Hamad's Reviews > Inferno

Inferno by Dante Alighieri
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bookshelves: 2018-reads, paperbacks

This review and other non-spoilery reviews can be found @The Book Prescription

“But the stars that marked our starting fall away.
We must go deeper into greater pain,
for it is not permitted that we stay.”

🌟 Basically this book is about Dante’s journey in hell, so it must be one hell of a book, right?

🌟 I am not actually the biggest fan of modern poetry. I have tried books as The princess saves herself in this one and Milk and simply did not like them because they felt like a Facebook or a Tumblr post more than a book. Just put some words in certain topics in a column and that’s it.

🌟 I may have gone to the other extremity when I read a book written in 1300. And I was not disappointed. Dante is known as one of history’s greatest authors and you can see that in the writing style. I will take this opportunity to thanks the genius-being who is the translator. To be able to capture the essence, the rhyme and the messages in another language while maintaining the originality is no easy task. And he outdid himself in this one.

🌟 This is not a typical book, I mean there is no character development and plot twists because this is freaking hell! People are tortured here and not supposed to develop. Lol! A point that Dante clearly emphasized is that the punishment is equal to the sin. For example :
In the third circle, the gluttonous wallow in a vile, putrid slush produced by a ceaseless, foul, icy rain – “a great storm of putrefaction” – as punishment for subjecting their reason to a voracious appetite.

🌟 But one thing I am not sure about is how the author was censorious enough to pass judgement on many important figures. He decided that some people as Saladin and Prophet Mohamet were in hell and he even decided what circles to put them in. A slightly offending thing because it was clearly biased.

🌟Summary: A not so typical journey and a not so typical book. If you’re looking to read a slightly heavy book that affected literature (according to my friend who studies Eng lit) then this is what you are looking for.
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May 29, 2018 – Started Reading
May 29, 2018 – Shelved
June 18, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Iyene Beautiful review. I recommend An Orchestra of Minorities by Chigozie Obioma, the idea of the human soul as a god narrating the story in paradise reminds me of Dante's book.

Hamad Victoria wrote: "Beautiful review. I recommend An Orchestra of Minorities by Chigozie Obioma, the idea of the human soul as a god narrating the story in paradise reminds me of Dante's book."

Thanks Victoria!
That sounds interesting and I will check it out :D

message 3: by Anne (new)

Anne Vivliohomme One hell of a book hahaha

Hamad Anne wrote: "One hell of a book hahaha"

Pun intended :')

message 5: by ✨ Helena ✨ (new)

✨ Helena ✨ This is one of my favourite classics! 💖

Hamad Helena wrote: "This is one of my favourite classics! 💖"

The queen has spoken!

message 7: by ✨ Helena ✨ (new)

✨ Helena ✨ @Hamad QUEEN?! 👸🏻 Thank you, kind sir! 😇

Hamad Helena wrote: "@Hamad QUEEN?! 👸🏻 Thank you, kind sir! 😇"

I mean I am not the one who was reading the hardest classics at 10 years!!! You're the queen of classics!

message 9: by ✨ Helena ✨ (new)

✨ Helena ✨ @Hamad Ahaha! Well, I mean...this is what happens when you have a British Mum lol

message 10: by Francesca ❆ (new)

Francesca ❆ I studied Dante’s books back in high school (they basically shove it down our throat) and I’m way too much familiar with him and all the symbolism behind the books xD

Hamad Helena wrote: "@Hamad Ahaha! Well, I mean...this is what happens when you have a British Mum lol"

I guess that's a good thing?!

Hamad ❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "I studied Dante’s books back in high school (they basically shove it down our throat) and I’m way too much familiar with him and all the symbolism behind the books xD"

My friend's favorite book is Inferno and now he can't stop talking about it and keep explaining it to me even though I read it, He Studies English Literature so I guess he will make his students read it X-X

message 13: by Francesca ❆ (new)

Francesca ❆ Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "I studied Dante’s books back in high school (they basically shove it down our throat) and I’m way too much familiar with him and all the symbolism behind..."

Those poor poor children 😂
Jokes aside, the Divina Commedia is the only series I could stomach while we were studying Renaissance’s Italian Literature. Inferno and Purgatorio are the best books (Paradiso is pretty boring) and the whole symbolism thing is pretty interesting!
P.S.: I still have my high school’s notes if you want to discuss the points you made in your review :)

Hamad ❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "I studied Dante’s books back in high school (they basically shove it down our throat) and I’m way too much familiar with him and all the sy..."

haha lol
I didn't have to study those in school and only read this because my friend gave me the book as a gift! I won't read the rest of the divine comedy although Inferno was great.
P.S: DM me if you want to do that!

message 15: by Francesca ❆ (last edited Oct 26, 2018 08:11PM) (new)

Francesca ❆ Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "I studied Dante’s books back in high school (they basically shove it down our throat) and I’m w..."

Can’t blame you for that, the whole thing is an ode to Redemption:
-of humanity on a universal level.
-autobiographical (Dante’s spiritual redemption after the corruption).
-political: through the help of rationality and the empire and its laws, humanity achieves ultra terrestrial happiness.
-religious: thanks to the guidance of Teology (represented by Beatrice) and faith (Saint Bernard) humanity can reach happiness.
After a while it’s gets pretty tedious 😪

Hamad ❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "I studied Dante’s books back in high school (they basically shove it down our thr..."

Oh, that makes sense :O

message 17: by Francesca ❆ (new)

Francesca ❆ Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "I studied Dante’s books back in high ..."

😆 and that’s just the tip of the iceberg

Hamad ❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "I studied Dante’s books..."

I think I am drowning :')

message 19: by Francesca ❆ (new)

Francesca ❆ Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of C..."

I’ll throw you a broken piece of door so you can climb on it ;)

Hamad ❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesc..."

Lol! Good one :D

message 21: by Francesca ❆ (new)

Francesca ❆ Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of C..."

*bows* Thank you! 🤣

Hamad ❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Hamad wrote: "❆Francesc..."

Welcome :D

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