Seon Ji (Dawn)'s Reviews > Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold

Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold by Ellen O'Connell
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Again I am the unpopluar reviewer.

What promised to be an intense Lorraine Heath-like western romance went downhill for me at about chapter 13.

Instead of giving a summary which is already provided by others, I'm going to list what I didn't like.

1. The writing was all tell no show.
2. Long strecthes of unnecessary descriptions of horses and gardening. I mean chapter upon chapter about it.
3. The romance was lacking to non-existant. There was no build up to affection. We are just told.. "she likes him" without any reasons for her feeling this way.
4. The hero's constant worrying that she's gonna leave him grew tiresome. Frankly, I didn't understand why he even liked her. Or she him for that matter. She likes his house and his appearance..that's it.
5.The author never showed the characters expressions. No subtle movements, eybrow raising, lip curls etc.. and there was no signs of tenderness.
6. The stream of consciousness of the characters was mechanical, as if they were reading a script... it felt unrealistic.

I tried, I really tried to like it but this writer is just not for me. There are far better HR's with the theme of racism out there. Some of my favorites are: Tabor's Trinket (Janet Lane) and Ella's Choice (Ruby Merrit).

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Reading Progress

October 12, 2015 – Shelved
October 12, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
March 18, 2016 – Shelved as: western-southern-or-country
May 12, 2016 – Shelved as: highly-rated-by-friends
May 23, 2016 – Shelved as: native-american
May 27, 2016 –
page 0
0.0% "Starting this on lunch break. Buddy read with Ally!"
May 27, 2016 –
6.0% "OMG!! Not for the faint of heart. Brutal violence in the second chapter."
May 27, 2016 –
46.0% "Sorry Ally, I'm bailing on this buddy read"
May 27, 2016 – Shelved as: did-not-finish
May 27, 2016 – Shelved as: unlikeable-hero
May 27, 2016 – Shelved as: tormented-heroine
September 1, 2016 – Shelved as: dnf
September 7, 2016 – Shelved as: rape

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Seon Ji (Dawn) Buddy read planned with Ally - psyched!

Seon Ji (Dawn) Erika wrote: "Great review Dawn. Sorry it didn't work out., I read one book by this author, Without Words. I enjoyed it, but didn't go gaga the way most people do. I do have a recommendation though, if you are i..."

thanks erika. ill try it!

Seon Ji (Dawn) Ally wrote: "@erika and @dawn, man, I am so still struggling. I'm happy to know, I'm not alone in my struggle.

Great review, Dawn. It does go on and on, doesn't it?"

Yes. I was really hping it would get better. Just lost interest

Jingle And this is why I friended you. You are the person who will tell me not to waste my time on something not worthy of my time. Your review is excellent and captures exactly what I look for in a romance book. I live for those moments- the romance build-up, the tenderness, subtle movements and expressions of love. I'm sure I can list more...

Jingle I mean, I don't sit here waiting for someone to tell me whether or not to read the book, but your review is well-written that the reader gets a grasp of the entire thing!

Seon Ji (Dawn) Jingle wrote: "I mean, I don't sit here waiting for someone to tell me whether or not to read the book, but your review is well-written that the reader gets a grasp of the entire thing!"


Thank you for all your kind words. I'm so glad I can be of help to you and others when trying to determine if a book is right for them.

I mainly write reviews to remind myself why I liked or didn't like something, in case I want to re read one, but also to let others know if there are any safety concerns they might have.

I have tried to read a few others by this author and have either dnf'd them or gave them a low rating because I don't like this author's style of writing nor do I care for the type of content she puts in, mainly the hero..It is my personal taste, and apparently their are others who don't agree with me.

Thank you again for your kind words.

Seon Ji (Dawn) Polished up my review and corrected my rating. Lowered from 3 stars to 1 star which indicates I did not like it

message 8: by Ashleyjo (new)

Ashleyjo Wow. All those points are no's for me. I hate to be told a story... Feels like I'm reading a diary. If I want mundane descriptions I'll read a DIY magazine. So on~ Hope your next read is much much better :) Fab review, Dawn!

Seon Ji (Dawn) Ashleyjo wrote: "Wow. All those points are no's for me. I hate to be told a story... Feels like I'm reading a diary. If I want mundane descriptions I'll read a DIY magazine. So on~ Hope your next read is much much ..."

Thanks. I am still wondering if I read the same book as all the other reviewers. I am truly miffed!

message 10: by Trish (new)

Trish R. Great review, Dawn.

Seon Ji (Dawn) Thanks!

Seon Ji (Dawn) rasa wrote: "the most real review i’ve seen if this book"

Thank you

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