The Epistles of Horace Quotes

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The Epistles of Horace The Epistles of Horace by Horatius
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The Epistles of Horace Quotes Showing 1-8 of 8
“Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be recalled.”
Horace, The Epistles of Horace
“Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret
et mala perrumpet furtim fastidia victrix.
(Drive Nature out with a pitchfork, she'll come right back,
Victorious over your ignorant confident scorn.)”
Horace, The Epistles of Horace
“La saggezza è il principio e la fonte di una bella scrittura.”
Quinto Orazio Flacco, Epistole
“Expel nature with a pitchfork, but every time it will return as conqueress to stealthily break through bilious aversions.”
Horatius, The Epistles of Horace
“يريد أن يتظاهر بأنه الوحيد الذي يفهم ما نجهله أنا وهو.

quod mecum nescit, solus”
Horatius, The Epistles of Horace
“يريد أن يتظاهر بأنه الوحيد الذي يفهم ما نجهله أنا وهو.”
Horatius, The Epistles of Horace
“يريد أن يتظاهر بأنه الوحيد الذي يفهم ما نجهله أنا وهو".”
Horatius, The Epistles of Horace
“He wants to pretend he knows what he and I don't.”
Horatius, The Epistles of Horace