jules's Reviews > Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World

Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
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okay so, this was originally a five star review but I am moving it to 3 stars after further reflection. in all honesty, I gave it a five star rating even though I didn’t exactly love the story. I’d like to clarify this is my opinion so please do not get offended (and this review is a mess because I read the book two months ago and am basing things off of memory).

was the story bad? no, no it was not. I do think that it was unnecessary however, and that a sequel was not needed. the characters felt different and I hate the fact that Ari was perfect. In the first book, he was messy and so realistic and I related to him so much. In the second book, he completely changed. I also feel like Dante changed somehow.

oddly, and i don’t know why, but I didn’t love the friends? idk I think I’m the only one. AND SO MANY NEW CHARACTERS. WHY.

one thing that I will not excuse is the biphobia in the novel. I understand it was set in the 80’s but I think it would be much more better if it wasn’t there at all. In the first book, Ari was heavily bi-coded and then bam biphobia when Ari mentions it! his sexuality was invalidated when he mentioned it, and as someone who is bi, it hurt.

as you can see though, it’s 3 stars and not 1 star so it is still completely tolerable! just like the first book, I loved the writing style and the philosophical discussions. I think the beginning was amazing (first 100 pages?) and the ending was satisfactory. I’m glad I got a chance to read it before the publication date.

I’m not really sure why I gave the book five stars in the first place, and everytime I looked at it, I felt the need to change it. so here we are. if you’re reading this, hopefully you enjoy it much more than I did.
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Reading Progress

March 17, 2021 – Shelved
March 17, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
August 7, 2021 – Started Reading
August 7, 2021 –
page 21
4.0% "I’m avoiding literally all of my responsibilities so I can read this"
August 7, 2021 –
page 85
16.19% "“You are the most incredible human being that ever walked on planet earth” *sob*"
August 9, 2021 –
page 384
73.14% "I am currently very sad"
August 9, 2021 –
page 438
83.43% "“Maybe one day, instead of always having to prove they were real men, guys would study women’s behaviour and start acting a little more like them. Now, that would be awesome.” It truly would be"
August 9, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Lauren (new)

Lauren I hope it’s not too spoilery to ask… but do they stay together and have a happily ever after (HEA)?

jules Lauren wrote: "I hope it’s not too spoilery to ask… but do they stay together and have a happily ever after (HEA)?" yes :)

jules hi reva! well like I said, I understood that transphobia was used as a plot point, like the scene where Ari visits his brother, but I just don’t think it’s necessary because all it does is hurt trans readers. i also know that the author is transphobic as he deadnamed the director of the Ari and Dante movie and proceeded to block many trans users who were upset.

Sincerely, Angel omg finally i found someone who doesn't like the friends

televisionmouth In relation to yours and revas conversation I think it would be more polite if I avoided this book then and do I risk the first book with the way the author is acting? Something I'll have to think about, being trans myself.

Jacquelyn Oh, the transphobia aspect is news to me and I didn't pick up on it in the book because I thought it was good to see Ari sticking up for the woman his brother killed and eulogizing her with a feminine name since she wasn't buried with one (tho as a cis person, perhaps this is actually not the beautiful gesture that I thought???) And I hadn't heard that BAS deadnamed the director numerous times. God, I hope he's grown in the last year!

Jacquelyn @George you can always buy the book from a used book store if you don't want to support the author but want to read it :)

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