Jenbebookish's Reviews > The Women

The Women by Kristin Hannah
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Eeeek. This will undoubtedly be one of my most disappointing reads of '24! I am baffled by all the 5 star ratings that it's getting.

After "The Nightingale" and "Four Winds," both of which were 5 star reads for me, I was really looking forward to "The Women." I started it immediately the day it was released. I was excited, to say the least.

But ugh.

The premise: Frankie McGrath is not your traditional girl, wanting more out of life than the traditional domestic roles. When the U.S. goes to war in Vietnam, her brother Finley, who is also her best friend, enlists and her parents are brimming with pride. Her father came from a "Navy house" and has a "hero wall" in their home where he puts up pictures of "heroes." His father was a veteran, and his own generation of men all went to war during WWII, but he was not able to go and overcompensated for his subsequent feelings of inadequacy by going overboard on the patriotism. His children are raised believing that serving your country is the highest honor. So when her brother Finley enlists & is deployed, it occurs to Frankie that as an R.N., she should follow in his footsteps. She winds up joining the army bc it's the only military branch that will accept her fresh out of college with no experience, she envisions proud parents, meeting up with her brother in 'Nam, coming home to accolades and a heroes welcome. Reality is nothing even close to that.

So it started off alright. I am not particularly knowledgable about the Vietnam War so I figured I'd learn a thing or two. Things escalate quickly. Before Frankie's plane even lands in Vietnam, she's getting shot at by "Charlie" & cowering in fear bc of all the loud, terrifying gunshots & explosions happening in the vicinity. She's quickly thrust into wartime nursing, exposed to death, missing limbs, & other horrific injuries within minutes of reporting for duty. There is no learning curve, there is no training, she's forced to sac up & buckle down & WORK.

So this was as far as I got while still thinking that I would enjoy this. At this point, things started to go awry. (view spoiler)

The best bits IMO were the bits about the friendships Frankie made while nursing. Going through something as traumatizing as a war together has a way of solidifying relationships & bringing people much closer together than the average friendship. The way that Frankie relied on them & the way they showed up for her time & time again warmed my heart, but tbh even these parts highlighted how lacking the whole book was bc again, they lacked any substantial characterizations. We got no real backstories on either of the women, even the bits & pieces of their present lives were quickly glossed over. They were props, devices plugged in just to get Frankie out of whatever man-induced hole she was currently in. It also validated my opinion about Frankie being self absorbed & selfish, for all the support & love she’s given by these women, she gave almost none of it herself. For example, it takes her a very long time to be open minded about the cause her “best friend” has devoted her life to bc she’s too busy wallowing, & then when one of them gets engaged Frankie is jealous. Everything ties back to whatever is going on in her love life, it was annoying. For a book titled "The Women” which supposedly was intended to be something that gave distinction & a voice to a group that history has all but forgotten, a lot of this was about the men.

Historical fiction is not my favorite genre, but when written well (according to my preferences) they can still be some of my favorite books. But when I pick up a piece of historical fiction, I want to learn something about a time or a place or a people. Often after or while reading HF I find myself reading up on that topic, watching documentaries, searching out facts. Kate Quinn, John Boyne, Emma Donoghue are a few that come to mind that have consistently provided me with what I want in my historical fiction. What I don’t want is to read a romance within a historical setting. In “The Women,” reading about the experiences of a nurse in a time of war DID interest me, but it could have just as easily been any other place or time or war. Other than a few mentions of the heat & of “Charlie” one would hardly be able to differentiate between this & any other wars. It was ultimately a hollow construction of the war, a backdrop for the romantic exploits of our MC. I could have written this book with what little I knew about the Vietnam war. I got through just shy of 500 pages without learning a single thing. The title “Love In A Time Of War” would have mo

To be fair, I didn’t completely despise this book, it was readable, I was never bored. It was just that I had such high expectations & the result was disappointing. I have not read any of Kristin Hannah’s earlier works to know firsthand whether this is actually true or not, but I had gotten the sense that she had begun to deviate a bit from her previous chick-lit/romance with more literary work with "Nightingale," and "Four Winds," but it feels like she’s reverted back to her former M.O. with "The Women." (Which no shame to readers of chick-lit, some of it is great, but it’s just not what I was looking for in this instance.) Ordinarily I might have rated this 3 stars, but because my disappointment was so severe I had to go with 2. That doesn't mean that I'm giving up on Kristin Hannah, I still plan to one day read the "Great Alone," and I will likely continue to read whatever she comes out with.

