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Zadie Smith
“Bitter struggles deform their participants in subtle, complicated ways. The idea that one should speak one's cultural allegiance first and the truth second (and that this is a sign of authenticity) is precisely such a deformation.”
Zadie Smith

Stuart Sutherland
“The effects of conformity on beliefs and attitudes are the more injurious because people tend to associate with others who have similar beliefs to themselves. ... the only way to substantiate a belief is to try to disprove it. But because like mixes with like, people are rarely exposed to counter-arguments to their more deeply held convictions, let alone to counter-evidence. Their beliefs conform to those of their associates: hence, there is little possibility of eliminating persistent errors.”
Stuart Sutherland, Irrationality

“If you cannot think for yourself, then it’s most likely that you are watching your television system right now. But if you can think for yourself, then it’s most likely that the system is watching you right now.”
Suzy Kassem

Ayn Rand
“Questions give us no rest - Equality 7-2521, Anthem”
Ayn Rand, Anthem

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