NickReads's Reviews > Dark Places

Dark Places by Gillian Flynn
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yo this book freaky, Ben real creepy and Libby kinda dumb
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Reading Progress

November 20, 2019 – Shelved as: to-read
November 20, 2019 – Shelved
November 21, 2019 – Started Reading
November 21, 2019 –
page 30
7.08% "30 pages in and I love it"
November 23, 2019 –
page 78
18.4% "this is getting darker"
November 24, 2019 –
page 102
24.06% "Libby is kind of stupid"
November 28, 2019 –
page 140
33.02% "Ben gives me such weird vibes"
December 8, 2019 –
page 250
58.96% "I feel so sorry for Patty"
December 9, 2019 –
page 310
73.11% "I can not put into words the hate that I feel for Diondra and Trey"
December 10, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-35 of 35 (35 new)

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Aliza I feel like every year I’m on a quest to find a book that’s up to par with GG. This year I believe I found it with The Silent Patient.

NickReads Asha wrote: "I feel like every year I’m on a quest to find a book that’s up to par with GG. This year I believe I found it with The Silent Patient."

I have yet to read it

message 3: by Marissa (new)

Marissa Harrison This is the funniest, most succinct review I’ve seen on Goodreads.

message 4: by Inês (new)

Inês this review is so good hahaha

NickReads Inês wrote: "this review is so good hahaha"

hahaha thank you

Noya-san  ~Mental Gothic Demon~ Do you mean Ben Drowned?

Leena ben day is scary. like really.

Noya-san  ~Mental Gothic Demon~ Do you mean Ben Drowned from Creepypasta?

Elizabeth Lol - well said.

message 10: by Kat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kat I enjoyed your review. 🤣

message 12: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Andrews A rude and unhelpful review

Jacqueline Menjivar This review made me laugh so hard

message 14: by Max (new) - rated it 5 stars

Max crush I get where you’re coming from but her whole character is she’s supposed to be an adult child who is stuck in her ways so yes she was but it was the point of it.

LeAnna Simmons omg hahahaha

Ashley Pallini Sold! This legitimately made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that

message 17: by Alohajordiii (new) - added it

Alohajordiii 😂

Parpaar Haha best review. She was so annoyingly stupid! I’m still peeved that she basically never changes her bedsheets.

Michelle Duran Best review on this app 😂

Susan G I agree. I really hated her the first 1/3 of the book. Almost didn’t finish reading it.

Kirsten hahahaha

message 22: by Frances (new)

Frances I’m framing this review.

Amanda Mcnees-Campbell This is the best book review I’ve ever read. This made my day! 😂

Elizabeth Cervantes Ahaha honestly, an accurate review

message 25: by Emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

Emma Ceau It’s called trauma but okay 🙄

message 26: by Jamie (new) - added it

Jamie Maron 😂

message 27: by Lili (new)

Lili Morris I definitely rapped this review in my head with a sick beat

message 28: by Maria (new) - added it

Maria Escatel 😂😂 lmao this review is crazy funny idk why I read it and laughed out loud.. I haven’t even read the book yet just going through the reviews.

message 29: by Account451 (new) - added it

Account451 I'm buying this book based on this review.

message 30: by Dana (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dana Bennett 😂 this is so funny

message 31: by Caitlyn (new)

Caitlyn Nadine This was the only review I needed 🤣👏🏻

Domino Devereaux Accurate

Keila Togami Most iconic review. lol

Amari typical man being irritating

Samantha Hartje This review has me crying laughing for some reason 😂

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