Alissa Carey

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Book cover for The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone
I wonder, is it a coincidence that computers achieved their dominance at just the moment that life on earth became so cataclysmically imperilled? I wonder if that was a driver, if part of the urge to escape feeling, to plug the need for ...more
“If someone says they are hurting they mean it. Thank them for trusting you enough to be someone they can confide in, and ask if there's anything you can do to help. Most likely the answer will be no, but the offer is invaluable.”
Sara McGinnis, We Need To Talk About PMDD: Living with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Gabor Maté
“Our other core need is authenticity. Definitions vary, but here’s one that I think applies best to this discussion: the quality of being true to oneself, and the capacity to shape one’s own life from a deep knowledge of that self.”
Gabor Maté, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture

Pete Walker
“Fawn types seek safety by merging with the wishes, needs and demands of others. They act as if they unconsciously believe that the price of admission to any relationship is the forfeiture of all their needs, rights, preferences and boundaries. They often begin life like the precocious children described in Alice Miler’s 'The Drama Of The Gifted Child', who learn that a modicum of safety and attachment can be gained by becoming the helpful and compliant servants of their parents. They are usually the children of at least one narcissistic parent who uses contempt to press them into service- scaring and shaming them out of developing a healthy sense of self: an egoic locus of self-protection, self-care and self-compassion.”
Pete Walker

Ling  Ma
“I wake up. It is so silent. I could fall through the cracks of such silence.”
Ling Ma, Severance

Meghan O'Rourke
“Autoimmunity is internalized by patients as an opportunity for the ultimate self-management project. But in fact it is a manifestation of a flawed collective project. If it is an indictment of anything, it is an indictment not of our personhood but of our impulse to see social problems as being about our personhood, instead of a consequence of our collective shortcomings as co-citizens of this place and time.”
Meghan O'Rourke, The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness

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