Rowena's Reviews > Beloved

Beloved by Toni Morrison
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it was amazing
bookshelves: african-american, gifts
Read 2 times. Last read May 2, 2016 to May 26, 2016.

"Working dough. Working, working dough. Nothing better than that to start the day's serious work of beating back the past."- Toni Morrison, Beloved

"Beloved" focuses on the psychological trauma of slavery which permeates the very atmosphere and even emerges in ghost form. It seems to be a good book to read in the light of the recent discussion on the Roots reboot, as well as the recent New York Times article which discusses how African-American DNA bears signs of slavery. I feel that for many this isn't too much of a surprise.

This was a tough read, even tougher the second time around. I never get used to books like this; if anything they get more painful as I become more and more aware of what slavery consisted of. One of the things that always gets to me when reading slave narratives is the burdens the slaves had to endure and with little to no help, but I'm learning about the little things they did to try to endure and survive. Some of their methods may not sound healthy, from our perspectives (for example, limiting love because you know that any time your family could be taken away from you), but this book shows us in many ways how unless we are in a certain situation, it's really impossible for us to know how we'll react to it.

At the beginning of the book, former slave Baby Suggs is contemplating colour, all because she is about to die and she has never had the time to do so before. The world of a slave is small and it doesn't belong to them. And even with freedom the past still haunts them:

"Her past had been like her present--intolerable--and since she knew death was anything but forgetfulness, she used the little energy left her for pondering color."

Love is one of the themes in this book, and throughout I wondered whether love is ever enough to get over the past. Paul D and Sethe's love story is against the odds, with Paul D guarding his heart and Sethe still recovering from deaths, abuse, and children running away. Two very broken people, and Paul D with this sort of mentality:

"He would keep the rest where it belonged: in that tobacco tin buried in his chest where a red heart used to be. Its lid rusted shut. He would not pry it loose now in front of this sweet sturdy woman, for if she got a whiff of the contents it would shame him. And it would hurt her to know that there was no red heart bright as Mister's comb beating in him."

And Sethe:

"Would it be all right? Would it be all right to go ahead and feel? Go ahead and count on something?"

This time around I tried to focus more on the characters I didn't dwell on much in my first read, so Denver, Sethe's daughter, received more of my attention. I pictured her loneliness, loneliness that caused her to value the company of a ghost, which is why she clung to Beloved, who demands so much attention and affection.I ended up liking her character transformation the most:

"In that bower, closed off from the hurt of the hurt world, Denver's imagination produced its own hunger and its own food, which she badly needed because loneliness wore her out. Wore her out."

Pain is a given throughout the book, and I've been thinking a lot about the following quote: "Can't nothing heal without pain, you know." Such a hard truth and the characters in this book had so much more to heal from than the rest of us.
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Quotes Rowena Liked

Toni Morrison
“Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.”
Toni Morrison, Beloved

Reading Progress

December 4, 2012 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)
December 4, 2012 – Shelved as: african-american (Paperback Edition)
August 7, 2013 – Started Reading (Paperback Edition)
August 11, 2013 – Finished Reading (Paperback Edition)
May 2, 2016 – Started Reading
May 2, 2016 – Shelved
May 6, 2016 –
page 88
27.85% ""As small girl Sethe, she was unimpressed. As grown-up woman Sethe she was angry but not certain at what.""
May 7, 2016 –
page 124
39.24% ""Talk was low and to the point-- for Baby Suggs, holy, didn't approve of extra.""
May 11, 2016 –
page 157
49.68% ""She will forgo the most violent of sunsets, stars as fat as dinner plates and all the blood of autumn and settle for the palest yellow if it comes from her Beloved.""
May 20, 2016 –
page 230
72.78% ""Clever, but schoolteacher beat him anyway to show him that definitions belonged to the definers-- not the defined.""
May 26, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
May 26, 2016 – Shelved as: african-american
May 26, 2016 – Shelved as: gifts
May 26, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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message 1: by ij (new) - added it

ij Great review!!!

message 2: by Ivonne (new)

Ivonne Rovira Ij wrote: "Great review!!!"

Hear, hear!

Rowena Thanks so much Ij and Ivonne! <3

Daniel Chaikin Enjoyed your review, and all those quotes. It's a special book.

message 5: by Will (new) - added it

Will Excellent review, Rowena! I would love to hear your thoughts on the Roots reboot. I watched it last night, and still don't entirely know what to think.

message 6: by Jo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jo So great to read a review from a second reading, to see how that second time around can change or enhance our perspective and what we take from the novel.

