Lisa of Troy's Reviews > The House in the Cerulean Sea

The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune
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really liked it

Calliope was my favorite!

For the past 17 years, Linus Baker has been living a quiet life as a caseworker. He visits orphanages that are homes for children who are magical creatures. However, Linus is assigned to a top-secret mission: to inspect an orphanage for five very special magical creatures and their leader, Arthur. What will Linus discover?

First of all, the cover to this book is simply phenomenal! I have heard many people describe this book as a hug. And I did find it enjoyable and adorable. The cat, Calliope, was my favorite character (Is anyone really surprised by that?). This book was also unique and magical, and the fantasy wasn’t confusing or difficult to imagine. The characters were distinct enough that I was able to keep try of all of them.

That being said, this book seemed a little preachy and long-winded at times. “Don’t you wish you were here?” was mentioned ten times. It would have been more poignant if it wasn’t referenced so many times.

Overall, a very enjoyable read.

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Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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Sandysbookaday (currentlyonholidayuntilmid-Jan) I really have to read this. The wait list at the library is soooooo long 😫

NILTON TEIXEIRA I loved this book! Currently it holds the second position of my top ten favourite books of this year (it lost the 1st position to Pachinko)

message 3: by JanB (new)

JanB Great review Lisa, this book is loved my many 💕

Lisa of Troy Sandy, you are so right! There was a 6-9 month wait for my turn to come up on Libby for a copy of the text. But Scribd does a copy of the audiobook.

Lisa of Troy NILTON wrote: "I loved this book! Currently it holds the second position of my top ten favourite books of this year (it lost the 1st position to Pachinko)"

So glad you enjoyed this, Nilton! Pachinko is on my short-term TBR! Hopefully, it will be just as good as The House in the Cerulean Sea. Enjoy your week of reading!

Lisa of Troy Thanks, Jan! It did seem like everyone was talking about this book last year. It took that long for my turn to come up at the library. LOL!

message 7: by Ian M. Pyatt (new)

Ian M. Pyatt Great review. This is now the third separate review I've seen on this site for this book and all with many positive comments on this book so it must be one to be picked up and read

Lisa of Troy Thanks, Ian! Hope you enjoy this one as much as I did!

Teresa One of my absolute favorite books and one I believe is worth owning to read and reread!

Lisa of Troy It certainly has such a beautiful cover that I wouldn't mind seeing it around my house! :)

Christine Indorf My favorite book of last year. Heard there might be a sequel. Wouldn't you love to read it!!!!

Debbie Lisa, I have this on my extensive TBR list, and I agree-the cover is gorgeous! Glad you enjoyed it😊

Lisa of Troy Christine wrote: "My favorite book of last year. Heard there might be a sequel. Wouldn't you love to read it!!!!"

A sequel would be amazing! I would love to know how the children turn out and if there would be even more children! Or if there would be a new case worker......Or if they would revisit some of the backstory in greater detail.

Lisa of Troy Thanks, Debbie! Hope you enjoy this one as much as I did! :)

Kat Great review, Lisa. I'm listening to this now, and I like it a lot but agree with some of your criticisms ... and your love for Calliope. lol

Lisa of Troy Thanks, Kat! I'm glad you were finally able to get through this one! I loved the audiobook as well!

Diana My fav was Chauncey. My heart was turning into the blob he is at every stupid thing he did ♥️

message 18: by Debra (new) - added it

Debra Great review, Lisa!

Melanie Ooohh this book! I fell in love with it and Klune last year. Have you read Under the Whispering Door???

Lisa of Troy No, I haven't read Under the Whispering Door....yet.

Shannon Wright I don't read much of the magical/mystical but this was a really good book. I read it last year also. I think will check out more of Klune's books.

Panda Having just finished this book, I am not shocked at all that you were drawn to Calliope. Calliope a fully fleshed out character who happens to be a pet cat.
I really love the attention given to her sentience as she is, without making her a magical being or giving her a human voice.

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