The Omega Point Quotes

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The Omega Point (The God Series Book 10) The Omega Point by Mike Hockney
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The Omega Point Quotes Showing 1-6 of 6
“A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.” – Mark Twain The history of our world is the history of the triumph of the lie. The lie is much faster than the truth, and much more emotionally appealing.”
Mike Hockney, The Omega Point
“It can’t be stressed enough that science produces nothing but hypotheses, models, simulations and approximations. There is nothing true about it. It has nothing to do with truth. It’s simply about modelling phenomena with increasing accuracy.”
Mike Hockney, The Omega Point
“We live in a world that suffers from “status quo bias”. This means that change is resisted just because it’s change. People want to be safe and secure in familiar surroundings, with familiar people and familiar routines. Average people simply don’t like change. They don’t want it. Boredom is supposed to spur people on to change things, to change their life. However, nowadays, we have endless diversion tactics, endless ways of staving off boredom with the TV, movies, music, video games, online gambling and porn, and so on. All this means that it’s harder than ever to bring about real change.”
Mike Hockney, The Omega Point
“Great mathematical geniuses such as Pythagoras, Plato, Descartes, Leibniz, Fourier and Gödel all recognized that mathematics is ontological. ‘Real’ mathematics is ontological mathematics that tells us about reality; it’s not abstract mathematics that has no connection with reality, as most professional mathematicians seem to believe. Reality is 100% mathematical. Above all, Fourier mathematics is the key to the mystery of the universe because it’s the answer to the mystery of mind and matter and how they interact. Mind is the Fourier frequency domain and matter is the inverse Fourier spacetime domain, and the two domains are absolutely tied together in feedback loop. The universe, finally, is a hologram and holography is all about Fourier mathematics.”
Mike Hockney, The Omega Point
“The Omega Point is not a fantasy. We are converging on it. If humanity trusts in its most enlightened, meritocratic, intelligent individuals, committed to helping Society rather than themselves, we can get there in two or three generations. That’s how close we are.”
Mike Hockney, The Omega Point
“Ultimately, the only people who make a difference are specific individuals – the ones capable of getting off their ass and doing something incredibly creative. Those are the only people to whom we have anything to say. What do the rest matter? They are irrelevant.”
Mike Hockney, The Omega Point