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A Terrible Villag...
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4 hours, 56 min ago

Murder of Crows
Kristen is currently reading
Reading for the 2nd time
read in April 2022
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Kristen Kristen said: " I loved this book. There are certainly problems in it, and I never could figure out what happened to Heather, but in general I am loving this series. If you can suspend disbelief and ignore some stupid things (don't get me started on PMS etc etc), th ...more "

4 hours, 57 min ago

Beast of the Nort...
Kristen is currently reading
by Annelise Ryan (Goodreads Author)
bookshelves: currently-reading, 2025
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Feb 02, 2025 12:38AM

See all 27 books that Kristen is reading…
Natalie Goldberg
“Nobody cares much whether you write or not. You just have to do it”
Natalie Goldberg

J.R.R. Tolkien
“And then her heart changed, or at least she understood it; and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

Maggie  Hall
“Toska.” He leaned forward, too. “It’s a Russian word. It has no translation into any other language, but the closest I’ve heard is the ache. A longing. The sense that something is missing, and even if you’re not sure what it is, you ache for it. Down to your bones.”
Maggie Hall, The Conspiracy of Us

Flannery O'Connor
“I write because I don't know what I think until I read what I say.”
Flannery O'Connor

Natalie Goldberg
“No matter what a person does to cover up and conceal themselves, when we write and lose control, I can spot a person from Alabama, Florida, South Carolina a mile away even if they make no exact reference to location. Their words are lush like the land they come from, filled with nine aunties, people named Bubba. There is something extravagant and wild about what they have to say — snakes on the roof of a car, swamps, a delta, sweat, the smell of sea, buzz of an air conditioner, Coca-Cola — something fertile, with a hidden danger or shame, thick like the humidity, unspoken yet ever-present.

Often when a southerner reads, the members of the class look at each other, and you can hear them thinking, gee, I can't write like that. The power and force of the land is heard in the piece. These southerners know the names of what shrubs hang over what creek, what dogwood flowers bloom what color, what kind of soil is under their feet.

I tease the class, "Pay no mind. It's the southern writing gene. The rest of us have to toil away.”
Natalie Goldberg

1357 Cozy Mysteries — 22402 members — last activity 31 minutes ago
For those who love a good cozy mystery while curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee/tea/cocoa and maybe a dog/cat next to them. Please be kind ...more
53809 Around the World — 1867 members — last activity 7 hours, 18 min ago
Each year we look at our to-be-read shelves and choose which countries of the world we want to travel through. Some of our members map their journeys ...more
year in books
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