Justin Tate's Reviews > Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
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's review

it was amazing

Gone with the Wind is a masterpiece of creative writing on every level. In its 1400 pages (or 49 hours on audio) there is not a single wasted line or insignificant moment. From a purely technical perspective, it is awe-inducing how flawlessly Mitchell utilizes characterization, setting, research, conflict, point of view, narrative voice, symbolism, foreshadowing, allusion, and every other literary device in the handbook. Even more amazing, she can juggle all this and deliver a plot that is relentlessly enjoyable.

The closest novel I've read to this quality is Les Miserables, which was clearly the template for Gone with the Wind. In case there is any doubt, Melanie goes so far as to read directly from its pages during a moment of high tension. Even in Les Miserables, however, there are hundreds of pages of dully written history that is disjunctive and awkward in the flow of narration. Mitchell, following Hugo's formula, also includes segments of war history. Her historical segments work much better, however, because they are short and play a more direct role in the action. Les Miserables is commonly read in an abridged format, but it would be impossible to abridge Gone with the Wind. Every word has a purpose, everything a cause and reaction.

Writers seeking examples of superb characterization should also look no further. Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley and Melanie (among others) are so finely drawn as to boggle the mind. How is it possible for such flawed individuals to be so absorbing? How can fiction feel this real? Even stronger than each individual character is Mitchell's handling of relationships. The way these characters mold to one another, influence one another, speak in subtext and interact creates a world so vivid that real life begins to feel dull.

Despite its long-running popularity, I feel Gone with the Wind (the novel) is perhaps the most underrated classic of all time. There should be no contest. Any list of classic literature that doesn't include Gone with the Wind in the Top 10 is simply wrong. I suspect part of why it gets forgotten as a novel is the iconic movie. I'm so thankful to have mostly avoided the movie thus far, so I could fully enjoy the novel's many surprises on its own. For those who are already well-versed with the movie, I suspect the novel will still blow you away. I just can't imagine how they could efficiently cram 49 hours of book into a 4 hour movie.

Although it was intimidating to devote so much time to a behemoth like this, I never regretted it for a second. Gone with the Wind is one of those masterpieces that is an actual shame if you never get to it.

**SIDE NOTE: The unabridged audio version narrated by Linda Stephens is the best audio performance I've ever encountered. Her performance might very well have elevated my opinion of the novel. I recommend listening to it if you can.
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Reading Progress

January 7, 2019 – Started Reading
January 7, 2019 – Shelved
January 11, 2019 –
January 23, 2019 –
February 14, 2019 –
77.0% "I’ve been saying since chapter 3 this is an American Les Miserables! Just got to the dramatic allusion when Melanie reads directly from its pages. Well done, Ms Mitchell!"
February 21, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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Tracey Justin, your review of one of my favourite book has blown me away, to the point that I'm wondering about a re read of this as you say behemoth of a book. Having read Les Miserables I can totally see were you're coming from. Excellent, excellent, excellent. Thank you. :)

message 2: by Laurene (new) - added it

Laurene Gone With The Wind has been on my reading list for so long! Looking forward to starting this novel this spring/summer. Wonderful review!

Brittany WOW!! Excellent review of my favorite book!!

lucky little cat I've literally never made it past ¶1, Justin, and I've lived in the deep South with a magnolia tree in the yard my whole life. I'm also old enough to remember Jim Crow segregation in my town. Aren't the racist passages pretty jarring to read in 2019?

message 5: by Judy (new)

Judy I have seen the movie so many times, I have lost count. I have a copy of the book. Thanks to your review the book is now in competition with A Suitable Boy for my chunkster of the year.

message 6: by Eva (new) - added it

Eva Great review. Made me want to read the book all over again.

message 7: by Bobbi (last edited Feb 23, 2019 06:06AM) (new) - added it

Bobbi Jo Very eloquent and now I'm going to have to give it a go. I got lost in the unabridged les mis and decided I wouldn't finish it.

message 8: by Dan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dan Lutts Thanks for the wonderful review, Justin. I agree with you. Gone with the Wind is a classic work and should be rated as such, even though some people disagree.

Greg Justin, agreed, very, very good. It might be a contender for the Great American Novel. It is aging beautifully. 80 years old and we're still reading it!

message 10: by Greg (new) - rated it 5 stars

Greg But as far as Great American Novel, I have to go with Updike's 'Rabbit Tetrology' (right now).

