemeinsam aber ist allen Menschen, die des guten Willens sind, dieses: daß unsere Werke uns am Ende beschämen, daß wir immer wieder von vorn beginnen müssen, daß das Opfer immer neu gebracht werden muß.”
― Narcissus and Goldmund
― Narcissus and Goldmund
“Good intentions and earnest effort are not enough. Only Jesus can make an otherwise futile life productive.”
“In science, work (W) is done when force (F) move a body through a distance (D). It is the same with our every day affairs. When you don't progress, no work is done irrespective of the force (power) you have”
“To an unbelieving person nothing renders service or work for good. He himself is in servitude to all things, and all things turned out for evil to him, because he uses all things in impious way for his own advantage, and not for the glory of God.”
― On Christian Liberty
― On Christian Liberty
“That eye which sees anything good in the creature is a blind eye; that eye which fancies it can discern anything in man, or anything in anything he can do to win the Divine favor, is as yet stone blind to the Truth of God, and needs to be lanced and cut, and the cataract of pride removed from it!”
“Our work is directly proportional to the distances our dreams travel across, as force (power) is a constant factor”
“Being by his faith replaced afresh in paradise and created anew, he (the believer)does not need works for his justification, but that he may not be idle, but that he may exercise his own body and preserve it. His works are to be done freely, with the sole object of pleasing God.”
― On Christian Liberty
― On Christian Liberty
“Good works will be recognized ultimately, but if you work for the recognizion alone, you may be in for a long wait.”
“Though his invention worked superbly [...] his theory was a crock of sewage from beginning to end.”
― The Peace War
― The Peace War
“The Good News does not hinge on words like do or change but on the powerless, irrelevant, and frightening words like belief and faith.”
― Chaos and Grace: Discovering the Liberating Work of the Holy Spirit
― Chaos and Grace: Discovering the Liberating Work of the Holy Spirit
“To create a great work, melt yourself inside your work and disappear! When you create something wonderful, people does not see you, but see only your work!”
“It should be obvious that works are truer than words. Therefore, if your religion is not your daily way of life, then it is not your religion. If you do not live what you claim to believe, then you do not truly believe it. The truth is not what you think you believe or what you say you believe; it is in fact your personal conduct that reveals what you believe.”
― Hope Evermore: Quotes, Verse, & Spiritual Inspiration for Every Day of the Year
― Hope Evermore: Quotes, Verse, & Spiritual Inspiration for Every Day of the Year
“The Lord really does magnify ordinary people to get His work done. God does this despite our pitiful sins and vast imperfections because if He insisted on calling only perfect people to the work, there would be no one on Earth qualified. It is not our perfection but our humble willingness that He counts on. Even with weaknesses and sins, God extends callings to both men and women, asking them to do what needs doing so that great things are accomplished with human effort.
Yes, God could perform every task on his own and do so flawlessly, but it is our personal improvement for which He is concerned. Significant growth occurs in the midst of fulfilling God’s callings, and our finer growth is His ultimate work and glory.”
― Hope Evermore: Quotes, Verse, & Spiritual Inspiration for Every Day of the Year
Yes, God could perform every task on his own and do so flawlessly, but it is our personal improvement for which He is concerned. Significant growth occurs in the midst of fulfilling God’s callings, and our finer growth is His ultimate work and glory.”
― Hope Evermore: Quotes, Verse, & Spiritual Inspiration for Every Day of the Year
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