Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell's Reviews > The Scholomance

The Scholomance by R. Lee Smith
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SCHOLOMANCE is such an intense and brooding work. Like all of the other R. Lee Smith books I've read, the pacing is very slow, and the romance is even slower. This isn't a book you read when you want instant gratification. In fact, I'd argue that this isn't the type of book you read when you want gratification at all, as very little about this book is what I'd call "pleasurable." But if you like dark academia and eldritch horrors, this will be your jam. There really is nothing else like it, although VITA NOSTRA comes kind of close. It is a dark, delicious treat of a book where no light can escape.

Mara has never been like other girls. She's cold and unfeeling, and kind of a sociopath. She's also a psychic. She lives a dull and meaningless existence but one day she gets a letter from her only friend, Connie. Connie has always craved magic abilities ever since Mara confided her powers to her in secret, and when Mara was unable to give her what she wanted, she sought out a mysterious demon-run school in the wilds of Romania. This is where the letter comes from, and in it, Connie is begging for rescue and help.

After a sinister journey up a mountain that isn't unlike the dash for the Cornucopia in The Hunger Games, Mara makes it to the Scholomance. And Harry Potter, this is not. Students must endure terrible trials just to be considered students at all. And as students, they are utterly at the mercy of their demonic teachers, who operate on a totally different level of morality and don't really have any qualms about making their human students into inhuman pets or fuckpuppets. If body horror is a trigger for you, look away, because this book has lots of it, and lots of unsexy sex, too.

As Mara searches ineffectively for Connie, she becomes a student in her own right while gradually beginning to get to know some of the demon Masters there. And this is where the book gets interesting and also where I will stop elaborating. I will say that Mara is an utterly fascinating heroine. She's the sort of antiheroine that people often beg for on Twitter, which makes it a shame that this author is so criminally underrated. I get it; her books are long and take a while to get into, but I think if more people gave her a chance, they'd see that she's writing the sorts of things that they've always wanted to read. The world-building, the dialogue (Kazuul's words are pure poetry), the philosophy, the exposition-- it's all done so well, to the point that this ends up almost being a rumination on the human condition in addition to also being a sort of romance (with a compelling love triangle!), mystery, and magic school fantasy. Anyone who says they enjoy grimdark should read this, because it actually is.

Thanks to Caro for buddy-reading this with me! We're starting HEAT next! >:D

4.5 stars
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Reading Progress

September 14, 2014 –
3.0% ""seeming to speak a mad pidgeon of laughing barks and howls..."

I think that should be pidgin. LOL. :D"
September 14, 2014 –
5.0% "I really like Smith's interpretation of psychics. It is very refreshing and new, which says a lot, considering the vast number of books I've read LOL"
September 14, 2014 –
6.0% "That whole scene totally reminded me of this:

September 14, 2014 –
11.0% "I'm really enjoying this! It's like Hunger Games for adults with a heavy splash of occult and demons.

*flails contentedly*"
September 14, 2014 –
14.0% "This is crack in book form. I think this will actually bring me out of the book slump I've been in ! WOOT"
September 14, 2014 –
19.0% "Jesus Christ.

Someone just got their intestines yanked out. D:"
September 14, 2014 –
31.0% "At this point I don't think I could stop reading if I tried. AWESOME"
September 15, 2014 –
35.0% ""We are not human. We do not require a code of conduct to keep us above the petty hurts of the Earth. We are its Masters and for us, there is no morality but privilege.""
September 17, 2014 –
44.0% "Shit's getting good."
September 18, 2014 –
46.0% "O_O"
September 19, 2014 –
51.0% "I really wish I could write so beautifully--and so darkly. This is making me think about transitioning back to my original genre of horror/romance. ♥"
September 23, 2014 –
89.0% "I'm going to be so bummed when this book comes to an end. It's been a wild, awesome ride."
September 23, 2014 –
100.0% "Holy shit."
June 9, 2019 – Shelved
June 9, 2019 – Shelved as: wishlist
June 9, 2019 – Shelved as: kindle-unlimited
July 30, 2021 – Started Reading
July 30, 2021 – Shelved as: magic-and-sparkles-and-shit
July 30, 2021 – Shelved as: horror
July 30, 2021 – Shelved as: dark-and-twisted
July 30, 2021 –
0.0% "Let the BR with my friend Caro commence!"
July 30, 2021 –
5.0% "TWO Gothic buddy reads in one week? What a treat. I love R. Lee Smith and this book is no exception. I read it about seven years ago and all I remembered was that the heroine was a bad-ass psychic who hauls ass to Romania to save her idiotic childhood friend from an evil demon school.

