Manny's Reviews > Sjakie en de chocoladefabriek

Sjakie en de chocoladefabriek by Roald Dahl
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bookshelves: children, german-and-dutch, well-i-think-its-funny, why-not-call-it-poetry, parody-homage
Read 3 times. Last read November 15, 2019 to November 26, 2019.

"Isn't it wonderful?" asked Willy Wonka. "Haven't the Oompa-Loompas done a fine job? I particularly liked their poems. Quite perfect, don't you agree?"

Charlie turned red. "I, uh..." he began.

"Yes?" said Willy Wonka. "I know, it's not long enough. It should have been twice as long. Three times as long. But you mustn't discourage them. I'm sure they did the very best they could."

Grandpa Joe had meanwhile put on his glasses and peered at the book. "It's not that," he said. "Mr. Wonka, I think there's been some mistake. This book isn't in English. In fact, I don't properly know what language it's in. We can't understand a word of it."

"Of course!" said Willy Wonka, dramatically striking his forehead. "Of course. How silly of me, I forget to give you your Linguistic Lollies. My very latest and most brilliant invention. Now let me see," he said as he pulled a box out of his pocket and began fumbling through it, "Danish, Dari, Dakota, Dyirbal, where is it! Ah, here we are, Dutch." He pulled out a handful of brightly coloured sweets and gave one to each member of the party. "Take these and I'm sure we'll soon be back on track."

Charlie popped the sweet in his mouth. It had a curious taste which reminded him of cheese, tulips and something he couldn't name, but somehow it was quite delicious. In a moment he had gobbled it up.

"Alright," said Willy Wonka, clapping his hands. "Look at the book again. Why don't you try reading a bit aloud."

Charlie opened it, "S, uh," he began, and stopped. A look of great surprise came over his face.

"Yes?" said Willy Wonka. Charlie stared at the book and continued. "’s Avonds als hij zijn avondmaal van waterige koolsoep op had, ging Sjakie altijd naar de kamer van zijn vier grootouders om naar hun verhalen te luisteren en ze daarna goedenacht te zeggen."

"And in English?" asked Willy Wonka encouragingly. Charlie's eyes were as big as saucers.

"I know what it means!" he said. "'’s Avonds' - well, that's 'in the evening', 'als hij zijn avondmaal van waterige koolsoep op had', 'when he'd had his dinner of watery cabbage soup'. Of course, 'koolsoep', that's like Swedish 'kålsoppa'! 'ging Sjakie altijd naar de kamer van zijn vier grootouders', 'ging' and 'altijd' are like in Swedish, 'kammer' and 'vier' are like in German, so it's 'went Sjakie always to the room of his four grandparents'. 'Om naar hun verhalen te luisteren en ze daarna goedenacht te zeggen', what's 'verhalen', oh, it must be 'stories'. 'To listen to their stories then say goodnight to them'. I see, the German initial S is often changed into Z, so 'sein' and 'sagen' become 'zijn' and 'zeggen'."

"Exactly so!" said Willy Wonka. "You see, you understood it all along. Now we must hurry or we'll never have time for the Parsing Peppermints."
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Reading Progress

Started Reading (Paperback Edition)
Started Reading (Paperback Edition)
January 1, 1993 – Finished Reading (Paperback Edition)
January 1, 1993 – Finished Reading (Paperback Edition)
April 21, 2011 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)
April 21, 2011 – Shelved as: children (Paperback Edition)
April 21, 2011 – Shelved as: science-fiction (Paperback Edition)
April 21, 2011 – Shelved as: well-i-think-its... (Paperback Edition)
September 20, 2016 – Shelved as: children (Paperback Edition)
September 20, 2016 – Shelved (Paperback Edition)
September 20, 2016 – Shelved as: donalds-are-trumps (Paperback Edition)
September 20, 2016 – Shelved as: well-i-think-its... (Paperback Edition)
November 15, 2019 – Started Reading
November 15, 2019 – Shelved
November 15, 2019 –
page 10
6.8% "In dit boek komen vijf kinderen voor:

een gulzige jongen

een vreselijk verwend meisje

een meisje dat altijd kauwgum kauwt

een jongen die niets anders doet dan televisiekijken


die eigenlijk Jacques heet, DE HELD"
November 19, 2019 –
page 25
17.01% "En dat was eventjes een paleis! Er waren honderd kamers in en alles was van donkere en lichte chocola gemaakt. De stenen van chocola, de ramen van chocola, de muren en plafonds van chocola, en ook de kleden en de schilderijen, de meubels en de bedden; en als je de kranen in de badkamer opendeed stroomde er warme chocolademelk uit."
November 21, 2019 –
page 55
37.41% "'Een Gouden Toegangskaart!' schreeuwde de winkelier en sprong een meter de lucht in. 'Je hebt een Gouden Toegangskaart! Jij hebt de laatste gewonden! Had je dat gedacht? Hé, mensen, kom toch eens kijken! De jongen die vindt me daar de laatste Gouden Toegangskaart van Wonka! Hij heeft 'm in zijn hand!'"
November 23, 2019 –
page 100

'Sint-room?' vroeg Joris Teevee. 'Is dat room van Sinterklaas?'

'Doorroeien!' schreeuwde meneer Willie Wonka. 'We hebben geen tijd voor onnozele vragen.'"
November 24, 2019 –
page 140
95.24% "De beste raad die ik kan geven
Om een kind te leren leven,
Is: zeg ALTIJD, ALTIJD nee!
Als hij wil kijken naar de tv.
Nog beter, heb je kinderen thuis,
Neem dan geen toestel in je huis.
En als je 't ding soms al hebt staan,
Gooi het dan rustig uit het raam."
November 26, 2019 – Shelved as: children
November 26, 2019 – Shelved as: german-and-dutch
November 26, 2019 – Shelved as: well-i-think-its-funny
November 26, 2019 – Shelved as: why-not-call-it-poetry
November 26, 2019 – Shelved as: parody-homage
November 26, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Anne (new)

Anne *claps* Heel goed!

Manny Dank U!

message 3: by Matt (last edited Nov 27, 2019 05:45PM) (new)

Matt I immediately recognized the koolsoep :)

Manny It is a remarkably kool word. I had to look it up again to make sure I'd got the spelling right (I have absolutely no feeling for Dutch orthography), but yup, that's apparently correct. There is even something called the koolsoepdieet, which sounds rather nasty.

message 5: by Matt (new)

Matt We have the same word: Kohlsuppendiät. Without knowing exactly what it is, I'm sure I'll never try it. I'm a Kohlsuppendiätverweigerer.

Manny I am wondering whether to say that I agree, but I do not feel what one in Swedish might call any kålsoppadietvägranspliktkänsla.

Manny Your harsh words bounce off my Oompa-Loompas' indomitable good cheer!

message 8: by Fionnuala (new)

Fionnuala Ooh, I'd love some of those sweets for Christmas.
Can I have a tomato and olive oil flavored, wait, what I really need right now is a borscht flavoured one!

Manny I asked Mr Wonka for exactly the same thing, but he said the borscht flavoured ones were still being tested and remember what happened to Violet Beauregarde. Anyway, I'm sure those clever Oompa-Loompas will soon have sorted out the remaining problems!

message 10: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Don't forget what happened to the man who
suddenly got everything he wanted. Apart Linguistic Lollies.

Manny This must be in Charlie and the Deep Learning Architecture?

message 12: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Something terrible. " He lived happily ever after ". - - The Chocolate Factory .

Manny I really have to get hold of Charlie and the Semi-Formal Theories of Syntactic Structure.

message 14: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or Too late. Out of stock.

Manny Oh well, I'll wait until the Disney movie comes out.

message 16: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or But maybe Charlie's angels
will have mercy on their Chosen one, and will edit a Mayan translation for him.

Manny I'm really looking forward to Charlie and the Veil of Illusion.

message 18: by Théo d'Or (new)

Théo d'Or No more either. Stolen by Balzac, a great kleptomaniac of illusions.

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