Alan W. Powers

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Alan W. Powers

Goodreads Author

in Springfield, MA, The United States



Member Since
June 2011

Educated at Amherst College and the University of Minnesota, plus post-docs at Princeton, Brown, Harvard, Cornell, the Folger Library, Breadloaf, Villa Vergilliana (Cuma, Italy) and the American Academy, Rome. Taught and published on 17C English and Comparative Literature and History, especially Shakespeare and Giordano Bruno. Wrote two books of verse. Appeared in two poetry films, Keats and his Nightingale, and A Loaded Gun. Composed several song settings to Yeats and Dylan Thomas, and jazz heads largely based on birds like Wood Thrush, Oriole, and the European Blackbird. See Google profile for NYT publications and Mentors include Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Leonard Unger, Jean D'Amato Thomas, Thomas M Greene, Annabel ...more

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Alan W. Powers Avoid writing well. Too much work, and nobody notices.
Alan W. Powers No such thing for an author primarily of non-fiction and translations of plays and poems. Always more to do. If I had writers block, I'd take the hint…moreNo such thing for an author primarily of non-fiction and translations of plays and poems. Always more to do. If I had writers block, I'd take the hint and not write for a bit.(less)
Average rating: 4.25 · 63 ratings · 34 reviews · 6 distinct worksSimilar authors
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Parodies Lost

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The Worlds of Giordano Brun...

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 8 ratings — published 2011
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Westport Soundings

4.67 avg rating — 6 ratings — published 1994 — 2 editions
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Bernard Shaw's only Irish Play

Complete Plays with Prefaces, Vol 2 Complete Plays with Prefaces, Vol 2 by George Bernard Shaw

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bernard Shaw, "John Bull’s Other Island"

Like "Pygmalion," much about accent, here an Irish one from a Glaswegian drunk. Rather, "Pygmalion" much like this play, which was a decade earlier. My delight to discover many personal links, like "praaps" for perhaps, and “bigor,” used by my Maine forbears from 18C Nova S Read more of this blog post »
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Published on February 23, 2020 06:27 Tags: cockney, established-church, irish, saints-and-traitors
The Complete Poems
Alan is currently reading
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read in January 1969
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Alan Alan said: " A Marvell is a marvell. I spent several years of my life on this book, and of course his delightful prose satires mostly of clerics, such as his Rehearsal Transpros'd, and I have never regretted a minute of it. The book I wrote on him, This Critical ...more "

Is Birdsong Music...
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Alan Alan said: " Hollis Taylor writes well, fully evokes her first hearing a Pied Butcherbird song. She starts at Wogarno Station, W. Australia, April, 2001: "Drought has set its oven on slow bake...Round a bend, a nonsensical white pile on the left vies for our atte ...more "


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Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
" Olive Knowles, Thanks for liking. I've been all over the UK, think I've driven by Mitcham...just south of London. Stayed in a hotel there once, I thin ...more "
Alan is now friends with Trym Braathen
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The Complete Poems by Ben Jonson
" Mamoush Tuvis, Thanks for liking. Wish I cd message you. "
The Anxiety of Influence by Harold Bloom
" Tom Haughton, Thanks. Wish I cd message you. "
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X
" Davy Bennett, Thanks. Wish I cd message you about Texas. "
Rabbit at Rest by John Updike
" George wrote: "Nice review. Yes, such a memorable book, mores o than the other three Rabbit novels. Bellow’s wit is hard to beat. I loved Herzog (5 st ...more "
Alan rated a book it was amazing
Omeros by Derek Walcott
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I read this when it came out, and was startled by its ductile grandeur and directness. I aloudread it to various students, in classes, and in large gatherings, for several years. It is simply the best re-working of the Odyssey since Joyce's Ulysses. ...more
Alan rated a book it was amazing
The Complete Poems 1927-1979 by Elizabeth Bishop
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I cannot be objective: Bishop was a friend since HS, throughout the Vassar College years and beyond, of my mentor and patron Rhoda Sheehan; in fact, Bishop rented Rhoda's "Hurricane House" that floated over Westport Harbor in the '38 hurricane. That' ...more
Alan rated a book it was amazing
Candelaio by Alan W. Powers
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For a video of two scenes from Bridewell Theatre, London (2014) see Alan W Powers's profile here.
In one scene, III.12, the Latin teacher, Manny, refuses to call out "Robber!" because, "Robbery is an assault accompanied by larceny-- from Old French 'r
Alan rated a book it was amazing
Collected Poems by Dylan Thomas
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Where I began writing, during a fine undergrad English major. "Days of daisies, swaying lazily,/ Light and easy, breeze-blown days" and
"Love-burst firth, froth on the sluicing sea/ Foams on the rolling, beating surf..." The first I submitted to enter
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Quotes by Alan W. Powers  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“Good teachers get fired; great teachers, killed--Socrates, Christ, and Giordano Bruno.”
Alan W. Powers

