Gavin's Reviews > The Pitcher

The Pitcher by William Hazelgrove
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Book Review: The Pitcher By: William Hazelgrove. This book is very good and the whole focus of this book is around baseball, so if you are a sporty person this is the book for you.
This book that I just read is realistic fiction but some of the events in this book have taken place on earth but other events haven’t happened so I would have to say this book is realistic fiction. The setting of this book takes place mostly in the main character (Ricky’s) neighborhood and on some sort of field ranging from and open grassy field to an actual baseball diamond. The mood of this book ranges from some sad moments to some really happy moments it sometimes really bounces back and forth between those two. The main conflict of this book is kind of hard to explain because it would kind of give away the book but what happens is a character in this book gets sick because of a certain thing and that makes icky really sad and want to quit baseball… But if you want to find out what happens I would suggest you read the book. The characters can’t really do anything because of what happens they just have to hope and pray they themselves can’t do much more than that.
My opinions on this book is that I feel this was really well written and this book was perfect to me in particular because I like sports and baseball is one of my favorites. But If I had to critique the book I would probably add some more description about stuff because some moments go from Ricky being at a baseball field right then to his mom being all dressed and taking “The Pitcher” Ricky’s baseball trainer dinner so if it was me I would try not to jump around the board as much but this was a very well rounded story and I would recommend this book to anyone because like what I said in my last review that sometimes I have a hard time finding books I actually enjoy and want to read, so I would recommend this book. The writing of this book is pretty powerful because of some events that happen in this book. I do think the author achieve his primary purpose because the book was about baseball so yes he did that very well. I also agree with what he is writing about.
Lastly, All-in-all this book was really good and like I said I would recommend this book to anyone who likes sports. This book was very good. This book left me on the note of being thankful for the time I have. Again this book was very good and if you are looking for anything to read this would be my answer.

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Reading Progress

October 1, 2017 – Started Reading
October 9, 2017 – Shelved
October 9, 2017 –
page 7
October 11, 2017 –
page 20
October 16, 2017 –
page 89
October 16, 2017 –
page 89
35.6% "The signpost I noticed today was a contrast and contradiction. The main characters moms boyfriend was being a jerk an the pitcher acted like he never had before and protected his mom by whacking Fernando in the back with an iron chair."
October 18, 2017 –
page 199
October 23, 2017 –
page 240
October 23, 2017 –
page 240
96.0% "The signpost I noticed in my book today was a contrast and contradiction. I was wondering why the pitcher was acting the way he was. He was all teary and sad. Which is different because he is a Drill Sargent and is always yelling stuff to Ricky. So I asked myself why is he acting this way? Well, it turns out that Ricky's mom is in the hospital and is almost died she is hanging on for her life right now."
October 24, 2017 – Finished Reading

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