NickReads's Reviews > Dark Places
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Dark Places.
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rated it 3 stars
Nov 28, 2019 02:07PM
I feel like every year I’m on a quest to find a book that’s up to par with GG. This year I believe I found it with The Silent Patient.
Asha wrote: "I feel like every year I’m on a quest to find a book that’s up to par with GG. This year I believe I found it with The Silent Patient."
I have yet to read it
I have yet to read it
I get where you’re coming from but her whole character is she’s supposed to be an adult child who is stuck in her ways so yes she was but it was the point of it.
Haha best review. She was so annoyingly stupid! I’m still peeved that she basically never changes her bedsheets.
😂😂 lmao this review is crazy funny idk why I read it and laughed out loud.. I haven’t even read the book yet just going through the reviews.