“I practice Dying--every night--
But have not learned to, still--
Though Talented--by Mortal bones--
For such a common Skill.”
Alan W. Powers

“from "After the Fall"

When Kennedy dropped from the sky
To honor the poet Frost, ...
So MacLeish spoke.."Not
To mention Robert Frost. For Frost,
Of course, is another matter, as he
Always was, spoke to the throng an the one
Hatless in October, but days before
Dallas and November.”
Alan W. Powers, Westport Soundings

Topics Mentioning This Author

“Good teachers get fired; great teachers, killed--Socrates, Christ, and Giordano Bruno.”
Alan W. Powers

“I practice Dying--every night--
But have not learned to, still--
Though Talented--by Mortal bones--
For such a common Skill.”
Alan W. Powers

“Trovo la televisione molto educativa. Ogni volta che qualcuno la accende, vado in biblioteca e leggo un buon libro.”
Groucho Marx

“Give me a kiss, and to that kiss a score; then to that twenty, add a hundred more; a thousand to that hundred: so kiss on, to make that thousand up a million. treble that million, and when that is done, let's kiss afresh, as when we first begun!”
Robert Herrick

“The ear is the only true writer and the only true reader. I know people who read without hearing the sentence sounds and they were the fastest readers. Eye readers we call them. They get the meaning by glances. But they are bad readers because they miss the best part of what a good writer puts into his work.”
Robert Frost

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No pretensions: just poetry. Stop by, recommend books, offer up poems (excerpted), tempt us, taunt us, tell us what to read and where to go (to read ...more
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We read books related to wildlands or wildlife, all genres, and meet every other month in Bozeman, MT. Our next book is Peter Mattheissen's book on cr ...more
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...August 20, 2017 to September 19, 2017... I am a Dutch expat living in Italy since 2008 operating a bed and breakfast. I write about our experiences ...more
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message 20: by Alan

Alan Rakhi wrote: "Thanks for the friend invite,Alan! I am honored to be friends with you. As I have been following your updates for some time now, I may also add that going through your reviews and updates has alway..."

My pleasure. I still have insights, and notes from real insights when teaching, BUT: I'm in my dotage now, rather like both our presidential candidates. I've had maybe 4,500 students at community colleges, and I'd say I learned from at least half of them--not all, simply because not enough time to. I believe most learned more from me than the reverse--why else was I paid? But it was/is surely a two-way street. I look forward to seeing some of your reviews. My computer has bugs, but seems to be functioning okay tonight...

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message 19: by Rakhi

Rakhi Dalal Thanks for the friend invite,Alan! I am honored to be friends with you. As I have been following your updates for some time now, I may also add that going through your reviews and updates has always been enlightening for me :)

message 18: by Alan

Alan Stephen wrote: "An honor Alan to accept your Friendship Request. I'm a bit overwhelmed by your background and command but this just means there will be more for me to learn Hopefully, I can return some of the same."

Thanks, Stephen, but I'm in my dotage now, rather like our presidential candidates? I've had maybe 4,500 students at community colleges, and I'd say I learned from at least half of them--not all, simply because not enough time to. I believe most learned more from me than the reverse--why else was I paid? But it was/is surely a two-way street. I look forward to seeing some of your reviews. My computer has bugs, but seems to be functioning okay tonight...

message 17: by Stephen

Stephen P(who no longer can participate due to illness) An honor Alan to accept your Friendship Request. I'm a bit overwhelmed by your background and command but this just means there will be more for me to learn Hopefully, I can return some of the same.

Mercurialgem Happy New Years! =)

message 15: by Dean

Dean Pusell Thank you for being my friend Allan :)))

message 14: by Alan

Alan Alan wrote: "Maurizio (matemati) wrote: "Ciao Alan!
I'm interested in your book 'Birdtalk': how can I get it?"

