alysa's Reviews > Little Bee

Little Bee by Chris Cleave
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did not like it

UGH, What can I say. I hated this book! If you want to read about the most depressing events of a human life than this one is for you. What an emotional downer this book is. It does nothing but show you the evil that can be present in human nature from extramarital affairs all the way to murder. The overall gist of the story is about a Nigerian refugee. Yes, it is a story that should be told, but I would rather read about just the facts in a news article than something I am reading for "pleasure." When I read I don't need to be depressed about the future of our world and the deprivation of human nature. So why did I read it? For my book club and I should have put it down. I only kept on because I thought there might be a silver lining or happy ending somewhere. Really, do not read this book unless you want to be totally depressed. There is not one shred of happiness in this book. And please, what mother in her right mind would take her 4 year old son to war torn Nigeria and bribe the military so she could go galavanting through the country with a criminal. Clearly it was not written by a women, to say nothing of a mother.
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August 12, 2010 – Shelved
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September 1, 2010 – Finished Reading

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Mindy Gough The world is not all unicorns and rainbows, Alysa. Your review is pretty shallow. And, "galivanting through the country with a criminal"? Wow. You missed the point, didn't you?

alysa Mindy wrote: "The world is not all unicorns and rainbows, Alysa. Your review is pretty shallow. And, "galivanting through the country with a criminal"? Wow. You missed the point, didn't you?"Mindy, Thank you for pointing out to me that the world is not all unicorns and rainbows. Somehow in my shallow pool of positivity I must have missed that. However, since you missed the point of my review, I will reiterate that when I read for pleasure I choose not to be depressed about the future of our world and the deprivation of human nature. As there is so much trouble in our world I will continue to choose to keep the sad aspects of our world in my readings of the news and current events and my reading for pleasure in a positive light. And no, I really don't feel I missed the point of the book. In your own review you stated how you thought the book was sad, and as I agree with this I must not be too far off the mark.

Cristina Cassidy I hated this book too. It would have been a lot cooler if it had dinosaurs in it or something.

alysa Cristina wrote: "I hated this book too. It would have been a lot cooler if it had dinosaurs in it or something."

Christina, I would have to agree with you. Dinosaurs would have made to SO much better.

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