Kristin's Reviews > The First Phone Call from Heaven

The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom
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's review

it was ok

Interesting premise but was let down by the lack of emotional connection I typically feel when reading a Mitch Albom book. Was more of a mystery book then an emotional/inspirational book.
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December 8, 2013 – Shelved
December 8, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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Jessica Heeren Totally agree!

Bookworm007 As do I!

message 3: by Ashley (new) - added it

Ashley Shackelford Agree!

message 4: by Paul (new)

Paul Allen Agree totally!

Nancy Rossman I think departure is ok. Even though it had more mystery than others, there was still a message.

Reyvianne Rodriguez I agree.

Kristin Nancy,

Departure is always a nice thing but I felt a little mislead when reading the cover jacket. I do agree there was a powerful message at the end but the journey to that message left me wanted something different...or more.

Thank you for your comment!

Maggie Unger After I read the story, I felt confused. I love Mitch Albom, but why did I not love this story? You hit it the nail on the head. Stated perfectly in two sentences!

Kristin Thanks Maggie! You are very kind to say that. I'm glad I'm not alone in my feelings regarding this book.

Jeront The most important thing is we all got and understood the message at the end. I love this book.

message 11: by Beth (new) - added it

Beth Duder Agree! Not much substance!

Camille Thought the same thing about this book.

Lauren I totally agree!!!

message 14: by Mica (new) - added it

Mica Fajardo Precisely said. I love his books but this one and The Time Keeper, it left no emotional attachment to me. (That's just for me though :D)

message 15: by Mica (new) - added it

Mica Fajardo Precisely said. I love his books but this one and The Time Keeper, it left no emotional attachment to me. (That's just for me though :D)

message 16: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Kim I thought it was just me!

^Mak_Enon5 Agree, I was touched for a few scenes but then this is so far not Albom's best book.

Angelica Agree!!

Grace So it’s not just me!

Jenna Adkins I felt the same!

Carmella Poole Thank you for saying exactly what I felt.

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