Michael's Reviews > The Orphan Master's Son

The Orphan Master's Son by Adam  Johnson
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's review

it was amazing

This is just flat-out brilliant. An amazing imaginative leap into an unknowable country, one that feels so granular, so meticulously envisioned, that it blew me away. There is both heft and humor here.
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April 28, 2017 – Shelved

Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Laysee I like how you say so much in so few words, Michael. So fun checking out the books you and I have read and reviewed.

Michael Thank you, Laysee! I try to be succinct when I can. And yes, I agree it's fun to check out the books we have in common and what you think of them!

david I'm with you on this one, Michael.

Michael Thanks, david. I suspected you would be.

Brooks I really enjoyed his story collection as well. It has all the things that I liked about this book, but in six different worlds.

Michael Brooks wrote: "I really enjoyed his story collection as well. It has all the things that I liked about this book, but in six different worlds."

Thanks, Brooks. I appreciate the recommendation. Sounds wonderful, and I'll certainly check it out.

Julie G I was at "meh," but I'm glad it resonated with you (and the people over at Pulitzer!)

Michael Julie wrote: "I was at "meh," but I'm glad it resonated with you (and the people over at Pulitzer!)"

Thanks, Julie. Sorry it didn't quite resonate with you, but God knows that's happened to me many times with books others love--and even with books that I later loved myself. It's funny how so much of reading is getting the right book at the right time. That's why I have so many of them on my shelves, because you never know when the proper mood will strike. (At least that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it!)

message 9: by Mackey (new)

Mackey I've added this, removed it but added it once more. I think now is the right time to read this. Thanks for the review.

Michael Thanks, Mackey. I'd love to hear what you think of it. I usually go with my mood on books, so if you think it's the right time, dive in! Happy reading.

Ellen I agree. This is an absolutely brilliant novel.

Michael Ellen wrote: "I agree. This is an absolutely brilliant novel."

Thank you, Ellen! I'm glad you agree. The book really is brilliant, breathtakingly so.

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