Lisa ~ Books Are My Drugs ~'s Reviews > Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward by Nic Starr
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Bailey works in an office not far from Tom's coffee shop "Take Two". He and a coworker often go there to get coffee and lunch. Bailey likes it there because both the food and coffee are great. He also likes to ogle Tom.

The guys get to talking one day when Bailey's there for lunch and Bailey asks Tom to think about having one his mobile library patrons work there when he needs extra help. Tom's reaction isn't the best but he thinks about it and calls to thank Bailey for the idea and to ask him out.

The guys start seeing each other socially and are getting to know each other. Tom helps Bailey out with an issue he's having with his mobile library and Bailey helps Tom realize there's no shame in having people help when needed. Tom also helps Bailey see that his thoughts about there being no shame in getting help also apply to Bailey when he has personal troubles.

I enjoyed visiting Australia in this story and thought it was a quick, easy read with minimal angst and conflict. The guys get along well together and complement each other. I also liked how supportive of each other they are. And I really felt Bailey's despair when his personal complications all came at the same time.

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Reading Progress

November 10, 2018 – Started Reading
November 11, 2018 – Shelved
November 11, 2018 – Finished Reading

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