Miranda Reads's Reviews > Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: audiobook

Old books get a bad rap...but do they deserve it? Check out my latest BooktTube Video - all about the fabulous (and not so fabulous) Olde Bois.

The Written Review
"Though you have a man's vigorous brain, you have a woman's heart and--it would not do."

"It would do," I affirmed with some disdain, "perfectly well.
Oh Jane, you wondrously bold and beautiful gal.

After she was orphaned, Jane Eyre was sent to live with her maternal uncle and his wife (Mrs. Reed). When her uncle dies, he forces his wife to swear to love, nurture and care for Jane as if she was their own child.

Unsurprisingly, Mrs. Reed is not pleased in the least with this arrangement and does the absolute bare minimum towards Jane. She spoils her three biological children but sees Jane as a wicked, conniving and devilish child (despite ample evidence against).
I know that had I been a sanguine, brilliant, careless, exacting, handsome, romping child—though equally dependent and friendless—Mrs. Reed would have endured my presence more complacently; her children would have entertained for me more of the cordiality of fellow-feeling
Jane is sent off to boarding school where life is harsher than before (threadbare clothes, small rations) but she prefers it for she has finally found what she's been missing.
There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort.
At the end of her time there, she sets off to be a governess. She takes a job for a Mr. Rochester and tutors his young ward, Adel.

Only, when she arrives at the house, she starts to notice certain things. The servants know something is up and won't tell her. Mr. Rochester is hiding a huge mystery and despite the danger, and the difference in social standing, Jane Eyre is falling ever faster in love.

An absolutely stunning book.

This is my third time through, and each time I am blown away by Jane's strength of character. With every twist life hurled at her, Jane merely straightened her shoulders, adjusted her pack and trudged on.

Each time I read this novel, I notice something different. This time, it was how much Charlotte Bronte slipped her own beliefs into the novel:
Precisely as men would suffer; and it is narrow-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings...It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex.
It made for a truly eye-opening reread

The ABC Reading Challenge - J

Audiobook Comments
Read by Nadia May. I may be the only one with this - but whenever I read a really old novel, I find it much easier to listen to (opposed to reading a copy). I spend less time puzzling out the language and unfamiliar terms and more time enjoying the story. I highly recommend listening to this book if you've tried reading it and just couldn't get into it.

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Reading Progress

March 15, 2018 – Started Reading
March 15, 2018 – Shelved
March 17, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 58 (58 new)

James Regarding the audiobook, I may need to switch to that format for Oliver Twist. Previously, I listened to Great Expectations and David Copperfield and loved them both for the very reasons that you cite. Reading Oliver Twist has been slow going and I find myself staring at the opened book with more and more disdain.

Miranda Reads James wrote: "Regarding the audiobook, I may need to switch to that format for Oliver Twist. Previously, I listened to Great Expectations and David Copperfield and loved them both for the very reasons that you c..."

Def try the audio. It goes by much quicker plus the voices bring the story to life :) I'm planning on trying other old books on audio and seeing how the experience changes.

Amanda Who voiced the audiobook? Jane Eyre is one of my absolute favorite novels, and I would love to listen to a good version

message 4: by Lex (new)

Lex Kent Great review and good point about using audiobooks:)

Iryna *Book and Sword* Great review Miranda 💗

Miranda Reads Amanda wrote: "Who voiced the audiobook? Jane Eyre is one of my absolute favorite novels, and I would love to listen to a good version"

The one I listened to was voiced by Nadia May - it took about a half hour to get used to the British accent - but I really enjoyed experiencing this book through the audio.

Miranda Reads Lex wrote: "Great review and good point about using audiobooks:)"

Thank you. Audiobooks are my life now :P

Miranda Reads Iryna (Book and Sword) wrote: "Great review Miranda 💗"

Thank you!! :D

Miranda Reads Maya wrote: "I REALLY need to read this book now"

I really enjoyed it. It did take a bit To get used to the old timey pacing and words

Leila A great review Miranda! This is one of my all time favourites and I was really delighted to read how you had got used to the writing style and loved the book. Thank you.

Olivia's Bookish Places & Spaces One of my favorite books ever - glad to see you loved it! :)

Miranda Reads Leila wrote: "A great review Miranda! This is one of my all time favourites and I was really delighted to read how you had got used to the writing style and loved the book. Thank you."

Glad you like it too :) it's so good

Miranda Reads Olivia wrote: "One of my favorite books ever - glad to see you loved it! :)"

Omg love that you love it

Rosaline (Rosaline's Rolls & Scrolls) I can't believe I still haven't read this book! I need to pick it up ASAP

message 15: by Carro (new)

Carro And on a slightly orthogonal note - The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. It is based around Jane Eyre - but in a somewhat alternative universe where some people can actually step into the pages of the book and meet the characters. Makes a lot more sense when you've read Jane Eyre. It is satire of current society and a celebration of Jane Eyre and of reading (as in not satirising Jane Eyre).

Miranda Reads Rosaline wrote: "I can't believe I still haven't read this book! I need to pick it up ASAP"

Yaaaaaaas! Do it! Join us! !

Miranda Reads Carro wrote: "And on a slightly orthogonal note - The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. It is based around Jane Eyre - but in a somewhat alternative universe where some people can actually step into the..."

Oooo! Sounds interesting. Part of the reason i reread Jane Eyre was because i wanted to read all of those spin off books based on it

Mutasim Billah "With every twist life hurled at her, Jane merely straightened her shoulders, adjusted her pack and trudged on. "

Beautifully put, Miranda! :)
It's an absolute wonder of a book.