It is also worth noting that so far the reaction to “The Women”has been so positive that it leaves me feeling like I might be alone in my feelings about it. I’m getting the typical “what did I miss?!” feeling. To each their own I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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Comments Showing 1-44 of 44 (44 new)

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message 1: by Jordan (new)

Jordan Grissom Oh no! Not great?

Jenbebookish Jordan wrote: "Oh no! Not great?"

IMO, it was really bad. It’s not the worst thing I’ve ever read, but I was just expecting so much more. The Nightingale & Four Winds were just soo much better.

message 3: by Mia (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mia Smith I relate to this so much - feeling so confused by how great the reviews have been when I dnf this multiple times and had to force myself to get through it. I don't remember The Nightingale being anything like this

Courtney I’m disappointed to see this rating

Jenbebookish Mia wrote: "I relate to this so much - feeling so confused by how great the reviews have been when I dnf this multiple times and had to force myself to get through it. I don't remember The Nightingale being an..."

Right?!?! Ugh what a bummer! I kept trying to think back on “Nightingale” & “Four Winds” to remember if she’d done similar things, but in my memory both of them were much more detailed & in depth depictions of both people & the time. I was disappointed to say the least, I’m glad SOMEBODY agrees, I was starting to think that I was alone! The rating keeps going UP more every time I check!

If you haven’t read her last book, “Four Winds” I recommend trying that one, both “The Nightingale” & “Four Winds” were 5 stars for me.

Jenbebookish Courtney wrote: "I’m disappointed to see this rating"

Ya trust me, I was VERY disappointed to give it. It was one of my most anticipated releases of the year!! It was a serious bummer. I’m sure you’ll still read it & tbh you might very well have a completely different take, bc it seems like most people did. The rating seems to be getting higher and higher every time I check!

The first quarter or so of the book was decent, I was interested & feeling mostly positive about it despite red flags, but things just went seriously downhill from there. It was sorta plotless & meandering & the pacing & dialogue was all off & it just felt wildly unrealistic & instalovey. It def felt more romancey with a historical backdrop than well researched historical fiction (i.e. like Kate Quinn’s books have typically been both plot rich AND character driven, as well as having an in-depth portrayal of whatever corner of history she chooses to write about. I always learn things w/her books.) That wasn’t the case here. Like I 100% could have written this book with my minimal knowledge of the Vietnam war.

Nightingale & Four Winds really just felt worlds above this in scope, structure, depth & accuracy. This (to me) felt like the most hollow, cliched rendering of the Vietnam war ever with (IMO) a very unlikable MC & ridiculously unrealistic resolutions. I have a feeling you might find her unlikable too.

Anyway, sorry to re-review it in this comment but I figured you wouldn’t have read my review before you read it since most of it is behind a spoiler tag. I’m interested to hear what you think, maybe having somewhat tempered your expectations will have a positive effect. Are u planning on reading it soon???

PS. At least we still have Kate Quinn’s new book left to look forward to!!!

Courtney I actually loved it. But all your points are pretty valid. I just still enjoyed it and couldn’t put it down

Kimberly Thank you for the honest review. I just finished & feeling the same way. I don’t understand all the rave. I’m so disappointed.

Jenbebookish Kimberly wrote: "Thank you for the honest review. I just finished & feeling the same way. I don’t understand all the rave. I’m so disappointed."

Right? I was SO excited for this! It’s truly baffling, especially considering I’m not generally the harshest of critics. I honestly expected most people to agree with us!! I’m shocked that almost nobody has! Glad to know I’m not completely alone tho! 😊

Tish’sReadingJournal I feel this review. It was awful. Frankie is not an endearing character, she’s the worst. I’ve read a lot of Kristin Hannah and the only one I’ve ever loved is The Great Alone, you should definitely give it a read.