Maurizio (matemati) wrote: "Ciao Alan!
I'm interested in your book 'Birdtalk': how can I get it?"

If you haven't found my Birdtalk at a good price, I can send one of the few I have here--though they charge lots for mail as I recall. I just sent my Bruno book to Italy, $15 US--nearly half the value of the book itslef. AP

message 13: by Alan

Alan Maurizio (matemati) wrote: "Ciao Alan!
I'm interested in your book 'Birdtalk': how can I get it?"

Maurizio (matemati) wrote: "Ciao Alan!
I'm interested in your book 'Birdtalk': how can I get it?"

Maurizio--Grazie tanto. Thanks for your interest. It's on, and There
are some great prices, used and I think even new. Sold a few in the UK
a couple weeks ago, I think bec of my email on the Dyfi ospreys, but I don't know. My website has some of my imitations and bird "conversations," including one, the Merlo recorded in Italy, on Radio Uno (2004). There's also a link on my website to the talk I gave in Milan, in Italian. See
For the birdsound click up top on Birdtalk. For the Italian talk, click under the book cover on the right. Alan

Maurizio (matemati) Ciao Alan!
I'm interested in your book 'Birdtalk': how can I get it?

message 11: by Alan

Alan Oh, as for Twain--also, as with Dickens, his European travels, I think titled Autobiographies. And Tom Sawyer, which I find a much more interesting critique of America (schools, religion etc) than Huckleberry Finn.

message 10: by Alan

Alan Fede wrote: "I just forgot to tell you another satirical writer I like: bukowsky. But way too dirty for me. There are some episodes I just can't read: too rude and disgusting. Anyway, he's got a unique comic st..."

I've read very little Bukowski. Seems very sexist to me, in that San Francisco kind of way. And now, pretty dated?

message 9: by Alan

Alan Fede wrote: "What should i read by mark train?
Ps: i believe sooner or later i'll read the tale of Two cities by just appeals my . I'm curious about it."

Two Cities may be Dickens' least amusing novel--I like Nicholas Nickelby, but it's really long, of course. And Dickens' Italian account is very good--it must also be in Italian?

message 8: by Fede

Fede I just forgot to tell you another satirical writer I like: bukowsky. But way too dirty for me. There are some episodes I just can't read: too rude and disgusting. Anyway, he's got a unique comic style.

message 7: by Fede

Fede What should i read by mark train?
Ps: i believe sooner or later i'll read the tale of Two cities by just appeals my . I'm curious about it.

message 6: by Alan

Alan Fede wrote: "Alan wrote: "Fede wrote: "Yes I have to admit "la prosivendola" is an unbelievably funny book,although I don't Esteem pennac so much. The fact that he considers it his best work proves that he is n..."

Austen non piace Mark Twain, pero... Ed Italiano no ha parole per
"silly" e "folly." Ma per carattere, insuperabile. E magari per un certo tipo di umorismo.

message 5: by Fede

Fede Alan wrote: "Fede wrote: "Yes I have to admit "la prosivendola" is an unbelievably funny book,although I don't Esteem pennac so much. The fact that he considers it his best work proves that he is not such a gre..."
I read austen,but didn't work for me.i'll try and read the other ones you suggested to me. It's 11.30 pm here. Goodnight!

message 4: by Alan

Alan Fede wrote: "Yes I have to admit "la prosivendola" is an unbelievably funny book,although I don't Esteem pennac so much. The fact that he considers it his best work proves that he is not such a great writer. Fo..."

Beh, in lingua inglese ci sono molti scrittori che ti fanno ridere e pensare, da Chaucer e Shakespeare attraverso Donne di Andrew Marvell (nella sua prosa), attraverso Austen a Dickinson Twain e al gelo e Yeats a Saul Bellow.

message 3: by Fede

Fede *sense

message 2: by Fede

Fede Yes I have to admit "la prosivendola" is an unbelievably funny book,although I don't Esteem pennac so much. The fact that he considers it his best work proves that he is not such a great writer. For me, real talented writers have the duty to make their readers think. Pennac only makes me laugh( not in the sens he's ridiculous,but in a positive way,still.) according to me, the only writer that can make you laugh while thinking and reflecting is the Italian Stefano Benni. The rest are ephemeral reads,although fun ones.

message 1: by Alan

Alan Piacere. A (altro)

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