Eerie Stillnes and Other Short Stories Quotes

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Eerie Stillnes and Other Short Stories Quotes
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“My friend remarked, "When my alarm went off this morning, I found myself saying - Do I really need my job?"
It was not all that long ago, I had a similar thought. Then I made a decision - I will love my job until I can exchange it for my passion. Today, I am living my passion and I don't need my job.
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― Eerie Stillnes and Other Short Stories
It was not all that long ago, I had a similar thought. Then I made a decision - I will love my job until I can exchange it for my passion. Today, I am living my passion and I don't need my job.
All rights reserved sirpeterjamesdotcom©2020-01-20”
― Eerie Stillnes and Other Short Stories
“At 78 years of age, I discovered myself; and the most significant thing was, I realized it wasn't too late!
Nothing in life can be said to be, "Too late." The expression, 'too late', is linked to time and as time is an illusion, thus, there is no such thing as 'too late.'
Who says it's 'too late'? Why your Ego of course. Who is my Ego? The Ego is the Bot in your brain, whose job it is to ensure you don't perform any actions that could harm you, or cause you to make an idiot out of yourself.
This Bot is wired with a logic that says, 'What you don't do won't harm you.' So, the surest way to stop you is to say, 'It's too late' The result? You stand there watching the back end of the tube train disappearing into the tunnel of Lost Opportunity.”
― Eerie Stillnes and Other Short Stories
Nothing in life can be said to be, "Too late." The expression, 'too late', is linked to time and as time is an illusion, thus, there is no such thing as 'too late.'
Who says it's 'too late'? Why your Ego of course. Who is my Ego? The Ego is the Bot in your brain, whose job it is to ensure you don't perform any actions that could harm you, or cause you to make an idiot out of yourself.
This Bot is wired with a logic that says, 'What you don't do won't harm you.' So, the surest way to stop you is to say, 'It's too late' The result? You stand there watching the back end of the tube train disappearing into the tunnel of Lost Opportunity.”
― Eerie Stillnes and Other Short Stories