Kristin I loved both The Nightingale and The Four Winds (The Great Alone was a DNF for me) and was really looking forward to this book. What a letdown. I couldn't agree more with your review. Finished the book last night after spending 2 days reading it and it left me so disappointed. I knew there would be thousands of glowing 5 star reviews so came to find like-minded readers, of which you are certainly one. Such an important topic... with a disappointing execution. Not giving up on the author, just hoping the next book will be better.

Lindsay L Fantastic review! Your details are spot on. I completely agree with everything you’ve mentioned. Too bad this didn’t work out better for us.

Marchesa You’re not alone.

Maxine An honest opinion is always appreciated. I would agree that the supporting roles could have been more fleshed out. I think the 5 stars have more to do with the story being told and the fact that Hannah is a great writer. This is NOT her best book by any means but it was a story worthy of being told by a writer who will get many many people to read about it.

message 15: by Tommy (new)

Tommy Excellent review!

Jenbebookish Tish’sReadingJournal wrote: "I feel this review. It was awful. Frankie is not an endearing character, she’s the worst. I’ve read a lot of Kristin Hannah and the only one I’ve ever loved is The Great Alone, you should definitel..."

I completely agree. Her one and only redeeming trait was the fact that she was a good nurse, but even that got all muddled up by the fact that she was constantly running to taken men for comfort.

I def plan to pick up The Great Alone again one day. Have you read Four Winds?

Jenbebookish Kristin wrote: "I loved both The Nightingale and The Four Winds (The Great Alone was a DNF for me) and was really looking forward to this book. What a letdown. I couldn't agree more with your review. Finished the ..."

My feelings exactly!

Jenbebookish Lindsay L wrote: "Fantastic review! Your details are spot on. I completely agree with everything you’ve mentioned. Too bad this didn’t work out better for us."

Right? This was one of my most anticipated reads of '24! Such a bummer. I just can't understand how the majority of the reviews are so positive! I expected more people to agree with us!!!

Jenbebookish Marchesa wrote: "You’re not alone."

I'm glad to see that's not the case! :)

I'm baffled by the fact that it seems like so few people agree with us!

message 20: by Yolanda (new)

Yolanda Brindamour Never having to worry about money allowed Frankie the luxury of never getting her shit together. So annoying when your mom buys you cool clothes and your parents give you a cute little house and a convertible!

Bethany YES, I am so glad I found this review, particularly your points about “the breakneck pace while being devoid of plot” and the characters being cardboard cutouts. I felt the same way…the pace kept me reading but it felt like nothing was really happening. Did someone die? Don’t worry, most of them aren’t dead! Frankie’s actions are devoid of consequences so there’s no growth for her character. HEALING, yes, but no growth.

Marla Excellent, well-reasoned review! Like you, I was excited to read a novel about women in Vietnam, but alas it was just about one woman. I wanted a deeper dive into the inner workings of not only Frankie, but Ethel, Barb, heck, even Major Goldstein. And the romances were ridiculous and totally unneeded, imo. You-know-who showing up at the end was laughable.

Becky Antioco So well said. I loved the intention of the book and its subject matter but was disappointed in its execution.

Jenbebookish Yolanda wrote: "Never having to worry about money allowed Frankie the luxury of never getting her shit together. So annoying when your mom buys you cool clothes and your parents give you a cute little house and a ..."

Tooootally! Her friends coddled her too.

Gabrielle DeStefano I had to scroll past all the 5 stars to find SOMEONE who got how I was feeling and thank the lord here it is lol - you explained it perfectly. the pace and events are absurdly packed in that it left no room for depth. the friends could’ve been such a good spot to dig deeper and like you said they didn’t. In fact, Barb supposedly didn’t like her at first? Then all of a sudden she did? They barely even spoke before they were suddenly inseparable best friends? Don’t even get me started on the parade of men in this book I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m sorry but nightingale exists in a totally different category of book from this one - which was a one-dimensional romance novel at best.

Sarah Khan Love your review , I was struggling with this book after nightingale and the great alone

message 27: by Sade (new) - rated it 3 stars

Sade Zabala Well said. In my own review, I described this as trauma porn and faux feminism. Despite the title, this book focused way too much on the men and essentially commits the crimes it’s trying to criticize: 1. The Vietnam war was pointless (yet the way Vietnam was used as pointless and tokenistic), 2. The women are unheard (and literally we don’t hear about the other women in this story because THE woman is too busy centering entire life around men, from Finely to Henry, and neglecting to give her fellow women combatants the same weight of importance).

