Yeser Berro

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Hand to Mouth: A ...
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Bernard-Marie Koltès
“قبل أن تنسيني، أخبريني أين وضعتِ ملابسي.”
Bernard-Marie Koltès, Roberto Zucco

Jon Fosse
“and what the picture is in reality is this spirit, that’s what a picture really is, neither matter nor soul but both parts at the same time and together they make up what I think of as spirit, and maybe that’s why my good paintings, yes, all good paintings, have something to do with what I, what Christians, call The Holy Spirit, because all good art has this spirit, good pictures, good poems, good music, and what makes it good is not the material, not matter, and it’s not the content, the idea, the thought, no, what makes it good is just this unity of matter and form and soul that becomes spirit, that’s what culture is, probably, he says, it’s probably just one person being like another person that creates a culture, for example wearing a suit and tie, while what art is, yes, art is everyone just being like themselves, and totally themselves”
Jon Fosse, Septology

“Paul Schrader says of Taxi Driver, ‘You can make [the audience] empathize with someone they do not feel is worthy of empathy. And then you’re in a very interesting place’ (from Mark Cousins, The Story of Film, More4, 2011).”
John Yorke, Into the Woods: A Five Act Journey Into Story
tags: film

C Pam Zhang
“In hidden orchards the stone fruit ripened so fast that what we didn't eat was given to the animals, and so like chimps like finches like gilas we glutted on plums so ripe they split if looked at, cherries and blackberries staining our sheets. We distilled summer meads heady with anise and yogurt, and watered fields with the barrels' dregs. To the tidal boom of an underground aquarium, I cut a sturgeon nose to slit and ransacked its body for that other fruit, pure caviar. I looked to Aida for the salt. Sweaty, unshowered, her pubis its own rough ocean. Saline, the meat of her as she bucked against my tongue, split open, gleaming.”
C Pam Zhang, Land of Milk and Honey

Jean Valentine
“Yes I know: the thread you have to keep finding, over again, to follow it back to life; I know. Impossible, sometimes.”
Jean Valentine, Door in the Mountain: New and Collected Poems, 1965-2003

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