Iron Gold Quotes
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Iron Gold Quotes
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“I know it may be impossible to believe now, when everything is dark and broken, but you will survive this pain, little one. Pain is a memory. You will live and you will struggle and you will find joy. And you will remember your family from this breath to your dying days, because love does not fade. Love is the stars, and its light carries on long after death.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“My wife is not as fickle as a flame. She is an ocean. I knew from the first that I cannot own her, cannot tame her, but I am the only storm that moves her depths and stirs her tides. And that is more than enough.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“It is my duty as a free man to read so I'm not blind being lead around by my nose”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, or a hell of heaven.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“Sevro sniffs my neck and makes a noise of distaste. “By Jove. You wretch. Did you dip yourself in piss before the occasion?” “It’s cologne,” I say. “Mustang bought it for me last Solstice.” He’s quiet for a moment. “Is it made out of piss?”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“The key to learning, to power, to having the final say in everything, is observation. By all means, be a storm inside, but save your movement and wind till you know your purpose.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“I suppose that is what every man must tell himself in war.” His voice rasps and he sucks again on the water tube. “That there will be an end, and when it is done, enough of himself will remain. Enough to be a father. A brother. A lover. But we know it isn’t true. Don’t we, Darrow? War eats the victors last.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“They all want a part of it. A part of the pain that's not theirs. Nod their heads. Wrinkle their foreheads. Now they want to pity it, gorge on my pain. And when they're done or bored or too sad, they whisk themselves away to stare at a screen or stuff their fat faces, thinking 'How lucky am I to be me.' And they they forget the pain and say we should be good citizens. Get a job. Assimilate..
They planted us in stones, watered us with pain, and now marvel how we have thorns.”
― Iron Gold
They planted us in stones, watered us with pain, and now marvel how we have thorns.”
― Iron Gold
“Sevro grins. “Listen, Thraxa, kids are like dogs. Some whimper, some bark, some growl. You just gotta find the right language and then speak it back at them.” Alexandar smirks. “You can speak to dogs?” “I talk to you, don’t I?”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“Sharing a life threads more than flesh and blood together. It weaves her memories in and around and through mine. The more I know of her, the more I share of her, the more I love her in a way the boy I used to be never knew how to love. Eo was a flame, dancing against the wind. I tried to catch her. Tried to hold her. But she was never meant to be held. My wife is not as fickle as a flame. She is an ocean. I knew from the first that I cannot own her, cannot tame her, but I am the only storm that moves her depths and stirs her tides. And that is more than enough.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“Men call him father, liberator, warlord, Slave King, Reaper. But he feels a boy as he falls toward the war-torn planet, his armor red, his army vast, his heart heavy. It is the tenth year of war and the thirty-third of his life.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“Do not let fear touch you. Fear is the torrent. The raging river. To fight it is to break and drown. But to stand astride it is to see it, feel it, and use its course for your own whims.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“I loved you before I ever met you. I will love you until the sun dies. And when it does, I will love you in the darkness.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“If you are wise and lucky and live long as me, you will learn this pain is just a drop in the sea.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“This is not the end. I loved you before I ever met you. I will love you until the sun dies. And when it does, I will love you in the darkness. Goodbye, wife.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“A fool pulls the leaves. A brute chops the trunk. A sage digs the roots. —LORN AU ARCOS”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“Those you protect will not see you. They will not understand you. But you are the Gray wall between civilization and chaos. And they stand safe in the shadow you cast. Do not expect praise or love. Their ignorance is proof of the success of your sacrifice. For we who serve the state, duty must be its own reward.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold
“Cassius lets his helmet retract and winks at me. His face is harder than when we first met. But every now and again there’s that twinkle in his eyes, like a light inside a far-off tent, making you feel warm even though you’re still outside. And I am outside. He thinks I don’t see how wounded he is. How I’m a replacement for the brother Darrow of Lykos took from him in the Institute. Sometimes he looks at me and I know he sees Julian. A small, selfish part of me wishes he just saw me.”
― Iron Gold
― Iron Gold