Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️'s Reviews > Painted Faces

Painted Faces by L.H. Cosway
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4.5 "Boy, this book didn't DRAG" stars!

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Wow, if you're looking for a different kind of read, this book delivers! The unusual love story of drag-queen and a modest, rather inexperienced girl. I know, I know, I can hear you now! Ewe! It is a bit weird on the surface. Have faith, I shall explain.

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Nicholas lost his mother at a very young age. He has only videos reminding of her beauty and stage pretense. She was a singer and was at the tops in her day. His father basically ruined her....dying of a plethora of drug combinations from depression. When Nicholas stumbles upon her dresses and shoes in the basement, he can help but dress up in her clothing, dancing around like she did so many years ago. He can't explain it....he just felt that connection to sing and dance and look pretty. Is he gay? Absolutely not. Although he does suffer from bigotry with people assuming he's bisexual at the very least. Life is not easy for Nicholas.

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Freda runs into her new neighbor one day while coming home from a downpour rain. He's stunningly handsome, dressed to the tee in designer trousers and tailored shirt. This is a nice change from all the dead beat neighbors her and her friend Nora have endured over the years. This neighbor, Nicholas, and she hit it off. She's his new Dublin BFF. He invites her and her friends to watch him sing Cabaret at the local club. Little did "Fred" know Nicholas is also "Vivian." He's stunning as a man and even more beautiful dressed as a woman....and his voice! So much for that love interest, she thinks.

Nicholas is not gay. He proves it time and again in this book. He immediately is drawn to the "heavier" of the two roommates (that part drove me nuts- a size 10 US). Freda was surprised at his choice of work but she never passes judgment and she see's Nicholas as the attractive guy she met on her doorstep that rainy night. Seeing him in drag does nothing to lesson her attraction. She even agrees to be his personal assistant to spend more time with him.

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What an unconventional relationship. Did it throw me? Yes. I actually had kind of a hard time grasping his masculinity. He was hot to hook up with Freda and she saw his noncommittal nature with women so she fought it most of the book. There's tags saying this is erotica. Um, not in the least. In fact "the deed" doesn't even occur until late so if that's your thing, look elsewhere. I loved the story. I loved Nicholas and Freda's sense of humor throughout the book. There are some serious laugh out loud parts in her commentary. Their relationship is about as unusual as it comes. I felt the chemistry however, the whole makeup, knickers, heels and strappy dresses on "Viv" killed that lady boner for sure. So if you're looking for something entertaining and different, this book delivers 100%. If you're looking for a hot guy to swoon over, I hope you like dresses and wigs. Although he does dress completely masculine except on stage. So go forth and read. It was a nice mix up from the day to day romance genre.

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Loved the Dublin-isms! Lady garden? Ha ha ha.

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Reading Progress

April 26, 2013 – Shelved
June 20, 2013 – Started Reading
June 21, 2013 –
June 22, 2013 –
39.0% "I'm trying really hard to find Nicholas hot. Even being heterosexual, some of his dialogue and the makeup/knickers/dresses is killing my libido!"
June 23, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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message 1: by Dee (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dee Montoya Loved this book. Very unique !

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ I saw it on your best-of shelf Candace. Looked different. I love different.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Candace wrote: "Allison (will never conquer her tbr list)) wrote: "I saw it on your best-of shelf Candace. Looked different. I love different."

Allison - it has DUBLIN-ISMS!!!!"

Ha. I just saw these updates....months late! Dublin isms? Can they be as good as Britishisms? Your Tied Man review made me pee my pants practically reading all those out loud!

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Lisa wrote: "Awesome review! :)"

Thanks Lisa

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Candace wrote: "So glad you loved Fred + Viv!! Fab review <3"

Thanks Candace. Some of those Dublinisms I was clueless. Ha. But the love garden was obvious!

Becky Frosco Great review, glad you enjoyed it.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Candace wrote: "Allison *Will never conquer her tbr list* wrote: "Candace wrote: "So glad you loved Fred + Viv!! Fab review

Thanks Candace. Some of those Dublinisms I was clueless. Ha. But the love garden was ob..." mistake. She was funny

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Becky wrote: "Great review, glad you enjoyed it."

Thanks Becky!

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Fabulous review, Allison x

Christy Wonderful review Allison! Loved this one <3

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Christy wrote: "Wonderful review Allison! Loved this one <3"

Jxxx wrote: "Fabulous review, Allison x"

Thanks girls!

message 12: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • GREAT review!!! ❤

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Lisa Jayne wrote: "GREAT review!!! ❤"

Thanks poppet! Dublinisms! Liked them almost as much as Brittishisms!

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ A great review Allison!

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Oh wow, fantastic review, Allison! I've had this sitting in my kindle for too long, gotta read it!

message 16: by "That's All" Ash (new)

"That's All" Ash I love Love LOVE this review, Allison! ♥

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Lkay ❇✾The one-click buy button addict❇✾ wrote: "Oh wow, fantastic review, Allison! I've had this sitting in my kindle for too long, gotta read it!"

Thanks. I had it in my tbr list and a friend saw it, made a point of saying I need to read it. Really different.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Ash ~ The Book Snob wrote: "I love Love LOVE this review, Allison! ♥"

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ wrote: "A great review Allison!"

Thanks SueBee and Ash!

Blacky *Romance Addict* Great review Allison :)

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Blacky *Mistress of doom* wrote: "Great review Allison :)"

Thanks Blacky!

Amy | Foxy Blogs Great review! I loved this book too. And totally agree with - "So if you're looking for something entertaining and different, this book delivers 100%."

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Amy (Foxy) wrote: "Great review! I loved this book too. And totally agree with -
"So if you're looking for something entertaining and different, this book delivers 100%."

Thanks Amy.

message 23: by Mo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mo Great review.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ Mo wrote: "Great review."

Thanks Mo!

♥Sharon♥ Great review Allison.

Allison ❤️Will Never Conquer Her TBR❤️ ♥Sharon♥ wrote: "Great review Allison."

Thanks Sharon!

Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads) Excellent review Allison!😉💖

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