Justin Tate @Greg thanks for the Updike recommendation! I have the complete collection on my shelf and have been meaning to start it.

message 12: by Greg (last edited Feb 23, 2019 10:44PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Greg Justin wrote: "@Greg thanks for the Updike recommendation! I have the complete collection on my shelf and have been meaning to start it."

I was stunned. I'd never even thought of reading them. I liked the first one best, but originally it was heavily edited. It was a sensation, so the publishers allowed for the original version to be published in 1965. A mad Updike wrote the 2nd entry, "Rabbit Redux" and it's really trashy, intentionally so. But a Pulitzer went for both of the final 2. It's a brilliant work when put together, spanning 1960 to 1990, Updike writing one per decade, perfectly encapsulating America.

message 13: by Kaylor (new)

Kaylor If you liked "Gone With The Wind" may I suggest checking out John Jakes' North and South Trilogy? The books are "North and South", "Love and War", and "Heaven and Hell." They span the US Civil War from about 1830s through the war and onward to around the 1880s. And the series focuses on both the North's and the South's experience in the war by focusing on a Northern and Southern family, their friendship, and the toll the war takes. I will warn you though, the 2nd novel is a bit tedious. But the 1st and 3rd make up for it.

message 14: by Greg (new) - rated it 5 stars

Greg Kaylor wrote: "If you liked "Gone With The Wind" may I suggest checking out John Jakes' North and South Trilogy? The books are "North and South", "Love and War", and "Heaven and Hell." They span the US Civil War ..."

Thanks Kaylor! I haven't read Jakes work. Right now I'm buried in mid-20th Century crime fiction, and almost done! I'll definitely get to this trilogy.

message 15: by Kaylor (last edited Feb 25, 2019 08:15PM) (new)

Kaylor You're welcome Greg! And fi you're reading 20th century crime, have you read any of Dennis Lehane's books? The only one I've actually read (and thus can recommend) is "Live By Night" which is actually the 2nd in the series. But not reading the 1st didn't detract from the story. And I have a quite a number of his other works on my TBR list.

message 16: by Greg (new) - rated it 5 stars

Greg Kaylor wrote: "You're welcome Greg! And fi you're reading 20th century crime, have you read any of Dennis Lehane's books? The only one I've actually read (and thus can recommend) is "Live By Night" which is actua..."

THANKS! Right now I'm going for mid-century. 1922 (John Carol Daly invented the hard-boiled private eye in a very good novella, the "False Burton Combs," and Hammett that same year upped the game with the brilliant "Red Harvest") to 1972. I'm almost done, I never thought it'd take a year. I started with a goal of 25 authors and 50 books, but went down the rabbit hole of pulp fiction and now am at 55 authors and 192 books. I've a few more authors to read, a few more books, and I'm stopping at 60 authors and 225 novels, other wise I'd never find myself out of the rabbit hole. As I said, next is British Crime, but I plan to read 50 books by authors originally born in 50 different countries this year. Then British Crime, then worldwide crime, maybe 2 books from 1973, 2 from 1974, etc. Then, then 1900s only, there is so much I haven't read. So many great books. I don't much read contemporary, but I do know that Lehane is one of a handful of relatively contemporary crime authors with a good name.

message 17: by Kaylor (new)

Kaylor Greg wrote: "THANKS! Right now I'm going for mid-century. 1922 (John Carol Daly invented the hard-boiled private eye in a very good novella, the "False Burton Combs," and Hammett that same year upped the game with the brilliant "Red Harvest")"

Well if you ever decide to pick up Lehane, the book I mentioned takes place in 1926-roughly 1935.

Kayla I agree with every word of this review - and I’m only a quarter of the way through, haha. The audiobook read by Linda Stevens is *amazing,* I almost can’t tell if it’s the book itself I’m loving or the engaging way it’s read.

Justin Tate @Kayla glad you’re enjoying the audio version! Still the best performance I’ve ever heard and I listen to a lot of audiobooks.

Maricarmen Estrada M Wonderful review!

Audrey I listened to the audio a few months ago. It took a while, but it was excellent. I still have never seen the movie.

Carolyn Agreed about Linda Stephens! She made 53 hours go by in a flash.

message 23: by Richard (new) - added it

Richard Wallace Libtards and Yankees will never like it!

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Justin, seriously, you need to see the film. As well as GWTW being my all-time favourite book, the film version is in my top 5. It is one of those rare films, along with Jaws & The Godfather, where the book & film are as good as each other ( some may say Jaws & The Godfather films are better than the books, but you get what I mean ). Please, put aside 3 hours & 44 minutes & watch GWTW.

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