Simona B's Reviews > The Mystery of the Blue Train

The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie
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bookshelves: mystery-and-crime, in-italian, 1900-1949


"Life is like a train [...]. Trust the train, Mademoiselle," murmured Poirot again. "And trust Hercule Poirot. He knows."

I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm kind of in a Christie mood right now. So sue me.

Before I begin, there's one thing I want to be clear about: I've read more than 20 of Christie's books, and I enjoyed unreservedly every single one of them. I may have complaints about the solution of the mystery or about some other nothing, but every single time, I enjoy them. This time is no different. So, Christie, I love you. Poirot, you're my lifetime hero. Thank you both being real. (Well, you know what I mean.)

The Mystery of the Blue Train plot is fabulous, and not once was I bored. I was slightly disappointed in the solution because the reason why I like crime novels, mostly, is that they get their strength from the great deal of strong, violent emotion they usually involve. Well, Lady Kettering's murder was not as much "of passion" as I would have liked -and as it seemed at first. The solution is intelligent, of course, and the planning of the deed is brilliant, more than brilliant. But its motive is not about passion; and since I am a silly, emotional reader, I felt a little letdown.

Otherwise, I'm completely satisfied.
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Reading Progress

August 25, 2016 – Started Reading
August 25, 2016 – Finished Reading
August 26, 2016 – Shelved
August 26, 2016 – Shelved as: mystery-and-crime
January 3, 2018 – Shelved as: in-italian
December 22, 2022 – Shelved as: 1900-1949

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message 1: by Reyes (new)

Reyes Her books are utter brilliance, I went through an Agatha Christie phase too when I was a teenager and I don't remember a single book I didn't love :) Great review Simo!!

Simona B I knooow, she's so addictive! Also, I read a couple of Miss Marple's adventures too and I liked them, but I think Poirt is Porot and no one else compares. :P Thanks, Reyes <3

Simona B @Vilda Oh yes, it's Murder on the Orient Express! Love that one SO much <3 I hope it'll be the same for you! Besides, Christie's novel are so easy to read, I could devour dozens of them in a row :D

@Emer Oh don't worry, my jaw not only fell on the floor but completely disintegrated, the pieces scattered all over and I'll have to find a professional to have them found and put together once again ahah XD I'll send you the bill! :P
I personally recommend to meet Poirot with Murder on the Orient Express, which Vilda mentioned (now THAT will make your jaw fall off), The Murder of Roger Ackroyd or the less notorious but absolutely delicious Death in the Clouds (the murder happens on a PLANE. YES). If you want to try with Miss Marple instead I think A Pocket FUll of Rye is a good choice. If you're not interest in her favorite investigators but simply in Christie's style, instead, And Then There Were None is always a winner :D
Hope I helped (and didn't confuse you XD).

message 4: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim I’ve just finished this book and I totally concur with your review. I also felt let down by the ending and I think that it was because a long time elapsed between the Murder and the solution. With the characters dissipating back into their own lives rather than the scene of the action it seemed to lose some momentum for me and then the denouement seemed to be just stuck on at the end.

Katia 🙋🏼‍♀️

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