Suspect Quotes

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Suspect (Joseph O'Loughlin, #1) Suspect by Michael Robotham
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Suspect Quotes Showing 1-30 of 40
“Remember, the worst hour of your life only lasts for sixty minutes. (292)”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“Don’t say anything unless you can improve on the silence.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“Truth is a matter of semantics, whether we like it or not.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“Do you believe in God?” he asks.
“Do you?”
“I used to”
“What happened?”
“I couldn’t find him. He’s supposed to be everywhere. I mean, he’s not supposed to be playing hide-and-seek.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“Why do our parents have the ability to make us feel like children even when our hair is graying and we have a mortgage that feels like a Third World debt? (135)”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“People think it’s easy to be cynical and pessimistic, but it’s incredibly hard work. It’s much easier to be hopeful.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“I know the answer now, but I’m so frightened I’ve forgotten the question.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“I try to explain how people react when overwhelmed by confusion and negative emotions. Some drink too much. Others overeat or beat their wives or kick the cat. And a surprising number hold their hands against a hot plate or slice open their skin with a razor blade. It's an extreme coping mechanism. They talk about their inner pain being turned outward. By giving it a physical manifestation they find it easier to deal with. (35)”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“What is the point of sharing your life with someone if you can't communicate with them about the things that matter?”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“We are often criminals in the eyes of the earth, not only for having committed crimes, but because we know what crimes have been committed. - The Man in the Iron Mask (155)”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“My other chore is to buy a tree- a thankless task. The only truly well-proportioned Christmas trees are the ones they use in advertisements. If you try and find one in real life you face inevitable disapointment. Your tree will lean to the left or the right. It will be too bushy at the base, or straggly at the top. Even if you do, by some miracle, find a perfect tree, if won't fit in the car and by the time you strap it to the rooftop and drive it home the branches are broken and twisted out of shape. You
wrestle it through the door, gagling on pine needles and sweating profusely, only to hear the maddening question from countless Christmases past: 'Is that really the best one you could find?”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“The worst hour of your life is only sixty minutes long”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“You know its going to be a bad day when you are having a prostate examination and you feel both of your doctor's hands on your shoulders!”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“If I become the man you want, I wouldn't be the man I am.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“Did you ever see the Truman Show?...Well sometimes I think I’m Truman. I think the whole world is watching me. My life has been created by someone else’s expectations. Everything is a façade. The walls are plywood and the furniture is papier-mâché. And then I think that if I could just run fast enough, I’d get around the next corner and find the back lot of the film set. But I can never run fast enough. By the time I arrive, they’ve built another street… and another.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“Why give me this life and then give me this disease? Why give me joy and beauty of you and Charlie and then snatch it away? It’s like showing someone a glimpse of what life could be like and in the next breath telling them that it can never happen”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“Getting to know patients is what I do. I learn about their deepest fears and secrets. A professional relationship becomes a personal one. It can be no other way. (190)”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“Do you know that if you close your eyes really tightly, so you can see stars, when you open them again it's a brand new world.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“I've discovered the secret of revenge. Outlive the f---ers! I'll dance on their graves.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“People talk about the sins of omission. What does that mean? Who decides if something is a sin? I know that I'm being semantic, but judging by the way people moralize and jump to conclusions, anyone would think that the truth is real and solid, that it's something that can be picked up and passed around, weighed and measured, before being agreed upon. But the truth isn't like that. If I were to tell you this story tomorrow it would be different than today. I would have filtered the details through my defenses and rationalized my actions. Truth is a matter of semantics, whether we like it or not.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“I was so worried about rocking the boat, I failed to spot the iceberg.”
Michael Robotham, The Suspect
“Afterwards he congratulated me on a new university record for the most organs hit with one needle in a single procedure.”
Michael Robotham, The Suspect
“The very first child to introduce himself will be the one with the fewest friends.”
Michael Robotham, The Suspect
“I did that,” says my memory. “I could not have done that,” says my pride, and remains inexorable. Eventually—​​the memory yields. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil”
Michael Robotham, The Suspect
“You do not understand yet what you will understand in the end .”
Michael Robotham, The Suspect
“I feel sick to the stomach; hopeless in the head.”
Michael Robotham, The Suspect
“A coincidence is just a couple of things happening simultaneously.”
Michael Robotham, The Suspect
“Ricordati che anche l'ora peggiore della tua vita non dura più di sessanta minuti.”
Michael Robotham, Suspect
“H.L. Mencken – journalist, beer-drinker and sage – said that for every complex problem there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong. I share his mistrust for the obvious.”
Michael Robotham, The Suspect
“People talk about the sins of omission. What does that mean? Who decides if something is a sin? I know that I’m being semantic, but judging by the way people moralise and jump to conclusions, anyone would think that the truth is real and solid; that it’s something that can be picked up and passed around, weighed and measured, before being agreed upon. But the truth isn’t like that. If I were to tell you this story tomorrow, it would be different than today. I would have filtered the details through my defences and rationalised my actions. Truth is a matter of semantics, whether we like it or not.”
Michael Robotham, The Suspect

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