Holli's Reviews > On Mystic Lake

On Mystic Lake by Kristin Hannah
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another amazing book by kristin hannah! i was able to truly connect with annie and see some of myself in her. authors that can do that for me really earn my respect. highly recommend this one!
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July 5, 2009 –
page 294

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by Mandy (new) - added it

Mandy I want to read this one, I'm just waiting to get my hands on a copy. Let me know what you think!! <3

Holli Do you want my copy when I'm done?

message 3: by Mandy (new) - added it

Mandy That would be great! If you want I have Between Sisters. We could do a Kristin Hannah switch.

Holli Perfect!!! I'll let you know when I'm done and we can do that for sure. Thanks!!

message 5: by Mandy (new) - added it

Mandy Alright, I'll make Between Sisters the next book I read. (I have to read The Guardian first. You girls have me wanting to read it first)

Holli Oh that's fine. I can wait for ya!

Carrie After that, read FIREFLY LANE~ amazing!

message 8: by Mandy (new) - added it

Mandy Firefly Lane is her best book, no doubt, Carrie.

Holli I'm going to start this book now...do you still want to switch when I'm done?

message 10: by Cyndi (new)

Cyndi Totally butting in here, but I am the only person on earth who has not read The Guardian??

Holli I liked that book, its good!!

Brandie Cyndi...you must go get The Guardian!! it's really good!

message 13: by Mandy (new) - added it

Mandy Cyndi ~ It was very very good. You need to read it!!

Holli ~ Let me check with my mom, I think she just bought it but I am not sure. Either way I will send you Between Sisters when I am done with it.

Holli Sounds good just let me know...

Brandie wow...i'm really gonna have to read this one after your review!

message 16: by Cyndi (new)

Cyndi I want to read almost all of her books. I'm starting Firefly Lane today. Everyone has loved it!

Dolly Holli I'd like to borrow this one from you sometime since you enjoyed it so much, I'm sure I will too.

Holli I have totally fallen in love with her writing...GREAT books!!

You can borrow it Dolly, I'll send it to you when i get back from Texas ok?

Dolly Holli wrote: "I have totally fallen in love with her writing...GREAT books!!

You can borrow it Dolly, I'll send it to you when i get back from Texas ok?"

Thank you Holli, I enjoyed Firefly Lane too and since we have similar reading styles, I would guess from your review I would like this one too :)

Holli Yes you will :)

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