Shawna Wood's Reviews > After Glow

After Glow by Autumn Jones Lake
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it was amazing

What can I saw other than amazing! Autumn is truly a genius and a master storyteller. Her writing is so genuine and authentic that there never feels like there is never a wrong note in the direction she takes her characters and stories.

After Glow is simply amazing. The twists, turns, and confessions often left me speechless and in tears. These characters have grown so much over these books and I appreciate an author who lets her characters grow and mature. It's not often you find a romance series that explores life after the initial get together and I love it. Character development and growth doesn't stop after they couple up or get married. Autumn explores what it really means to find love and keep it.

Rock and Hope are a game-changing couple. Not just in the Romance world, but her the LOKI world too. The buck every expectation and with their relationship they have changed the course of the people in the world, all for the better. Their road has never been easy, but they face it head on together. Their not perfect, but they show grace with each other, which allows them to bring out the best in each other.

What I love is the twist and turns of this series feel organic and true to the characters and the world they live in. Nothing is done for shock value, but as the natural progression of the story and the development of these men and women. While you will be left speechless and in tears as truths are revealed, it feels real and honest and your just glad you get to be along for the ride.

*******Author provided a review copy*******
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Reading Progress

November 27, 2018 – Started Reading
November 28, 2018 – Finished Reading
November 29, 2018 – Shelved

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