If you needed the motivation to read this book, it's all right there."
August 1, 2021 –
13.0% "The trials and ordeals that Mara has to undergo are so terrifying. I would love to sit down and have coffee with the author. Her books are so realistic and imaginative. It would be so cool to pick her brain (figuratively, obvs)."
August 2, 2021 –
18.0% "This would make an amazing TV show. I just love the descriptions of the Scholomance."
August 2, 2021 –
24.0% "Magic is FUCKING scary"
August 5, 2021 –
29.0% "I don't think I've ever read a book with a heroine quite like Mara. Love her or hate her, she stands on her own."
August 6, 2021 –
36.0% "Her back and forths with Horuseps are SO GOOD"
August 6, 2021 –
42.0% "Seriously so good. Very slow-moving but I've said it before (and will scream it from the roof tops): slow paced is good if the journey is worth it."
August 6, 2021 –
44.0% "I would be soooo dead if I was in this school lol. I had the same thought while reading The Hunger Games, too. My unathletic ass would be down in the first quell LOL."
August 10, 2021 –
47.0% "Mara is legitimately terrifying"
August 12, 2021 –
56.0% "I have never read a fantasy novel quite as brutal as this"
August 14, 2021 –
63.0% "I honestly think the demons are the best characters. They kind of remind me of the yokai in Inuyasha. Like, it's painfully clear that they are not human and do not think like or have the morals of human."
August 14, 2021 –
68.0% "Well, that was a... DISPLAY"
August 14, 2021 –
71.0% "Planning on finishing this tomorrow so I can start HEAT. Mara is playing some dangerous games. I wonder who will win...?

JK, obviously Mara."
August 14, 2021 –
76.0% "Aww, poor Devlin. I feel kind of sorry for him."
August 14, 2021 – Finished Reading
December 31, 2021 – Shelved as: dark-academia

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Caro ♡ Hot Mess Sommelière wrote: "So excited!!"

Me too! Apparently I read this seven years ago but I don't remember it at all except that I loved it haha.

message 3: by julia (new)

julia i'm curious to see what you think of this one!! RLEE SMITH'S books are intense, but also addicting as hell.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Julia ✿ wrote: "i'm curious to see what you think of this one!! RLEE SMITH'S books are intense, but also addicting as hell."

That's a really great description. I need to reread Gann.

Which ones have you read??

message 5: by julia (new)

julia @Nenia_ RIGHT?!?! They're dark as hell, but also super romantic.

I've only read one of her books, that book being 'Land of the Beautiful Dead'. That book left me feeling… conflicted. On the one hand I loved it and still remember it fondly, but on the other hand it annoyed the ever-loving crap outta me and I wanted to fight the heroine IRL.

But I've heard amazing things about her other books. I currently have 'The Scholomance', 'The Last Hour of Gann', and 'Cottonwood' on my kindle. Hopefully, I'll get around to reading those ones soon.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Julia ✿ wrote: "@Nenia_ RIGHT?!?! They're dark as hell, but also super romantic.

I've only read one of her books, that book being 'Land of the Beautiful Dead'. That book left me feeling… conflicted. On the one h..."

I remember your review of BEAUTIFUL DEAD! I also found that book incredibly frustrating-- especially because of the heroine LOL.

