April Cote's Reviews > Haunted

Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk
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bookshelves: bizarro, horror

"My goal was just to write some new form of horror story, something based on the ordinary world. Without supernatural monsters or magic. This would be a book you wouldn't want to keep next to your bed. A book that would be a trapdoor down into some dark place. A place only you could go, alone, when you opened the cover.

Because only books have that power."

Chuck is right; you don't want to keep this book by your bed. You don't want to get up in the middle of the night and see is covet glowing at you. Reminding you instantly of the horrors you read before bed, making your stomach churn. This is a book you can't read while eating, or when your wanting to relax. This isn't a book that will take you away from the real world. This book is a bitch slap in the face reminder that some of these horrors that you will read happen in the world around you, and will make you nauseous and shift around in your seat from discomfort. This book will make you glance up nervously, wondering if the others in the room with you can sense that your reading something so horrifically sick. You will feel like you need to shower after reading some of these stories, that your brain needs deep cleaning. But it won't help. These stories are going to stick in your brain. You're going to feel guilty for enjoying this book. This sick, sick horrific book.
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Reading Progress

February 16, 2015 – Shelved
February 16, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
March 7, 2015 – Started Reading
March 7, 2015 –
page 90
March 8, 2015 –
page 182
March 9, 2015 –
page 192
March 10, 2015 –
page 206
March 11, 2015 –
page 223
March 13, 2015 –
page 242
March 15, 2015 –
page 288
March 16, 2015 –
page 344
March 16, 2015 –
page 376
March 16, 2015 – Shelved as: bizarro
March 16, 2015 – Shelved as: horror
March 16, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Alejandro (new) - added it

Alejandro Cool review, April!

message 2: by Lyn (new)

Lyn yep, very good review

April Cote Alejandro wrote: "Cool review, April!"

Thanks! :)

April Cote Lyn wrote: "yep, very good review"

Thank you!

Wayne Barrett That about sums it up! Chuck definitely has a unique style and I like the breath of fresh air to the reading experience.

message 6: by Kristy (new)

Kristy I couldn't finish it... it was too sick and twisted for me. It was probably made worse by the fact that I was listening to it on audiobook. Some of those stories shouldn't be read aloud!

April Cote Kristy wrote: "I couldn't finish it... it was too sick and twisted for me. It was probably made worse by the fact that I was listening to it on audiobook. Some of those stories shouldn't be read aloud!"

Yeah, I came imagine reading some of that being read out loud. I always listen to all my audio books in the car, so I probably would have wreaked. Lol

message 8: by V. (new) - rated it 1 star

V. Tarango Jr. I disagree. I am completely relaxed while reading this book. I'll listening to classical music while it's thundering outside.

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