Miranda Reads Mutasim wrote: ""With every twist life hurled at her, Jane merely straightened her shoulders, adjusted her pack and trudged on. "

Beautifully put, Miranda! :)
It's an absolute wonder of a book."

Thank you! And i agree - fabulous book through and through

message 20: by Ce'asia Ketchum (new)

Ce'asia Ketchum Cool

message 21: by Ce'asia Ketchum (new)

Ce'asia Ketchum I look books but the funny kind

Amanda Bannister One of my all time favourites ✨

message 23: by Tzu (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tzu I seriously have to read this one asap!!

Tatevik doesn’t get notifications I'm glad you liked it. This is my favourite!

Miranda Reads Amanda wrote: "One of my all time favourites ✨"


Miranda Reads Sarah (WorldOfWonders) wrote: "I seriously have to read this one asap!!"


Miranda Reads Tatevik wrote: "I'm glad you liked it. This is my favourite!"

That's awesome! What's your favorite part?

Tatevik doesn’t get notifications Miranda wrote: "Tatevik wrote: "I'm glad you liked it. This is my favourite!"

That's awesome! What's your favorite part?"

I love the fortune telling part and of course proposal. Ah, I am hopeless romantic ☺️
What about yours?

Joseph Sciuto Excellent review, Miranda. It is truly one of the great books in the history of literature. Wonderful taste.

message 30: by Bharath (new)

Bharath Great review Miranda. I read this book many years back and had forgotten the story till I read your review. I do want to read it again, but not sure when!

*Stani* my all time/ultimate book. I seriously read this one like million times and I will never tire of reading it. She is seriously such a genuine, curious, loving and pure soul that everything that happens to her resonates deeply with the reader. I am glad you loved it as well.

Ravenna Wonderful review! I love this book and have read it several times.

message 33: by Andrew (new)

Andrew Hoffert I've read a lot of "classic" books like these for university, and this is one of very few that I actually enjoyed reading ❤️

Miranda Reads Joseph wrote: "Excellent review, Miranda. It is truly one of the great books in the history of literature. Wonderful taste."

Thank you and i agree!

Miranda Reads Bharath wrote: "Great review Miranda. I read this book many years back and had forgotten the story till I read your review. I do want to read it again, but not sure when!"

Glad you liked it!

Miranda Reads *Stani* wrote: "my all time/ultimate book. I seriously read this one like million times and I will never tire of reading it. She is seriously such a genuine, curious, loving and pure soul that everything that happ..."

You make me want to reread it again!

Miranda Reads Raven wrote: "Wonderful review! I love this book and have read it several times."


Miranda Reads Andrew wrote: "I've read a lot of "classic" books like these for university, and this is one of very few that I actually enjoyed reading ❤️"

That's awesome! What else did you enjoy?

Miranda Reads Tatevik wrote: "I love the fortune telling part and of course proposal. Ah, I am hopeless..."

The proposal! And just all her snappy one- liners

Tatevik doesn’t get notifications Miranda wrote: "Tatevik wrote: "I love the fortune telling part and of course proposal. Ah, I am hopeless..."

The proposal! And just all her snappy one- liners"

I started to miss her. Maybe I should start reading :)

Miranda Reads Honestly. Same. :p

*Stani* Miranda wrote: "*Stani* wrote: "my all time/ultimate book. I seriously read this one like million times and I will never tire of reading it. She is seriously such a genuine, curious, loving and pure soul that ever..."

awww, thank you - there is never a bad time to read Jane Eyre, in my humble opinion. :)

Miranda Reads Elyse wrote: "Absolutely wonderful review Miranda... you lovely sweet girl! 💕"

Thank you so much!

Bella Great review! I agree, I too am “blown away by Jane’s strength of character.” It’s inspiring. I love that she always stays true to herself, she sticks to her morals no matter what.

Also, I‘m amazed at the way she’s able to control her feelings towards Mr.Rochester, like when he asks for her forgiveness and she says:
“Reader, I forgave him at the moment and on the spot. There was such deep remorse in his eye, such true pity in his tone, such manly energy in his manner; and besides, there was such unchanged love in his whole look and mien — I forgave him all: yet not in words, not outwardly; only at my heart's core.”
This part is so emotional and every time I read this the childish part of me, who just wants a happy ending, is screaming a little inside like “Ugh, just forgive him already and don’t leave him” even though I know that she does right by leaving him. Anyway, I could go on and on. All I can say is, I love this book!

message 45: by Jana (new)

Jana How the HELL did you give this 5 stars and give Wuthering Heights 3.5 stars....I disagree ngl but people have different taste so it's okay 😭 I'm just a bit confused about that

Pamela My favorite of all time. I recently listened to the Thandie Newton audiobook and ... wow. She just IS Jane Eyre.

Miranda Reads Jana wrote: "How the HELL did you give this 5 stars and give Wuthering Heights 3.5 stars....I disagree ngl but people have different taste so it's okay 😭 I'm just a bit confused about that"

Upon a reread, I did boost Wuthering to 4 stars. The main difference is my enjoyment of the characters. Jane was truly amazing and Catherine - tbh, she was a jerk. Most of the characters in Wuthering were petty and mean, and it affected my interpretation of the book.

Miranda Reads Pamela wrote: "My favorite of all time. I recently listened to the Thandie Newton audiobook and ... wow. She just IS Jane Eyre."

Ooo! Thank you so much for that suggestion! I've been itching for a reread and that sounds perfect!

message 49: by Federico (new)

Federico y quien sos vos Miranda Lee??

message 50: by Alba (new) - rated it 5 stars

Alba Marie This has long since been one of my favourites, and no matter how many times I've read it, I still love it !

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