When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present Quotes

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When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond  Fears That Hold You Back When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back by Sue Augustine
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When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present Quotes Showing 1-20 of 20
“Dear God

Please take away my pain and despair of yesterday and any unpleasant memories and replace them with Your glorious promise of new hope. Show me a fresh HS-inspired way of relating to negative things that have happened. I ask You for the mind of Christ so I can discern Your voice from the voice of my past. I pray that former rejection and deep hurts will not color what I see and hear now.

Help me to see all the choices I have ahead of me that can alter the direction of my life. I ask You to empower me to let go of the painful events and heartaches that would keep me bound. Thank You for Your forgiveness that You have offered to me at such a great price. Pour it into my heart so I can relinquish bitterness hurts and disappointments that have no place in my life. Please set me free to forgive those who have sinned against me and caused me pain and also myself. Open my heart to receive Your complete forgiveness and amazing grace. You have promised to bind up my wounds Psa 147:3 and restore my soul Psa 23:3 .

Help me to relinquish my past surrender to You my present and move to the future You have prepared for me. I ask You to come into my heart and make me who You would have me to be so that I might do Your will here on earth. I thank You Lord for all that’s happened in my past and for all I have become through those experiences. I pray You will begin to gloriously renew my present.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“The time has come to lay that baggage down and leave behind all the struggling and striving. You can be set free as you journey forward into a balanced healthy and rewarding future.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“At times it may seem as though you and your past are one. Sometimes we fail to differentiate between what has happened to us and who we are today. If you have a hard time getting beyond that damaging mind-set let me encourage you right now. You are not your past Although you are changed and shaped by past experiences who you were yesterday does not control the person you have the potential to become tomorrow.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“I want to encourage you by letting you know that there’s hope for you and your situation whatever you are dealing with. God is intimately involved with every detail of your future and His desire is for you to be an overcomer.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“If you have ever felt hopeless hang on The night you’re enduring may seem long but there is joy coming in the morning. Incredible changes are going to take place in your life as you begin to relinquish your past and renew your present.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“Letting go is one of the major cornerstones of being set free make a decision to release whatever is holding you back. Don’t hang on to anything that is not empowering you to move forward. In reality you always have the option of choosing whether you will focus on a hurtful past or fill your mind with uplifting thoughts of the present and all its blessings. Your mind cannot focus on both negative and positive ideas at the same time.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“One of the great things about life is that you can start over. With God there are always new beginnings and second chances. He specializes in giving people fresh starts. While you may feel overwhelmed at times and held back by painful recollections haunting fears remorse shame or guilt God’s power in your present life is not limited by what took place in your past. When you are governed and manipulated by your painful memories you allow your past to control your future. But when you choose to give God the controls He can do amazing things with the rest of your life. You can start now and have a brand-new ending”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“The reason to forgive ourselves is not because we feel like it or because we want to see ourselves as blameless but because we limit what we can receive from God when we hold on to our past. He wants to do so much more than we could ever imagine. Forgiving yourself starts with believing in God’s incredible love for you and accepting His amazing grace and mercy. If God Almighty can forgive us who are we to hold on to what He has not only forgiven but forgotten”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“You may not be able to control what happens to you but you can control what happens within you.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“But not forgiving yourself often becomes the root of severe self-loathing extreme self hatred and intense inhibitions. It will be next to impossible to truly start over when you feel unforgivable.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“God who lives in you gives you the grace to move beyond your deepest wounds and say “You are forgiven ” and “I am forgiven.” If you allow Him He will give you a fresh start – right now.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“Our past can control today and tomorrow only to the degree we allow it. The past should not be a place where we dwell but a place from which we learn all we can and then move on.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“Although your past has been painful devastating or cruel God has promised to be a Restorer and a Redeemer. He says He will “give us gladness in proportion to our former misery ” and “replace the evil years with good”.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“When we want to let go of a situation no matter what it is we must be able to “bless” it. When you bless something you sanction it giving it your approval and endorsement freeing it to go forward with your cooperation and support.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“There’s one emotion that will keep u miserable more than any others – and that is feeling like a disappointment in God’s eyes. Believing you have let God down will certainly hold you back from receiving His best – love mercy grace and forgiveness. Let me encourage you right now – you are definitely not a disappointment to God. He made you and He understands your human emotions passions and frailties.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“God uses our conscience. He knows we can only start over when we are not condemning ourselves anymore.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“How often do we clutch the burdens of our guilt and regrets – or another’s violation in our life – when we have the option of releasing them There are many things we need to release in order to experience true freedom.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“We will never move out of the present and into the future with all God has planned for us if we cling to dwell in the past.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“When you choose to focus on today and all the possibilities that lie ahead you automatically release your grip on yesterday. Layers of the past gradually fall away and you are soon set free”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back
“Often the negative emotions are merely habitual ways of thinking that have been given place in your mind over time. We tend to believe these patterns are part of our character that cannot be changed but they can be broken. Don’t accept being manipulated by your feelings. Freedom from your troubled emotions may be just a prayer away.”
Sue Augustine, When Your Past Is Hurting Your Present: Getting Beyond Fears That Hold You Back