Brenda's Reviews > Watching You

Watching You by Michael Robotham
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's review

it was amazing

My Goodreads friend, David, read and reviewed this book, which was his first Michael Robotham, and that review was the impetus that made me start the series. Thank you, David!

This book continues the excellence I've seen in the previous books in the series. Robotham introduces a new character, Marnie Logan, and she becomes the main character. Much of the book is about letting the reader come to know her, her family, her thoughts, and her history. She is a patient of psychologist Joe O'Loughlin. When things go sideways, DI Gennia shows up to investigate. Joe and Vincent Ruiz try to help Marnie. I loved the first meeting between Ruiz and Gennia.

There are italicized chapters from an unknown character's point of view, and these give a lot of insight as the book progresses. This character is pretty creepy. Pacing and tension amp up as things are revealed. I kept looking at how many remaining pages were left and thinking what more could possibly happen! I like how Robotham doesn't overtly tell certain things, but gives enough information that allows the reader to realize what's what.

Joe O'Loughlin and Vincent Ruiz are great characters and I love them. I'm a bit sad that there's currently only one more book to go in the series.
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Reading Progress

December 21, 2016 – Shelved
December 21, 2016 – Shelved as: to-read
January 8, 2017 – Started Reading
January 10, 2017 –
page 96
January 11, 2017 –
page 204
January 11, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Nice review, Brenda! I have this one on my iPad to read soon. I've liked all of his books.

David Staniforth Great review, Brenda. Sums up exactly how I feel about these books. As for the recommendation of them, you are very welcome; it's great to share an appreciation of good books.

Brenda Maureen wrote: "Nice review, Brenda! I have this one on my iPad to read soon. I've liked all of his books."

Thank you, Maureen. I'm sure you'll love this one, too! I'll look for your review!

Brenda David wrote: "Great review, Brenda. Sums up exactly how I feel about these books. As for the recommendation of them, you are very welcome; it's great to share an appreciation of good books."

Thank you, David. That's what Goodreads is all about. Sharing a love of books.

message 5: by Mike (new)

Mike Fantastic review, Brenda.

Really like the idea of the unknown character's POV shown via italicized chapters.Glad to see that this stays at a 5 star level as well. That's 34/35 stars for seven books so far - pretty dang impressive.

Diane S ☔ Glad this series is remaining wrong for you, Brenda.

Diane S ☔ Strong I mean, what is with auto correct?

Mary Beth Great review Brenda! Cant wait to get further in this series.

Brenda Mike wrote: "Fantastic review, Brenda.

Really like the idea of the unknown character's POV shown via italicized chapters.Glad to see that this stays at a 5 star level as well. That's 34/35 stars for seven boo..."

Thanks, Mike. I just love the style of writing, the characters, the storylines. When I start one of these books, I am engrossed right to the end. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Brenda Diane S ☔ wrote: "Strong I mean, what is with auto correct?"

Thanks, Diane! I knew what you meant. I also get tripped up by autocorrect, sometimes with hilarious results!

Brenda Mary wrote: "Great review Brenda! Cant wait to get further in this series."

Thanks, Mary! I'm glad you're enjoying the series, too!

Brenda Thanks, Steph!

Eileen Great review Brenda my word you are now almost up to date with his books he can't write fast enough for me!

Brenda Eileen wrote: "Great review Brenda my word you are now almost up to date with his books he can't write fast enough for me!"

Thanks, Eileen! One more in the series, and then his stand alones!

message 15: by Pat (new) - rated it 5 stars

Pat You will love the last book Brenda.

Eileen We have a Michael robotham fan club going here.i have yet to find someone who doesn't love his books!

Brenda Pat wrote: "You will love the last book Brenda."

Oh, now you've got me really eager to get to it, Pat!

Brenda Eileen wrote: "We have a Michael robotham fan club going here.i have yet to find someone who doesn't love his books!"

It's great when that happens, Eileen! I've seen it happen before, like with John Hart and Cody McFadyen.

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