Rowena Daniel wrote: "Enjoyed your review, and all those quotes. It's a special book."

Thanks so much, Daniel! It really is!

Rowena Will wrote: "Excellent review, Rowena! I would love to hear your thoughts on the Roots reboot. I watched it last night, and still don't entirely know what to think."

Thanks, Will! I'm thinking I should watch the original first as I still haven't done so. Curious to hear your thoughts on the reboot though, I'm hearing mostly good things about it from the younger crowd (the ones who haven't watched the original)

Rowena Jo wrote: "So great to read a review from a second reading, to see how that second time around can change or enhance our perspective and what we take from the novel."

Thanks, Jo! It's been quite a nice experience rereading all of Morrison's books in chronological order, I really get a lot more out of them but I also realize I need to read them a couple more times to fully appreciate them!

Daniel Chaikin Interesting that you are re-reading Morrison in order. Great project. I read them in order - but they were all first reads for me. I would really like to re-read the first five, but I don't then I could keep going after that. Maybe I could read Home again.

message 11: by Margaret (new) - added it

Margaret A fine review of what is one of the very best, if not the best, twentieth century novels in the language. What is says is devastating, how it says it scintillating. Those last two pages still sing to me.

message 12: by Raul (new) - rated it 5 stars

Raul Great review! I have been meaning to read the book for a while now and this review made me want to read it sooner.

Rowena Daniel wrote: "Interesting that you are re-reading Morrison in order. Great project. I read them in order - but they were all first reads for me. I would really like to re-read the first five, but I don't then I ..."

Thanks, Daniel! I was curious about how her writing and themes developed and it's been quite a rewarding activity to read her works like this! Have you read Paradise yet?

Rowena Margaret wrote: "A fine review of what is one of the very best, if not the best, twentieth century novels in the language. What is says is devastating, how it says it scintillating. Those last two pages still sing ..."

Thank you, Margaret! You're right; I don't think there have been many books written in the last few decades that even compare to this one. I'm really glad I got myself a copy, it's a real treasure to have.

Rowena Raul wrote: "Great review! I have been meaning to read the book for a while now and this review made me want to read it sooner."

Thanks so much, Raul! It's definitely highly recommended, patience and fortitude is needed though:)

Daniel Chaikin Rowena wrote: "Have you read Paradiseyet?"

Yes. I should have a review somewhere, although maybe not on GR. I'll post a link. It's a difficult book and I never felt that I really got a good sense of it.

Daniel Chaikin My review on Goodreads is just my initial response. It's here:

I posted an attempt at a real review here (go to post #147)

Rowena Daniel wrote: "My review on Goodreads is just my initial response. It's here:

I posted an attempt at a real review here (go to post #147)

Excellent review! I gave it a 4-star rating but I did find it to be an extremely difficult read. I was actually surprised to learn that Beloved, Jazz, and Paradise were considered to be a trilogy (I'm still not sure why that is?).

Daniel Chaikin As I understand it's a trilogy in the sense that they walk through history. From end of Slavery, to the black migration north (with the East St. Louis riots/massacre as background), to the false equality (??) (with the Tulsa riot/massacre as background). Also, there should be lineage links. I figured out the Beloved-Jazz connection (view spoiler). But I never figured out the link to Paradise.

Rowena Daniel wrote: "As I understand it's a trilogy in the sense that they walk through history. From end of Slavery, to the black migration north (with the East St. Louis riots/massacre as background), to the false eq..."

Wow, thanks so much for this! Now I'm really excited to delve into Jazz, thanks Daniel:)

message 21: by Kenny (new) - added it

Kenny This is a brilliant review and it is equally matched thru the excellent conversation taking place between you and Daniel.

message 22: by Sheryl (new) - added it

Sheryl Hill All of us with complex PTSD dating back to childhood abuse or to traumatic POW experiences experience changes in our DNA. The universal quality of personal suffering is expressed so well in the loss of the child, Beloved. Thanks for this review, Rowena.

Rowena Kenny wrote: "This is a brilliant review and it is equally matched thru the excellent conversation taking place between you and Daniel."

I can't believe I missed this comment! Thanks so much, Kenny:)

Rowena Lyn wrote: "All of us with complex PTSD dating back to childhood abuse or to traumatic POW experiences experience changes in our DNA. The universal quality of personal suffering is expressed so well in the los..."

Thank you for your insightful comment, Lyn

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