The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S Quotes

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The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity by Carlos Wallace
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The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S Quotes Showing 1-30 of 118
“The word “friend” is a label anyone can try on. You decide who is best suited to wear it.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“The most dangerous among us come dressed as angels and we learn too late they are the devil in disguise.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“You own your feelings. You own your thoughts. You control both. No one has the right to any of it—to any of you without your permission.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Each day, wake up with a plan. Don’t just approach your days in an unfocused void. That state of mind leaves too much room for discontent, opposition, unhappiness and hopelessness.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“If you promise to love, trust, respect, support and stand by someone no matter what, do not just speak those words when times are good. Live those words when challenges arise. The stronger the love and commitment, the more unbreakable the bond. United hearts will never be easily divided.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Insecurity is a powerful enemy. It forces people to use make-up, plastic surgery, collagen injections and liposuction; to nip, tuck, throw up, push up, suck in and laser.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“I just follow God's lead. One step, one day and one opportunity at a time. The hardest part is not becoming distracted.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Never be afraid to love. Just be careful who you love.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Occupy your thoughts with purpose and you will be so busy pursuing a meaningful future there will be no time for doubt, chaos and disappointment.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“People spend money they don’t have on clothes and accessories they don’t need to fill a void. No matter how much they invest in their own physical reconstruction (or in some cases deconstruction), they are still unhappy with who they see in the mirror. Don’t get me wrong. We all do things to enhance our personal appearance, some more than others. But changing what’s on the outside will not resolve deep-rooted issues.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Make a difference, change the game for the better, leave a legacy, be a guide that someone else can follow and make better, and then someone else will follow that and make that better.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Ignorance is a progressive thinker’s enemy; acceptance, awareness, accountability and action are the tools of the informed; of people who want change and do all they can to achieve it.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Sharing pillow talk with the wrong people can make a hard bed to lie on, and will surely lead to nightmares in your relationship.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Trying to change someone to suit your desires is a setup for disappointment.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Live life with no filters.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Testing the wrong person can prove a massive failure for the antagonist.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“As someone who has dealt with his fair share of disappointment, I’ve learned the best way to cope with trouble is to approach every situation with eyes wide open; focused and determined.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“I know far too many people who prefer to shield their mind’s eye from the truth. They live in a perpetual state of denial, hoping their problems will cease to exist if they pretend they are not there. However shutting out your problems does not dismiss them. Ignorance is not bliss. On the contrary, it creates an opportunity for those problems to grow.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“There are few things that weigh on a person’s ability to grow and thrive more than insecurity. One critique, one insult, one harsh act could cripple a person who is not confident enough in their own skin to ignore the comments.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Loving someone is a full time commitment. Use that time wisely. Cherish the high points and fight hard to conquer the challenges. No one said love would be easy, but it is dam sure worth it.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“We live in a society where people feel they have to be right, no matter what. If we subscribe to that narrow view, the critical gray area is compromised.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Be the start of something that is good, revolutionary and powerful. Everything after that is a bonus!”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“When God chooses you to deliver a message, to have a purpose, no one and nothing can reverse the course of His plan.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Love is a two-way street, but not everyone deserves a license.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“In relationships, everyone makes mistakes. If you are forgiven for yours, don't take it for granted.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“When you sever ties with the unit purely for self-serving intentions, you are likely to find yourself stranded and struggling to survive; fighting to keep your head above water. What’s more, there is no one to save you because you’ve turned your back on your comrades and snubbed your support system.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“When you switch your focus from the “we” to the “me”, the goal from “team” to “self”, you upset the balance of the whole. Consequentially, that redistribution of effort impedes success.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“It's been said that actions speak louder than words. Sometimes, it's what you don't say or do, that sends the loudest message.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity
“Assign a deadline to your biggest objectives and stick to it so they don’t become just another litany of “what ifs” and sad regrets.”
Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity

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