Allison's Reviews > Someone Like You

Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen
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did not like it

I like Dessen's writing style. I was disturbed by the teenage pregnancy though. The idea that the character, Scarlet, can keep the baby and everything will be great is insulting to parenthood. The main characters do not see many consequences to their actions. I definitely would not want kids to read this and think that abortions, sneaking out, drinking, occasional drug use, and pregnancy are okay.
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October 1, 2008 – Shelved

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Sarah but in the end it's not okay. Scarlett doesn't think it's okay and that's why she keeps asking Halley to be careful etc. Now Juno made teen pregnancy look okay and it disturbed me more than this book.

Allison I am glad that you did not see it this way!

Keisha Abortions ate absolutely okay.

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