Anne's Reviews > Murder of Crows

Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop
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really liked it
bookshelves: read-in-2016, urban-fantasy

For those of you who didn't like the slow pace of the first book?
Welp, you're gonna want to give this series a pass, because this one is more of the same.
Me? For some reason, I really loved it...


And all the complaints about how the last book had too many details of Meg & Co. just sort of doing silly nothingness, like brushing their teeth? Yep. Same sort of day to day minutiae included in this one.
Either you're interested in the characters and world, or you're not.
I don't blame anyone who isn't into this, because the vast majority of the time, I'm annoyed when I have to read about bullshit details that don't really do anything for the story.
But I simply cannot get enough of these guys!
What can I say?


Ok, so with a title like Murder of Crows, can you guess what happens in the story?!


Plus, other stuff that Meg and her new friends have to figure out.
Drug are bad, M'Kay?
Everything just kind of inches along, and by the end, everyone knows a bit more than they did when the story started.
Again, I have no idea why I like this series so much!


Good stuff. If you liked the first book, you'll probably like this one.
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Reading Progress

December 26, 2016 – Started Reading
December 26, 2016 – Shelved
December 28, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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h o l l i s ahh how innocent we all were. thinking we could suffer through the slow build with a smile on our faces.. I know we've already bemoaned how the end of the series all went down but this one was the highlight of the whole arc for me, I think.

Anne Yup. There was just something unexplainable and charming about her writing style that made you overlook the mundane details.

Lauren I feel like the mundane details are there to show Meg’s process of learning about the world, having come from the methodical learning style of captivity. As for Simon, chalk it up to wolf quirks? *shrug* I really enjoyed it even if I occasionally rolled my eyes at the more repetitive expositions.

Anne Have you read the last book in this series yet?

message 5: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Jablonski Why is this the most accurate review I have ever read. I never enjoy these slow reads but holy crap I’m in love with this series and the day-to-day minutia 🙌

Anne I know! This was ridiculous but I loved it anyway.

Destiney Hopkins I'm literally so in love with this series, I cannot wait to start this book

message 8: by Frimpong (new) - added it

Frimpong Kwuku I can't wait to expoly more in the book

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