Holly Moore I do relate to some of the superficial aspects of this book, which for me is why it didn't get 5 stars like all of KH other books. I do feel like some of that is intentional-this was a time period when women were still expected to be quiet, polite, and rarely show emotion. That was one of the overall themes I got from this book when Frankie was trying to discuss her feelings and struggles but her parents wouldn't listen and the VA turned her away twice. Also agree that I would have loved to learn/read more about the Vietnam area/people,however, I did learn a lot about medicine in the midst of war. There was a lot of descriptions that really put me there. The dampness, the smells, the sounds described all put me there with the characters. Most importantly though, this book did shed light on the fact that women were indeed in Vietnam and have been an afterthought and suppressed from history. Not her best, but I quite enjoyed it! Have you read The Great Alone? I really liked that one too!

Debie This review is PERFECTION. I got so sick of the supposed “big” events being dealt with over the course of a few paragraphs, meanwhile every single outfit her mother wore was described in detail (for example). None of the characters had any depth at all, nor were they even barely explored. What would have been nice would be the story told from the viewpoint of all three girls, and left all the ridiculous romance out of it completely. If you’re going to write a novel about Vietnam, then write the novel about Vietnam. Really dig in, yanno?

Emily Imbach I couldn’t agree with this review more. It felt like some parts of the book dragged and were bogged with repetition but some of the most important parts were glossed over and nearly forgotten in a page. The romance really killed it for me especially at the very end. Too much was too convenient and I found myself having little empathy towards Frankie by the end.

message 31: by Kathleen (last edited Jun 01, 2024 12:46AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Kathleen Moulton I love historical fiction but his one had a Hallmark Channel vibe. I also felt the same way about the mediocre response of Finley's death by Frankie AND her mother on the beach. Hannah would throw a reference to his death here and there but it felt forced.

message 32: by Lily (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lily Fantastic review! Mirroring my thoughts exactly! My 2 cents on the topic are just that the book has 3 parts - the good part taken out of the people who helped the author with their real stories, the bad part of beach-novel romance, which is obviously what the author (thinks she can) do and the worst part - the crammed feminism, reduced to few and far sentences in between with no depth but a lot of "shouting" from the pages - which are neither the strength of the author, nor there was anyone to give it to her.

Maria Pfender you hit the nail on the head!

Klara Completely agree! Had such high expectations and was extremely disappointed. I’m equally shocked that it continues to consistently be rated 5 stars.

Sally Salter I feel the same. Kept wondering what I was missing! I've read a couple of her other books and liked them. This one left me disappointed.

message 36: by Book (new) - rated it 5 stars

Book Snacks That’s funny because the nightingale and four winds were both 2-3 star reads for me, if that.

Sheridan Ayson Nope - I don’t think you missed anything! I totally agree with your review.

message 38: by Jenny (new) - added it

Jenny R I’m halfway through and really debating DNF. This is my second Kristin Hannah book, The Four Winds was my first and j loved it. This book is so disappointing. And thank you, I had a feeling man number 2 was going to come back from the dead. It’s becoming so predictable.

message 39: by Jolanda (new)

Jolanda Scott Thank you. You saved me a lot of time. I got these feelings at 18% and you confirmed it beautifully. I will consider this a job complete.

Lydia Bailey Exactly how I feel about it too though I also found all the blood & guts gore too hard to take. Really disappointed with this one after loving most of her others & really amazed - like you- by all the 5* reviews.

message 41: by K. (new) - rated it 2 stars

K. Jones Thank you for putting into words exactly what I felt reading this. Highly disappointed considering how hyped this book is. At 60% in, I was left wondering if something was ever going to happen to move the plot forward.

message 42: by Meg (new) - added it

Meg Completely agree with you I couldn’t even finish

Krysha You are NOT alone! I almost DNFed sooooo many times. I said at the end of my review I’d rather watch a Ken Burns documentary on the Vietnam war than to have read this book.

Natalie I’m going to finish the book but it should have been edited by easily 200 pages. Frankie is beyond annoying and I’m over her PTSD. Get the help ya need girl. Go see a psychiatrist at this point. Her character is unbelievable at this point.

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