Welllll... if you ever want to read Gann as a BR, hit me up! I own it and have been wanting to reread the chonker.

Emily Kestrel This was my favorite book by R Lee Smith. Probably helps that I love horror. I thought Cottonwood was great, too.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Emily wrote: "This was my favorite book by R Lee Smith. Probably helps that I love horror. I thought Cottonwood was great, too."

Yes! The suspense/mystery element was really well done. I haven't read COTTONWOOD yet but I'm really excited for it!

message 9: by Saint Fitz (new) - added it

Saint Fitz In contrast to the other RL smiths I’ve read (haven’t read scholomance or the griffin ones), cottonwood is a bit more sensitive, for her writing. More touching moments amidst horror. There are some bad bad violent parts (here and there) but for the most part it’s a slow car crash and dread dread dread (which was done very well).

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Patron Saint Fitzwilliam wrote: "In contrast to the other RL smiths I’ve read (haven’t read scholomance or the griffin ones), cottonwood is a bit more sensitive, for her writing. More touching moments amidst horror. There are some..."

Ooooh that sounds utterly fascinating. I can't wait.

message 11: by julia (new)

julia what a fabulous review, Nenia!! you've totally convinced me to check this one out. this one has a lot of mixed reviews, so it was nice seeing a positive one thrown into the mix.

and about the Gann buddy read… hmmm… that one is kinda long, but i'll probably have more free time around December. so if you're still up for it then, hit me up ;))

also, are you gonna read Cottonwood? i've seen mixed reviews on that one, so i'm curious to see what you think!!

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Julia ✿ wrote: "what a fabulous review, Nenia!! you've totally convinced me to check this one out. this one has a lot of mixed reviews, so it was nice seeing a positive one thrown into the mix.

and about the Gann..."

Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

Yes I'd love to BR with you in December!

I'm planning on reading Cottonwood, yes! My friend and I are reading her other book, Olivia, this weekend. I'm so excited. 😍

message 13: by Katie (kt-recs) (new)

Katie (kt-recs) Hey Nenia! Your reviews are always so thoughtful and articulate, I so look forward to reading them. This interests me, but I'll be the first to admit I'm a bit more....... sensitive when it comes to certain topics. Can you tell me whether it contains on-page sexual violence?

message 14: by Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ (last edited Aug 24, 2021 07:34PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Katie (kt-recs) wrote: "Hey Nenia! Your reviews are always so thoughtful and articulate, I so look forward to reading them. This interests me, but I'll be the first to admit I'm a bit more....... sensitive when it comes t..."

It does, yes. Lots of dub-con and rough sex. Not outright rape though, at least not for the heroine. Other people get raped though.

message 15: by Katie (kt-recs) (new)

Katie (kt-recs) Okay, i'll probably avoid this one then. Thanks as always for all your help!

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Katie (kt-recs) wrote: "Okay, i'll probably avoid this one then. Thanks as always for all your help!"

You're welcome!

message 17: by Saint Fitz (new) - added it

Saint Fitz I’d totally reread Gann in Nov-December, when I have a little break, if you are gonna do a buddy read! I know it is forever away, so no worries if not.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Patron Saint Fitzwilliam wrote: "I’d totally reread Gann in Nov-December, when I have a little break, if you are gonna do a buddy read! I know it is forever away, so no worries if not."

Yeah! Julia and I were thinking of maybe reading Gann in December!

message 19: by Maddy (new) - added it

Maddy How did i not know about this book before???? Great review. Need to add this to my tbr.

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Maddy wrote: "How did i not know about this book before???? Great review. Need to add this to my tbr."

Ahhh!!! I only just saw this comment! YES! I think you'd like it. This book has really strong Tanith Lee vibes. It's erotic and weird and beautifully written and I couldn't look away from it!

Susan (the other Susan) But… Connie? That’s the least demonic name since Bubbles

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Susan (the other Susan) wrote: "But… Connie? That’s the least demonic name since Bubbles"

Hahaha this is true but Connie is not a demon! :)

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